"Lilayer" is a title where you can enjoy a deep story based on Greek mythology and a full -fledged SRPG woven with robot!

 Introducing the appeal of the SRPG "Relayer" scheduled to be released by Kadokawa Games on March 24, 2022.

 "Relayer" is a new title by the "God Wars" development team.It is an attractive title, such as a global setting with a unique concept based on the Greek mythology, a turbulent story with a variety of characters, and a tactical battle that unfolds in outer space as a piece.

 Experience this work, which is packed with such many elements.In addition to the response of the play, I will introduce the parts you care about.

Fusion of science fiction and Greek mythology!A turbulent story develops in space

 In this work, the story develops based on the battle between the human being "Star Child", which was awake to special abilities after the excavation of the ancient galaxy civilization, and the mysterious extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extraterrestrial extracorporated life form "Relayer".increase.

 Here is a light introduction of the story.

 Suddenly 2049 ... Suddenly, an unusual catastrophe occurs in which gravity disappears from a part of the earth.The Gravity Technology Development Organization "GT LABO" decides that this catastrophic disaster, which was later named "Gravity Loss", was caused by the Relayer.

 However, the Earth Union and the Japanese government, which had no means to deal with them, concealed the truth to avoid confusion.In order to protect the earth from the threat of the Lilayer, it will hurry to discover Starchild, who will be the will of the stars, and develop a decisive battle weapon Stella Gear for Relayer.

 Two years later, 2051.Terra, who lost her sister Luna at her Gravity Loss, was once again hit by a disaster in the lunar living colony.At that time, reunited with Luna who thought he was dead.However, Luna is a member of the Relayer and has peeled his tusks to the human being.

 Thus, the battle between Star Child and Layer began to move.

 Apart from this Omote story, the story of the back of the Greek mythology is the motif of the back of the grace, so I will mention the relationship.

 The King of Greek mythology was inherited by the king of Uranus, Kronos, and Zeus in a row, killing the king of the predecessor, the father, in a row.

 Zeus searched for a princess who gave birth to a child of fate to defeat himself and survived because he did not connect with the princess.

 Another thing, Prometheus's revenge drama seems to be in the background ...If you step too much, it will be spoiled, so we will refrain from it, but it is interesting to enjoy it, not only those who have the knowledge around that, but also without knowledge.

The protagonist is a little ponkotsu!? A unique character colors the drama

 In the play, in addition to the power of GT LABO and Relayer, the "Earth Union Government Army", which is in conflict with GT LABO as a leader of peace, and space pirates that interfere with the fight for the deprivation of super -gravity technology.Also appeared.While each fate and speculation are intertwined, a fierce battle is taking place on a vast universe.


 Including the main character Terra, the members of the GT LABO to which Terra belongs, the characters of the Relayer, and the Global Union's Army and Space Pirates are all beautiful.One of the attractions is that each backbone and personality are set carefully.

 Between serious and heavy stories, there are also humorous event scenes and conversation scenes, so it is a point that you keep an eye on it.

 Here are some of the main characters.

Terra (voice actor: Satomi Akasaka)

 The hero woman.Until two years ago, she lived with her sister Luna on Earth, but she was caught in Gravity Loss and bereaed.I was shocked, almost lost my previous memories, and lived like a wandering life with Assist Robo.

 After one of the lunar cases, he belonged to GT LABO and was active on the battlefield as a pilot of Stella Gear.To say, the person categorized by "Ponkotsu".

Yodaka (voice actor: Kusunoki Daisen)

 An assist robot that Terra assembled from the junk parts as a companion of the trip.She is equipped with an advanced AI and is not only a trip support but also a conversation partner.

 Terra is called "master", but the relationship is not a master -slave relationship, but an equal partner itself.She is pretty talkative, and she shows Terra's Doji Musume episode to GT LABO members.

Luna (voice actor: Moe Toyoda)

 Star child is a sister of Terra, who has the will of the moon.She acts with her hostile, a relayer who is a starchild, to revenge on humanity and to rob the "original one" with the technology of ancient galactic civilization.

 There are shocking scenes that turn the gun at Terra, but is this behavior being manipulated by the reeler or his own will?

Run through the universe by conducting training + customization + formation unit!

 The battle with the enemy forces acts in the order of the character icon displayed on the screen, set in a field separated by square squares.When all aircraft are completed, one turn has passed.At the time of action, you can select attacks, skills, items, defense, and waiting commands, and aim to achieve victory conditions by engaging with enemy aircraft.

 It is the type of aircraft that can be organized.There are four types: assault, tank with high defense, high -defense snipe with high defense, and scouts that are good at buff debuffs.Each type has a dedicated weapon, and it is also characterized by different range, such as two -handed swords (range 1) for assault and rifles (range 3) for snipe.

 On the other hand, general weapons such as one -handed sword (range 1) and machine gun (range 2) also exist.You can also let your favorite character fight with your favorite weapon.

 Peaky formation, such as having all aircraft equipped with the same weapon and sortie!Do you value balance?Do you fight by specializing in a specific type?Because it is a balance that can win any formation, you can enjoy a highly flexible battle.

 In addition, there is an element that the attack power changes up and down of the "hate" that is easy to be targeted by the enemy, so it is possible to try various tactics.Character development can consume job points acquired in battle, choose the ability you want to strengthen, and reflect the player's preference.

The volume that can be enjoyed slowly with a wide range of elements

 Although it is the volume of the game, in addition to the main scenario and battle simulator, it is equipped with a difficult stage where the character level is maximized.For those who want to enjoy the bone SRPG carefully, it is a urasi finish.In addition, the difficulty of the game can be selected from three stages, so even those who are interested in the story but are not good at SRPG will enjoy it with confidence.

 The frank response is that there are many parts that you can not understand unless you play the story to the end, but in the early impression, "Why is the Lilayer going to disappear in the universe?" And "Why Luna hatred Terra."I'm looking forward to the point of "what will you come to?"

 In the battle, the attack scene can cut and auto battle, and the tempo is good.When the number of hand pieces increased and the characters grew, I felt that it would be more fun to do Iloilo.Based on the basics of general SRPG, the impression that the aircraft type could be freely changed, and the elements of hate have evolved independently, the battle itself has become more fun.

 For the release date on March 24, next year, I think that the information released will accelerate, so I would like to look forward to future developments.

■ "Relayer" (regular version)

■ "Relayer" (Deluxe Edition)
