Reasons for "English jokes" are boring for Japanese people rather than boring the idea of foreigners

Happy new year.Debit.

International businessman, I can't say one of the jokes in English.Have you ever felt so?I think that's right.It is said that a good speech will enter from the joke first.The so -called "grasp is OK".There are jokes instead of greetings on a daily basis.In this case, if the joked side can be returned by joke, it will be smart.

Strong joke to President Clinton

Although it is an urban legend, for example, this is an example.When a Japanese leader in the US Bill Clinton in the United States first met President Clinton, there was an incident in which he thought "How are you?" In English and said "Who Are You?"That's right.

「英語のジョーク」が日本人にはつまらない理由 外国人の発想がつまらないというより言葉の壁

However, it seems that President Clinton received (Oh, the upcoming Japanese leader, suddenly said a joke)."Who are you?" To the President of the U.S.A.And answer like this."I am Hilary Clinton's Husband.It is truly a return.However, a certain answer to this:"Me Too!"

Perhaps it was decided that the answer "I am Fine, How are you?"It is an urban legend, and it is not clear whether such a conversation was really exchanged, but maybe Clinton will be a big leader in Japan!You might have thought.Joke exchange is also an intelligent game.

By the way, when you learned English in middle and high school, you may have learned a conversation that seems to be an English joke as a material for conversation learning.And I guess I thought, "I guess English jokes are boring."

There are several causes for this.First, the case with irony.

Were you born in a barn?お前は納屋で生まれたのか?=ドアを閉めなさい

A case where you can't understand unless you think of the scene.

Son: Mom, how far is Japan?Mom: Be quiet and keep swimming.息子:ママ、日本までどのくらい?母:黙って泳ぎなさい