Recommended is a smart watch with excellent sports functions

Garmin FOREATHLETE 245 Material: Garmin

You might think, "I'm not good at sports and I don't have a habit, so I have nothing to do with me."Products are often classified into multi -sports and running genres, but their classifications are half convenient, and their functions are very good in taking life logs.As a device to raise the quality of life, this kind of device is perfect.

The sports -type smartwatch has a long battery operating time and can take many life logs.In order to maintain or improve your health, it is necessary to obtain physical data correctly, and to efficiently incorporate exercise elements into part of your life according to your purpose.A smartphone -type smartwatch takes a little time in that respect.A sport -type smartwatch is perfect for that purpose.

For example, using a sports -type sports watch can be as follows.

It may be sometimes done to get off in front of a station and walk home because of lack of exercise, or go to the station instead of a bicycle.However, it is not clear whether it is actually effective without monitoring it.Although the effects and calories can hardly be expected, if you increase your meals because you have increased your exercise, you will fall over.By using a sports -type smartwatch, you can accurately grasp the situation in these cases.Take the data accurately, grasp the current situation, and use it for improvement.This is why I recommend a sports -type smartwatch.

Moreover, these data has the characteristic that accuracy is improved by continuing to remove the row log for a long time.Of course, there are differences depending on the manufacturer, but manufacturers that provide sports -type smartwatches are working to increase the accuracy of the content that can be proposed by accumulating life logs.Keeping smartwatches will lead to accuracy.It is also a motivation to put it on your arm.

There are quite a few sports -type smart watches.Here are some typical manufacturers and some of their products.


Garmin is a popular sports -type smartwatch that is popular in Japan.Garmin offers many models.The flagship model at the time of this article is the Dual Power series of Fēnix 6.Garmin's flagship model is Fēnix 6, and the Fēnix 6 Pro Dual Power series is the one that integrates the solar panel function to increase the operation time.It has almost all the functions of Garmin's smart watches and boasts a longer working time.

Another representative series is FOREATHELETE.It is a device for runners and has many models.The lineup is wide, from multifunctional models that incorporate many functions to simple and inexpensive models.It is a model that covers from introduction to advanced users.

Fēnix 6 has a flagship model and is often classified as multi -sports.FOREATHELETE is classified as running.I think it's a series of smart watches for sports that makes it easy to use in the business scene.For reference, the maker price at the time of this article is listed below.

fenix 6 Pro Dual Power140,000円
fenix 6S Pro Dual Power110,000円
fenix 6105,000円
fenix 6S69,800円
FireAthelete 94569,800円
ForeAthelete 74544,800円
ForeAthelete 24534,800円
ForeAthelete 4524,800円

The main functions provided by the flagship Fēnix 6 Pro Dual Power are as follows.


If it becomes a cheaper model, I think it is better to think that the function will decrease from the above.The battery tends to be shortened.The price and purpose are not always the same, but it is better to choose the one with high species and accuracy as the budget allows the budget for the Log -log.

Some models have an LCD panel on the entire surface, and some models are displayed in animation.Multifunctional models have similar functions in manufacturers other than Garmin.It is quite convenient because you can move your body as you see.Other than that, functions such as music playback are included in the multifunctional model, but in that area, Apple Watch etc. gives more convenient impressions.Sports -type smartwatches also include smartphone notification functions, music playback, electronic money payment functions, etc., but it is better not to have many such functions.The more such functions are used, the less battery, and if that is the purpose, you should use Apple Watch or smartphone as it is.

When it comes to low -priced models, there are many cases where GPS functions are not.It is a pattern of using the smartphone GPS function in conjunction with the smartphone.Recent smartphones have high GPS -related accuracy and accurate values.If you use this type of smartwatch, you always need a smartphone.I don't think there is any problem in business use, because it is rare to move with a smartphone, but I know that there is a difference in price in this respect.

