Tips for care methods that aim to prevent "slow muscle pain (DOMS)"

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Repeated up and down the slope, working hard on a long -time squat, running / cycling for the first time in a long time.Isn't it?

It is a symptom called "delayed muscle pain (DOMS = Delayed ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS)".

◇ What is the cause of late -developing muscle pain (DOMS)?

It's a common thing that hurts your body immediately after exercising intensely.It is not unusual for pain to be disturbed the next day or next day after exercise, such as running and cycling.

Late muscle pain (DOMS) is muscle pain that comes within 24 to 48 hours after exercise.What is the cause?It has not been completely elucidated yet.Muscles and muscles due to exercise,

It is generally considered to be due to fine muscle rupture by repeating extension (eccentric contraction = extension muscle contraction) and shortening (outlet contraction = shortened muscle contraction).

For example, stepping on the pedal by bicycle is more eccentric than you might imagine for hamstrings.And the stretch is repeated for each stroke.This is recognized for cyclists as a naturally delayed muscle pain (DOMS).

"This is a symptom caused by repeated intense extension movements," said Dr. Oliver Wood, who is a lecturer in Nutrition / Exercise and Movement Science at the Stirling University and a member of the Gataded Sports Science Institute.increase.

◇ What is muscle pain in the first place?

In the first place, muscle pain is generally described as "the result of inflammation caused by the repair and recovery of muscle cells".And you'll feel that the degree is reduced as your body adapts to exercise.Certainly, DOMS is painful and unpleasant.However, it should not be a serious symptom that "training should be interrupted by that."

"DONS itself is something that happens in an extremely natural flow. If you know the accurate care method, it can be expected to be prevented so that it does not affect the next day's training," he said..S.According to Gary Gerry Sero, a physiotherapist who runs the Athletic Training Center.

Geriero has the idea that knowing a smart way that suits his lifestyle can greatly reduce the effects of DOMS by incorporating it on a daily basis."No matter what you do, it's consistent. If you can keep the consistent, you should be able to realize the effect," he says.

◇ The symptoms of delay muscle pain, what are the effects?

It is not unusual to have some pain after exercise.Rather, there are many people who feel joyful.However, some people may not want to welcome DOMS positively.



"DOMS is nothing but a sign of damage and fatigue," says Dr. Charahan.In addition, a sprain of the ankle will affect the way of walking. In the same way, if it becomes DOMS, it will affect the whole body movement. How to walk, how to sit, (cyclist.For), it can be expected that the balance will change in various ways, such as how to step on the pedal and how the power is applied.The important thing is to prepare the muscles that can respond to exercise. Just because you don't feel pain does not mean that your muscles are not enhanced. "

◇3人の専門家による筋肉痛予防のアドバイス & 回復方法

This time, we will introduce DOMS prevention by improving nutrition and lifestyle, tips for exercise that do not cause DOMS, and recovery method (recovery method) (recovery method) (recovery method).I will do it.

By doing so, let's settle consistent training to avoid muscle pain, and prepare for that.

◇ 4 diet advice to prevent delay muscle pain (DOMS)

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There seems to be an objection to the opinion that antioxidants reduce inflammation.However, various studies have suggested that antioxidants will strengthen the immune system and prevent damage like dominoes by free radicals that cause DOMS and other physical pain, and protect cells from damage.There is certainly a report.

In particular, Wooddo emphasizes that blueberries, pomegranates, cherrys, etc. are not only high in antioxidants, such as vitamin A, C, E, but also have many other nutrients.。


[2] Take sufficient healthy lipids

Lipids are indispensable for maintaining cells."Omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish are said to form a barrier by being incorporated into the cell membrane of the muscles and maintain the condition of the cell membrane," said Watered.

Research has reported that cells with deteriorated cell membranes leak an enzyme called "Claire Chinkinase" into the body, which causes muscle pain and muscle cramps.Omega 3 fatty acids are rich in fat (not fish oil supplements).If you are not good at fish, try to incorporate many ingredients such as flax (flux) and spinach on a regular basis.

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[3] Take enough vitamin D

"Recent research results have revealed that adopting vitamin D into meals promotes muscle recovery significantly," said Witted.

There are also research that derives the results of "vitamin D improving muscle function", which should help prevent injuries.To get vitamin D effectively, it is a good idea to incorporate ingredients such as fat and dairy products.

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[4] Keep protein intake

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"You can prevent DOMS by taking protein (protein) throughout the day," says Nate Dan, a certified coach of the USAC (USAC (USA CYCLING). "。He says, "It's a good idea to aim for protein of about 20 to 30 grams every three hours."It is said to be the effect of stable supply of amino acids, which is the components of muscles, by constantly incorporating protein into the body.

Even if you are not a professional protein shake, it is a good idea to take moderate protein sources in your favorite method, such as Greek yogurt and nuts.

