"Sino Aris" new character Rapunzel introduction and Alice after the reality

 iOS/Android app "SINoALICE" distributed by Pokelabo and Square Enix. Celebrating its 2nd anniversary on June 6, 2019, it is getting more and more exciting with commemorative events.

 "Sinoalice" is an RPG in which the original story and creative director is Yoko Taro, music is Keiichi Okabe and MONACA, and character design is Gino. Enjoy strategic real-time battles with simple and easy controls.

 After the "Reality" scenario, the "Fusion" where the library world and the real world begin to merge is underway, and we can't wait to see how Yokotaro-san's story unfolds!

 Rapunzel (voiced by Akane Fujita) will appear on June 13th as a new character. I'm also curious about her monogatari, which uses "purity" as a keyword.

In this article, we will introduce the characters that appeared in "Sinoalice", which celebrated its 2nd anniversary, including spoilers after the reality arc! "In addition, we will also present our thoughts on the world of "Sinoalice"!"

 Not only for those who are playing this work, but also for those who have left this work without seeing the story after the real story, so please watch it until the end. please give me.

*Please be aware that there are many spoilers about "Sinoalice", so please be careful if you are planning to play.
*Please note that the story in Reality contains shocking content.
*Considerations are unique to Dengeki Online and are not official settings.

The library and the real world mingling ─ ─ those who see it

Before digging deeper into the characters, let's look back on the monogatari of "Sinoalice" so far.

``Sinoalice'' is a ``worst story'' set in a world filled with books called ``libraries'' where the characters of fairy tales (characters) scramble for ``nochi'' in order to revive the author for their own purposes. ” is drawn.

 The "impulse arc" that depicts the reasons why the characters want the author, and the "hate arc" that reveals the distorted parts of the characters through Nightmare, these are monogatari in the world of the "library".

 And at the end of the hatred arc, urged by Gishin and Anki, the characters arrived at the boundary between 'dream' and 'reality'. From there, a shocking “real world” depicting their “death” in the real world begins.

 In the "Fusion Arc" that continues from the "Reality Arc", the girls who should have died wake up for some reason. But somehow the world seems strange. The "black monsters" that attack people, they have the power to defeat them before they know it.

 The one who appeared in front of the girls wielding their power for their own reasons was "another self" with the same face.

 The library and the real world that began to merge. Looking at it from the library is a "doll" of "old damage". The words spilled out of the mouth of the "Nutcracker" who "monitors" the merging world...

Introduction and consideration of the characters, including spoilers for the Reality Arc

Now, let's introduce the characters, including the new character Rapunzel! "Since there are characters that have not yet been implemented in reality, we will dig deeper into the monogatari that has been released at the moment."

Alice [Bondage] (voice actor: M.A.O)

Character of "Alice in Wonderland". The reason she wants to revive the author is because she just wants to "see" the author. He also understands that "sacrifice" is necessary for that, and believes that it is the only way to revive the creator, and throws himself into battle. It's as if it's bound by a wish──.

 In the reality version, she appears as a high school girl. She is a high school girl who has an affair with her "teacher". Even though I knew it was unacceptable, I couldn't stop. She was [bound] by her teacher and felt happy, but one day she broke up with her teacher...

 All that was left was a small life in my stomach. But there is no "teacher". She said goodbye to the reality that had become such a "meaningless world" and jumped off the roof of the building.

[Considerations about the characters' wishes]

 Each character has a purpose, and I want to bring the author back to life. Is it because Alice wants to "see" the author because she overlaps the existence of "teacher"? "If that's the case, even if we meet, I don't think we'll have a happy ending."

 It is also depicted in Alice's Fusion. This is what she thinks as she wanders the real world overrun by "black monsters" to meet her teacher.

"If... if we meet again, I might be too happy to XX the teacher."

I think the same can be said for Alice's other characters when reading the monogatari up to the hatred arc and the monogatari after the reality arc. In the first place, do Gishin and Anki intend to grant their wishes?