Garmin also provides a service called "Garmin Connect" to use the measured data in the cloud.The data can be managed on the cloud side and can be operated from the web browser.Life log is meaningful to acquire for a long time.One of the advantages of Garmin is that permanent management through cloud services.


In Japan, it is not as well -known as Garmin, but Polar is a manufacturer you need to know.The lineup of smartwatches provided is similar to Garmin.The biggest feature of polar is the high accuracy of the heart rate monitor.Highly accurate heart rate data appears as a result of high quality analysis.Not only measurements and analysis for sports, but also detailed analysis of sleep can help confirm fatigue and improve their lives.Polar's smartwatch has many unique features, which is a smart watch that is useful not only for sports but also for raising the quality of life.

Polar recently announced the latest version of the company's flagship model, Polar Vantage V2.In addition to improving the accuracy of various sensors, performance tests and recovery test functions have been added.Vantage V2 also has a function to report which energy source (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins) consumed in exercise has been used.I think that I often work on aerobic exercise for the purpose of burning body fat, but in fact the incorrect intensity can hardly increase fat consumption.If you use Vantage V2, it will tell you that.By knowing the suitable strength, you can achieve your own exercise efficiently.Monitoring and visualization of data are very important.

In addition, I think the sports type that Polar provides for business in business is around Vantage M, Ignite, and Unite.UNITE is positioned as an introductory model, making it cheap and easy to introduce.

For reference, I will post the manufacturer price at the time of writing this article.

Polar Vantage V269,800円
Polar Vantage M35,800円
Polar Ignite27,800円
Polar Unite19,800円

Here are the main features provided by Polar Vantage V2.

Let's think that the lower the model, the less useful of the above functions.These mechanisms are the same for all manufacturers.Polar, like Garmin, offers a cloud service called Polar Flow.Data measured by smartwatches is also used in the app, and can be uploaded to Polar Flow and can be used forever.More long -term analysis and plans may be easier to handle with web browsers, so if you are seriously working on improving your health, it is also a criterion for choosing whether it offers cloud services like Garmin or Polar.sea ​​bream.

The choice is difficult, but if possible, from the flagship.Cool is a major premise

In the case of Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch, which I picked up last time, I was able to narrow down the candidates to some extent with my smartphone.However, there is no such guideline this time.Both Garmin and POLAR provide similar functions and services, and ultimately it would be basic to attach it to your arms at the store and choose what you like.

My personal impression is that Garmin is convenient when planning and executing exercise and training by yourself, and Polar understands the current situation, such as exercise analysis, sleep analysis, and fatigue analysis.I feel convenient.Both provide similar functions, so I think you should choose at the end, but if you want to actively improve your athletic ability, Garmin, if you want to improve your quality of life and improve your motor skills, Polar.Isn't that a way of thinking?

Next, the choice of models is that if the budget is allowed, it is recommended that you purchase a model that is as close as possible to the flagship as much as possible.The function that you really need is because you have to use it without actually using it.Sports -type smartphones are short, and in two or three years often appear in two or three years.Until you buy the next model, it is the first flagship model.

I think it's normal to buy a low -priced introductory model, but this method cannot experience the convenient functions provided by smartwatches, so you can't expand your imagination or ideas anymore.。I think it's difficult because the budget is convenient, but at first I want to buy flagships and models close to it.

First, try a model close to the flagship, and the next model chooses a cheaper one with the function you want.You may need a flagship model next time, but that's not a bad investment.If you can understand your condition correctly, you will see lack of exercise and bad lifestyle.The basics of work are healthy.I think it's a good investment if you use a flagship model to maintain your health.

Although the outdoor color is stronger than a sports, if you like Polar's design, I would like to list SUUNTO's smartwatch as a candidate.Sunnto does not provide cloud services such as Garmin or Polar, but similar things can be implemented in the app.Both POLAR and SUNNTO are Finnish companies and have a stylish design.Aside from the smartwatch, it is a very important factor to see if it's your favorite design.I hope you can visit the store and see the real thing and consider it.
