Seiko's amazing third place! The world's largest premium watch EC website publishes the 2021 sales list Best5 | Watch LIFE NEWS | A comprehensive watch news website that enjoys watch life.

 Do you know Chrono24 (Crono 24), the largest EC website for premium watches in the world? Headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany, it is a huge market used by more than 9 million people every year. The high-end watches sold are not only new, but also range from USED products to antiques. Of course, it can also be bought from Japan, and parallel import stores in Japan are also on display.

 With regard to the Chrono24, which was previously reported on Sept. 25, it mentioned the sales rankings for the first half of the year, and this time, according to the transaction data on the website, it recently published the top five most requested brands in 2021. I'd like to mention that.

Classified ranking of watch brands in 2021

[table 1] Brand ranking (source: Chrono24)

セイコーが驚きの3位! 世界最大高級腕時計ECサイトが2021年度の販売ランキングBest 5を発表 | Watch LIFE NEWS|ウオッチライフを楽しむ時計総合ニュースサイト

 From the brand ranking, the result is that the first is "Rolex", the second is "omega", the third is "Seiko", the fourth is "Bratlin", and the fifth is "Odmapeger". See this, the first to be surprised is indeed the third Seiko bar. That's probably what people think. In fact, it also ranked fourth in the last ranking in the first half of the year, which is amazing, but this time the ranking has been further improved. This means that the evaluation abroad is constantly improving. In particular, the independence of Seiko seems to have worked, and the popularity of the United States is very high in the huge market. Perhaps it can be said that this led to this result.

 In addition, this time, like Seiko, the new entrant to the top five is fine halo. On this point, Tim Tim Schtrake, CEO of Chrono24, said: "I can say that George Khan's strategy of becoming Halo CEO has worked very well. In addition, there is also a great demand for Edurance Plus, Super Ocean and the classic model, the Black Pad model, to examine the success of the new strategy adopted after 2017, which has refreshed the management system, and has received renewed attention.

Ranking of watch models in 2021

[table 2] Model ranking (source: Chrono24)

 Next, in terms of models, the top five models are Rolex Daily Masters, Rolex Submarina, Omega Simasters, Omega Speed Masters and Rolex Daytner.

 It's interesting that the results are completely different from those of the top five in 2020. If you want to say, the brand of 21 years only has the high recognition model to rank at the top. And with regard to the top four, it can be said that it is the king of classic popular models. I don't know if this is due to the continued impact of the coronal disaster, but it is okay to think that all practical and realistic models are popular except Daytona.

Kikudi Jizheng-KIKUCHI Yoshimasa

時計専門誌「パワーウオッチ」を筆頭に「ロービート」、「タイムギア」などの時計雑誌を次々に生み出す。現在、発行人兼総編集長として刊行数は年間20冊以上にのぼる。また、近年では、業界初の時計専門のクラウドファンディングサイト「WATCH Makers」を開設。さらには、アンティークウオッチのテイストを再現した自身の時計ブランド「OUTLINE(アウトライン)」のクリエイティブディレクターとしてオリジナル時計の企画・監修も手がける。2019年から毎週日曜の朝「総編・菊地吉正のロレックス通信」をYahooニュースに連載中!