Snow White [Justice] (voiced by Rena Ueda)

A beautiful princess who appears in "Snow White". As the name suggests, Snow White is pure white and lives without allowing "defilement". And I believe that reviving the author is the most righteous thing, and I believe that it is my [justice]. Even if her pure white dress is dyed red and black with blood, her justice will not waver.

 In the reality version, Snow White is portrayed as a nurse who was "excellent" even though she was young. She used her position as a nurse to "poison" bad guys who could not be brought to justice under her own [justice].

He believes in justice and takes the lives of bad guys. No one else understood her justice. She learned that what people call 'justice' is determined by public sentiment. She was stabbed by a man who rushed out as "revenge" while being transported without being sentenced for the "crime" she had committed.

[Consideration of the library world]

 When I read the reality chapter, the thing that I was most emotionally attached to was Snow's monogatari. Everyone has their own sense of justice, but someone's justice is also someone else's "evil"... Is Snow aware of this?

 There is a scene where Snow in the library is also captured by justice and kills Nightmare's children. And even in the "Snow, Two Justices" implemented for the 2nd anniversary, in the end, the worst ending is reached because he clings too much to his own justice.

 By the way, in "Snow, Two Justices", Snow realizes that the world he landed in is his story world. There is an explanation of the library in the “Bookshelf Red” event, but this world is infinitely expanding while repeating replication and branching. Since there are multiple worlds, it is possible to meet your own Nightmare in the library.

 In a world where reality and libraries have fused, it's no surprise that you'll meet another person.

Hansel Gretel [Illusion] (voiced by Maaya Uchida)

 Grimm's fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" depicting a young brother and sister. The motif is a fairy tale about brothers and sisters, but the one who appears in the monogatari of "Sinoalice" is the younger sister "Gretel". However, Gretel sees in her eyes the appearance of her brother who should not be there.

 Gretel should be able to be with her brother. But why would you want the author to be resurrected? "Is it to revive the brother you "killed"?"

Everything is the monogatari of [delusional] Gretel. What was revealed in the hate story was the true identity of Gretel, who had continued to look away. The “he” who thought he was Gretel was “Hansel”, and the head he always carried around was Gretel that Hansel had killed.

 In reality, he was a hikikomori boy, the so-called "master (video distributor)". He thought that videos would not be popular if he was just a hikikomori, so in addition to his "older brother" and "sister", he played a "multiple personality" with multiple personalities and distributed videos.

 The multiple personalities who continued to act in [delusion] were suddenly found to be a lie and burst into flames. His school album photos, address, name, and age are exposed one after another, and the storm of slanderous slander from the other side of the net begins to erode his reality. With nowhere to escape, he had no choice but to stream a video showing how he finally hangs himself.

Pinocchio [Dependence] (voice actor: Yuko Sanpei)

The doll that appears in "The Adventures of Pinocchio" has turned into a human in the library. Unlike other characters, Pinocchio is afraid to fight. When he learns that it is necessary to "kill others" in order to revive the author, he tries to run away, saying "I can't do it"...

 The "staff" speaks ugly words about the weapon it wielded. "Kill" for the sake of the author. Even though Pinocchio says, "I don't like it," he becomes dependent on the wand just like a doll, and kills Nightmares as the wand tells him to. It's not my will, so it's like saying it doesn't matter.

 In the reality version, he [depended] on his mother and lived as he was told. He who was cross-dressed by his mother's hand saying "I wanted a girl". One day, their lives are posted on SNS and spread as a mother who dresses her child as a woman and her "son".

 Mothers exposed to the malice and curiosity of the world visibly go crazy. If I was a girl...or if I had made up my mind to say no, wouldn't this have happened?

 I wish I wasn't there. For the first time, the boy who was a doll slashed his own wrist with a knife.

[Consideration of differences in job stories]

 While being abused by his mother, he wanted to protect his mother, but despaired of his inability to do so and chose death. However, in fact, it is not limited to Pinocchio, but there is a difference from the job story of their real-life job “Alternative”.

 In the "alternative" job story, you can read the information reported about death in each reality arc. In the case of Pinocchio, the story is that the cause of death, which was thought to be suicide, was actually his mother's crime.

