Pain / fever on the arm ... Vaccine side effect you want to know

The vaccination of the new colon virus began in the third time and went on to the next stage.There is also a policy of moving forward about 31 million people, including medical workers and the elderly, and interest is growing again.On the other hand, some people are worried about the side effects of vaccine.The current situation and precautions are summarized.

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There are many fever, malaise, and sick leave after vaccination

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there were 25,522 medical institutions reported on side effects, including minor, out of about 163.05 million in vaccinated US Pfizer by November 14.The death after vaccination was reported to be 1243.Of the 31.76 million US models, 31.76 million reports of side effects, including minor ones, were 3919, and the death after vaccination was 67.

Among the 100,000 -Astrazenka made in the UK, 12 reports of side effects, including minor ones, were not reported after vaccination.

The cause of death was heart disease and stroke, and most experts determined that the causal relationship between vaccine and symptoms could not be evaluated."There are no serious concerns that will affect the vaccination system," he said.


According to a survey by the Juntendo University Corona Vaccin Research Secretariat shown in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 38%of the second pases were in vaccination, and 68%complained.In Modela, 77%of those who received the second vaccination generated, and 80%became malaise.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has pointed out on the website that fever often occurs within one to two days after vaccination, and that "if necessary, take an antipyretic painkiller to see the situation."

It has been reported that both companies' vaccines will occur after vaccination, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has instructed the attached document to revise and urge them to be careful.The ministry explains, "Even if there is a risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, the benefits of vaccination are greater."

Rest on the day of vaccination to the next day, and take a bath

Among the side effects, anaphylactic, a sudden allergic symptom, is suddenly attacked by chilling, itching, shortness of breath, decrease in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.If you administer epinephrine (adrenaline) or oxygen as soon as possible, it is unlikely to be serious.If a side effect (sequelae) occurs, if it is recognized by a national examination committee that there is a medical causal relationship, as in other vaccines, compensation will be received.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, on the day of the vaccine, intense exercise and excessive drinking will be refrained.For the vaccination site, try to keep it clean.If you are in good physical condition after vaccination, there is no problem driving.However, if you are worried about your physical condition, refrain from driving.It is important to be rested from the day of vaccination to the next day.

In workplace inoculation, some companies adopt support measures such as giving special vacations or taking a rest for nursing if there are side effects on the person or family.

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Astrazenka also started inoculation, in principle, over 40s

The way of vaccination is also different.Influenza is put in the subcutaneous tissue.The new coloner injects deeper muscles.The subcutaneous injection is slowly absorbed by the ingredients and the effect lasts longer.Muscle injection has fewer side effects than subcutaneous injections, and is said to be more likely to produce antibodies.Overseas, it is common to administer vaccines in muscle injection.Pfizers and modela vaccines have also confirmed their effects with muscle injection.In Japan's approval examination, muscle injection must be made to refer to overseas data.In subcutaneous injection, the effect and side effect may differ from muscle injection.

Astrazeneka's vaccine is a virus vector type and is different from the Pfizer and Modelna vaccine.Rarely, there are side effects that have thrombus have been reported.Initially, it was not used in public vaccinations in Japan, but was used in Japan for more than 40s, following the increasing number of severe people in their 40s and 50s who were delayed.Not used for the third vaccination.

In addition, some models made of modelna reported foreign substances, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare decided to use about 1.6 million times on August 26.

On SNS (AC site), there are posts such as vaccination such as "infertility and miscarriage", but the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has denied that there is no scientific basis.
