Let's record walking data with a smartwatch

Record "walking"

Did it become everyday to keep wearing smartwatches?With a month, the average calorie consumption would have been visible.The next step is a record of training.You don't have to be prepared for training.Let's record when walking by commuting or shopping as "walking".

The purpose of this series is to create a healthy body to work or use a smartwatch to maintain it.One of the important points to do is training.Even in training, this series will take a few years to gradually go to the healthy direction.It is impossible for a busy businessman to continue training hard.The biggest point is to incorporate long -lasting training in everyday life.

"Walking" will play a major role.No matter how modern it is, if you wake up in the morning, you will walk without going to bed.Walking cannot be separated from health.Easy, low risk of injury, and various advantages.Let's record this "walking" and use it to improve your health.

There are various words, such as training and workouts

The recording method of training differs for each device.The words used are also different.Some devices use the word training, while others use the word workout.The meaning is slightly different.Anyway, select walking, jogging, etc., and look for the function to start recording and use it.

In the case of Polar Vantage V2, select and use the sports you want to record with the following (press the lower left button, then press the right button to enter the training selection mode).You can switch the training to be selected by the right button on the right side.Select walking from this.

During training, data related to the training, such as heart rate, pace, travel distance, time, etc., is often displayed.Depending on the model, this display is often customized to some extent, and it is possible to change it to the information you want.

Unlike smartphones, which are mostly OSs and Android on iOS and Android, there are various smartwatch OSs.UI/UX is also different for each device.For example, the next screenshot is from Garmin Fēnix 6s.Select training from the list and start measurement.


During the training, it is displayed as follows.

At first, try to record as "walking" when "walking" occurs, such as when commuting, shopping, or going to play.Starting and suspension of records must be performed manually (some devices can be detected by walking and automatically avoid measurements).Since this operation method is different depending on the device, it is necessary to operate it according to the device.

The recorded data is also different for each device.The next screenshot is a walking record in Polar Vantage V2.The route, altitude, pace, cadence, calorie consumption, and burning breakdowns that have been walked other than heart rate are also recorded.

If the device changes, the recorded data will be different, and the recorded data will change even if you change the training.For reference, the next screenshot is a record data when aero bike training was performed on Garmin Fēnix 6s.

The data recorded for each device and services and the functions that can be used are different, but it is important to continue "record" anyway.

This measurement value is very important because you want to take in exercise while you are a little easier.If you continue for a while in walking, the increase in maximum oxygen intake will stagnate.If you keep the data, you can clearly see where to change next.There are a lot of good things to keep data.

You need to be ready to record training

Depending on the model, it is necessary to select the training to be used in advance.For example, the next screenshot is from the Polar Flow app, but Polar's smartwatch is selected in advance the training used in the app.

The next screenshot is the selected training.Walking, jogging, running, hiking, muscle strength training, stretching, etc. are selected for training.

In Polar Vantage V2, the following items can be selected by default as a training target.

ランニング, サイクリング, ウォーキング, ジョギング, マウンテンバイク, スキー, ダウンヒルスキー, ローイング, ノルディックウォーキング, スケート, ハイキング, テニス, スカッシュ, バドミントン, 筋力トレーニング, その他のアウトドア, トレッドミルランニング, インドアサイクリング, ロードランニング, サーキットトレーニング, スノーボード, スイミング, フリースタイルクロスカントリースキー, 古典的なクロスカントリースキー, トレイルランニング, アイススケート, インラインスケート, ローラースケート, グループエクササイズ, ヨガ, 高強度インターバルトレーニング, ゴルフ, トラック&フィールドランニング, ロードバイク, サッカー, クリケット, バスケットボール, 野球, ラグビー, フィールドホッケー, バレーボール, アイスホッケー, フットボール, ハンドボール, ビーチバレー, フットサル, フロアボール, ダンス, トロッティング, 乗馬, クロストレーナー, フィットネス武道, ファンクショナルトレーニング, ブートキャンプ, ローラースキー, フリースタイル, ローラースキー, クラッシック, エアロビクス, アクアフィットネス, ステップエクササイズ, ボディ&マインド, ピラティス, ストレッチング, フィットネスダンス, トライアスロン, デュアスロン, オフロードトライアスロン, オフロードデュアスロン, その他の室内, オリエンテーリング, スキーオリエンテーリング, マウンテンバイクオリエンテーリング, バイアスロン, セーリング, 車椅子レース, ディスクゴルフ, 卓球, ウルトラランニング, クライミング(屋内), カヤック乗り, カヌー, カイトサーフィン, ウインドサーフィン, サーフィン, プールスイミング, フィンランドの野球, オープンウォータースイミング, ウェイクボード, 水上スキー, ボクシング, キックボクシング, モビリティ(ダイナミック), テレマークスキー, バックカントリースキー, 体操, 柔道, スノーシュートレッキング, インドアローイング, スピニング, ストリート, ラテン, ショー, バレエ, ジャズ, モダン, ボールルーム, コア, モビリティ(スタティック), LES MILLS BODYPUMP, LES MILLS BODYATTACK, LES MILLS BODYCOMBAT, LES MILLS GRIT Cardio, LES MILLS GRIT Strength, LES MILLS GRIT Athletic, LES MILLS SH'BAM, LES MILLS RPM, LES MILLS BODYJAM, LES MILLS BODYSTEP, LES MILLS SPRINT, LES MILLS TONE, LES MILLS BODYBALANCE, LES MILLS THE TRIP, LES MILLS CXWORX, LES MILLS BARRE

It is troublesome to choose walking from this list every time.The purpose of enabling training to use in the app is likely to be convenient by selecting frequently used training.

In the case of polar, you can also set up training from cloud services.

The type of training that can be selected differs for each device.The higher the model, the wider the options.I think that walking is included in a low -priced model, so I hope you will be able to record the walking.

Let's record other than walking

If you often travel by bicycle, "cycling", if you have a habit of running lightly in the morning or evening to improve your health, "jogging", if you are flexible before going to bed, "stretching", dumbbells and barbells at home.If you are going to train, select "strength training" and the training prepared for your smartwatch and record it.Once you have a habit of keeping your smart watch, it's important to keep a record when you move your body.

Even if you do not record as a training, smartwatches estimate calories consumption from heart rate, but try to "record" the elements of these movements individually to get closer to the healthy body for a long time.If recorded, it can be analyzed later to make it a foundation for improvement.It is also a base to know your physical strength, so I recommend that you record something.