 This may be related to the structure of the library introduced earlier. What if even reality branches out into multiple worlds? "It's possible that the ending is just changing depending on what you're observing..."

The Little Mermaid [Sorrow] (voiced by Mamiko Noto)

Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid". It's a famous fairy tale that everyone knows, but it's a sad story about a mermaid who fell in love with a prince, but in the end she turns into bubbles and disappears.

Why does the Little Mermaid want to revive the author? "Is it because you want me to rewrite it with a happy ending?" The mermaid princess, who thinks that [sorrow] is beautiful, didn't want that. There is only one reason why the Little Mermaid wishes for the author's resurrection. "Andersen, please rewrite it with a sadr story."

 An ordinary OL without any special features is the figure of the Little Mermaid in the reality version. As her receptionist, she spreads her smile around her, but she cries when she is alone. She has an affair with a man who calls her "poor". For her, unrequited love was also a spice of [sorrow] to make herself look pitiful.

At one point, she strangled the man and killed him. Intoxicated by her growing pity, the OL jumps into the train and throws her life away in order to close the curtain on her story as the protagonist of the most sad and beautiful story...

[Consideration of fusion version]

 In addition to the mermaid princess, Alice, Cinderella, and Thorn Princess are drawn in the fusion arc after the reality arc.

 The mermaid princess should have had the best ending, but for some reason she is alive in the fusion arc and has the power to defeat the "black monster". She should have been the only one who felt sorry for herself, but in this chaotic world, there were many people who felt sorry for her. Her wish to be the protagonist of a pitiful story never came true.

As you can see, in the fusion arc, the girls' wishes in the reality arc were not fulfilled in the end. So, what is the purpose of the characters' wish to "revive the author" in the library?

 At the end of the reality arc, Gishin and Anki say that "no one" knows what happened to "reviving the author"...

Kaguya-hime [Masturbation] (voiced by Shizuka Ito)

Needless to say, the Japanese folk tale "Taketori Monogatari". Kaguya-hime, who is courted by many men but ends up returning to the moon. However, Princess Kaguya of the library sets out on a journey to revive the author for her own wishes.

Everyone treated Princess Kaguya as if she were a treasure, but her wishes were different. Princess Kaguya's wish for [Massacre] is to be "tortured". Anyway, I want a story about "someone stronger than me" who abuses me, and I hope the author will be revived.

 In the reality arc, Princess Kaguya is a woman who diligently works as a teacher during the day. But at night she is different. A woman who repeats one-night-only activities in search of a man who can satisfy her desires. Today as well, I will spend the night with a man who despises me, hits me, and ties me up. That desire knows no bounds, and he craves to be strangled at last. A strange sound rang out from his thin neck.

Princess Thorn [Sleep] (voiced by Kaede Hondo)

The princess that appears in "Sleeping Beauty" is Princess Ibara. In the original story, Princess Thorn fell asleep due to a witch's curse, but for Princess Thorn in the library, [sleep] is her own desire. I don't want anyone else, let alone the prince, to wake me up, so I ask the author to create a world where you can sleep all the time.

 In the reality version, Monogatari is depicted as a girl who continues to sleep due to an unknown disease. Looking at her worried parents, she loves sleep more than her mom and dad, and she just devours [sleep].

 Her body continued to fall asleep, and at some point it reached its limit. Her arm, which had become nothing but her bones and skin, could not even give her an intravenous drip, and her emaciated chest made her unable to breathe on her own... At the end of the day, due to the arrangement of the hospital, I fell into a dream world where I could never wake up, while my parents watched me quietly.

【Study of Scrapbook】

 The "Sinoalice" collaboration cafe at the Square Enix Cafe. The third collaboration is currently underway, and in the second collaboration, a “scrapbook” was distributed as a benefit to cafe users, with the theme of reality.

 This is a collection of clippings from newspapers and magazines about their deaths in the reality arc. The article on the day of death and the article one week later are summarized.

 In terms of content, the monogatari of their reality story is written from the point of view of a reporter or writer, but there are parts where their names and the date and time of their death are clearly written. . A careful reading of the date of death reveals that they did not die at the same time.

 In that case, it should be strange to wake up and meet in the same way in the fusion arc...?