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◇ How to train to avoid DOMS ・ 4 precautions

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The most basic rule to prevent muscle damage is to gradually raise the strength of training, conscious of the progress of the process (= raising the training stage).

"DOMS is caused by applying a load on the body to be tolerated," says Dan.Then, "You should identify the starting point that is suitable for your ability and start from there. You have to give priority to recovery from injuries whether you are thin, fat, active type.There will be. Please listen to the honest voice of your body. "

If you don't have a habit of moving your body on a daily basis, you may want to start with aerobic exercise such as light cycling about three times a week.It may be a good idea to try 60 to 90 minutes each time.In order to train without a heavy burden on the body, it is recommended that you stably accumulate the load to be imposed.

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"For example, cyclists can reduce the burden on the torque and muscles that are indirectly added by maintaining the loading speed after reducing the load," says Dan."Before starting the sprint interval, first of all, just keeping 90 revolutions every minute and the result will change drastically."In other words, instead of raising the gear and thinking about the pedal, you should first think about turning quickly with the gear below.


"It is not meaningless to do intense training with unreasonable knowledge or a hard workout that is concentrated for a short period of time.You should be well understood in advance, "said Dr. Stuart Philips, a professor at the Macmaster University and a research fellows of the American Sports Medicine and the American Society of Nutrition.

"After excessive training, you have to take enough care for it after excessive training so that you do not damage your muscles by exceeding the limit.If you put it, you can expect to recover your intense muscles in 1-2 weeks, and your fitness itself will be further improved. Hard -push -based muscle training that has exceeded one week is "overkill".That means overtaining. "

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For example, cyclists can be a stronger rider by doing other training in parallel with cycling.

"It's not easy to suggest a person who loves riding a bicycle," Let's swim in the pool, not a bicycle today, "" says Charahan."However, at least one or two days a week, it is not bad to concentrate on maintaining evenly stable muscle strength. Aiming to be a more healthy and more athlete.If so, cross -training would be indispensable, and as a result, it would definitely improve the performance on bicycles. "

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In other words, for one or two days a week, we perform weight training, yoga, jogging, speed -conscious walking, etc.I recommend that.

◇ Two things to do to prevent "muscle pain (DOMS)" after exercise

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1.Anyway, fuel supply

You all know that the human body consumes amino acids obtained from protein (protein) to restore muscle damage caused by exercise.

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Some researchers argue, but many of the athletes are aware that "for 30 to 60 minutes immediately after exercise, to promote muscle repair and prevent DOMS by eating a lot of protein."Is common.At that time, the intake was "It is good to use about 20 grams as a guide" is "Pannam Games American Games (= North -South American Continent Nunes participated in the Continent Continent, and once every four years).) Is Nancy Guest, the chief nutritionist.

Guest Doctor says that snacks containing "whey protein (milk -derived protein)" are effective."Whey protein" is rich in amino acids called leucine, which seems to promote the synthesis of muscle pigs.

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2.Muscle care with form rollers

Immediately after exercising, the muscle fiber has lost its smoothness.Therefore, if you perform a self -massage using a form roller, you can easily solve the masual fiber and scar tissue, and you can expect a better recovery.

"I'm a big fan of this form roller," says Charahan."The massage to the soft tissue is very similar to the rationale, and it can be expected to improve the recovery speed by activating blood flow and nutritional transportation in damaged muscles," he added.rice field.

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The "Esquire Japan Version" introduces recommended form rollers, and various sizes are sold, from 5000 yen or less and affordable items.It can be easily used regardless of time and place, and it is worth the pain, as it can be used to reduce and prevent pain.

Even if you go out or watch the programs that you care about Netflix, you can easily massage at a much less expensive cost than the city massage."There is no way not to use this," said Charahan.

◇ If you still have late muscle pain (DOMS)?

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(As much as possible) Do not rely on painkillers

"It is not recommended to use anti -inflammatory or painkillers to survive training during the period until DOMS recovers," said Wooded.

An anti -inflammatory drug has a good view that there are more disadvantages than the advantages.It is often said that instead of cure the symptoms, simply hide."In the end, a greater damage will be accumulated, and in some cases, a serious situation may be caused," said Watered.You should also be aware of the deceiving pain, relieving pain, and the difference.

Relying on the treatment of experts

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As mentioned above, we have explained the points, but if you are still suffering from DOMS every time you train, we recommend that you rely on a practical trial.

"There are a number of ways to try out frozen therapy, acupuncture, electric massage, and floated tanks.

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◇ Summary

Nevertheless, Gerriero acknowledges that "it may be so easy to do such a professional treatment and find a reliable physiotherapist for it," he said.That's why what kind of options do you first have before making a reservation for treatment?It is also important not to be afraid to ask questions about how to deal with DOMS before examining.

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Source / Bicycling
Translation / Kazuki Kimura

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