Little Red Riding Hood [Violence] (Voice Actor: Rika Tachibana)

As the name suggests, "Little Red Riding Hood" is the story of a girl called "Little Red Riding Hood". Anyway, Little Red Riding Hood loves to "play" and kills the old lady, the wolf, and the hunter. Killing because it's fun, that's all.

[Violence] is all about Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood's wish is to "play" with everyone all the time. And the coolest and most fun thing is to kill the author too. That's why I want to revive the author.

 In the real world, she lived on [violence] as an assassin. One time, a man who was commissioned to kill was apparently a "dangerous and powerful man", and many men were trying to kill him in order to take revenge. But she happily says, "Let's play?"

 Even if she is beaten, stabbed, or shot with a gun, the girl keeps playing with the men who attack her one after another. But play has an end. In the back alley of the entertainment district, the killer girl covered in garbage and blood closes her eyes with a satisfied smile after having a lot of fun at the end.

Cinderella [Despicable] (voiced by Eri Kitamura)

``Cinderella'' is also a fairy tale whose story many people know. Her daughter, who was bullied by her stepmother and her older sisters, meets a prince through a one-night-only magic by a witch, and the glass slipper she dropped at a ball leads to her marrying the prince and happily marrying him. A story that seems to have ended happily, but Cinderella in the library was not satisfied.

 Cinderella decided to avenge all the humiliation she received because love and time could not heal the wounds she received from bullying. In the end, it was the convenience of the “author” that saved him, so he should throw that story away and let him rewrite it into a story that was convenient for him, allowing him to inflict as much pain on others as he wanted. With any [despicable] hand!

 In reality, she is the mistress of a yakuza. However, her position is up to that if the man she can rely on disappears. In order to make her own progress in the group, she made full use of the most [cowardly] means, and eventually climbed to the top of the group.

 However, it was a one-night dream. Having gone too far, she was even betrayed by her subordinates whom she trusted, and at her succession ceremony, her cup of vows was poisoned, and she collapsed with no one to help her. I was going.

[Consideration of Nightmare]

 "Nightmares" that the characters continue to defeat in order to fulfill their wishes. As already made clear in the Hatred Chapter, Nightmares also have their own intentions, feelings, and egos. And the characters themselves become nightmares when they are captured by Yokubo.

 As many of you already know, if you clear Monogatari on normal difficulty and challenge on hard difficulty, you will be able to understand the lines of the Nightmares in the Hatred and Reality arcs. This mechanism was also used in Yoko Taro's "NieR Replicant/Gestalt".

 The words of the Nightmares who were captured by the Yokubo. If you haven't challenged the story on Hard difficulty, please try this opportunity.

 By the way, Gishin and Anki talk about the characters in the Shodou Arc Hard. You can see what the two think about the characters, so this is also a must-see.

Dorothy [Inquiry] (Voice Actor: Rie Takahashi)

Dorothy is the main character in America's first fairy tale, "The Wizard of Oz". Dorothy in the library is a girl who wants to know anything and wants to research anything. Even Nightmares are subject to research, and Dorothy wants to "examine" the brain when the creator is revived.

 In reality, she is a researcher fascinated by the creation of time machines. She devotes everything to [her quest], even stealing her parts for her own research. I killed the shopkeeper when he caught me stealing, but if it's a sacrifice for research, it can't be helped. The time machine is finally complete! "She pressed the activation button and was enveloped in a dazzling light."

The Nutcracker [Old] (voiced by Hirotsugu Shirakuma)

"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" depicts a mysterious story about a nutcracker given as a gift for Christmas. This story is the motif characters.

 In the original story, he was the king of the doll country, but the nutcracker in "Sinoalice" is just an old man! "Today as well, he complained to the young characters."

[Consideration of the Nutcracker]

 The Nutcracker has a strong sense of being treated as a joke, but the real story is implemented. However, the contents were completely different from those of other characters.

 The Nutcracker complains even against Nightmare, but his eyes calmly observe and analyze the characters. The Nutcracker is clearly treated as something different from the characters.

 The nutcracker fusion version will finally be implemented in conjunction with the 2nd anniversary. What is the role of the Nutcracker who watches the world merging from the library...? "Important facts about the world will be revealed, so please read the Nutcracker Fusion Arc carefully!"

The Three Little Pigs [Gluttony] (voiced by Aoi Yuki)

As the name suggests, these characters are based on the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". The three little pigs in the library are completely different from fairy tales, they just eat food together! The three [Gluttony] animals that finally start eating until Nightmare wish the author to just keep eating delicious food.

 I want to keep eating, but if I eat, I'll gain weight and my stomach will be full. What if you keep eating even when you're full...? "Eat, eat, eat, vomit." If you vomit, your stomach will be empty again. Repeat eating and throwing up while repeating fat and thin. That's the three little pigs.

Aladdin [Natural Money] (voice actor: Tetsuya Kakihara)

The young man who is the protagonist of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" is Aladdin. Even authors can be revived with the power of money! Aladdin, who used the power of the lamp to become a millionaire, believes that everything in the library can be managed with the power of money.

 But after all, the power of gold doesn't seem to work against Nightmares. So Aladdin summons a mountain of gold and silver treasure ... and crushes the attacking Nightmare.

One day, when Aladdin met three little pigs, they asked him this question. "What kind of 'yokubo' can you achieve with that money?" But Aladdin didn't know his Yokubo. Before I knew it, my purpose had become “money”.

[Consideration of the three little pigs and Aladdin]

 The three little pigs and Aladdin are characters that were added later, so the reality version has not yet been implemented. Therefore, in reality, I do not know what it looks like and how it died. However, if you read and understand the hate story and the job story, it seems that you can consider it to some extent.

 The three little pigs have an easy-to-understand cleric job story. The symptoms of so-called eating disorders can be seen in which weight increases and decreases in a short period of time. There are three in the library, but it is believed that it was originally one girl with an eating disorder.

 As a Yokubo, Aladdin himself seems to have forgotten, but in the hate story and the job story, it seems that he had someone he loved. Will that person appear in the reality version...?

Rapunzel [Purity] (voiced by Akane Fujita)

"Rapunzel" is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. She is a [pure] maiden who was confined in a high tower by a witch. Rapunzel in the library was also trapped in the tower by "Mother". One day, she meets a prince...

 Rapunzel met a prince and knew a man for the first time. For some reason, she kills female Nightmares without hesitation. The reason is that women are jealous and scared of themselves. She wants to be friendly only with men.

 Rapunzel in the library seems to be satisfied with her story and says that she would like to express her gratitude if she met the author. The Innocent Maiden is so cut off from the world that she does not know what is unclean. Rapunzel, who thinks that the Brothers Grimm are two men, blushes rosy looking forward to "doing" with them.

[Consideration of Rapunzel]

 Rapunzel has captured the hearts of many users with her cute smile since the visual was first released. The story is also normal for "Sino Alice" at first...? "I don't think so." When I read to the end, I couldn't help but wonder what "purity" means... It looks like it will be a fun character to implement the reality version and other jobs!

 By the way, the keyword for Rapunzel, "chastity", was actually already implied in the "Sinoalice" game. When I deciphered the Weapon Story code for the "Aggression Staff of Masochism," it said, "The next new character is chastity."

The 2nd Anniversary Super Luxurious “Golden Festival” is being held!

 In commemoration of the 2nd anniversary of the start of service on June 6, 2019, "Sinoalice" launched a 2nd anniversary campaign "Okane no Curse and Yokubono Great Thanksgiving Day!" ” is being held.

11 consecutive gachas that can be drawn for free every day until June 25th, a campaign where you can win money (1 million yen in cash) or cash (crabs, ducks, cows, etc.) every day, Alice, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood's 2nd anniversary Luxurious events and campaigns suitable for the 2nd anniversary, such as the appearance of jobs, are being held one after another!

 For those who have played ``Sinoalice'' in the past but haven't played it recently, and for those who read this article and are worried about monogatari, let's play ``Sinoalice'' again. For those of you who say, you can get a lot of “magic stones” in the campaign now, so please try playing!
