Nissan reward hidden case judgment, the main culprit is Ghosn's defendant ... Former officer Kelly is partially convicted [newspaper watch]

It is a bad aftertaste with the "leading role" or the "main criminal" is absent.Former Nissan Motor Corporation's former Defendant Carlos Ghosn's executive remuneration was submitted to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (false statement of securities reports).It was a district court.

According to Kenji Shimotsu, Judge Kenji Shimotsu recognized that Ghosn was the main criminal of the case, but only some of the facts of the prosecution were found to defendant Kelly, and in June, 3 years in prison (two years in prison.)Nissan, who was prosecuted as a corporation, gave a fine of 200 million yen in the prosecution.

Asahi and every day also reported that the Asahi and every day were "formerly convicted of the former Nissan Kelly Officer", and in the social side, "Ghosn Defendator" (Asahi) and "" The main criminal is "Ghosn's defendant)."Certification" (Tokyo), etc.

Asahi took up the "Nissan Case Judgment" as an editorial theme, and pointed out that "there is no person to be there, and it will strengthen resentment and disappointment again."Furthermore, in terms of economics, the former Kelly executive was convicted, and the case over Ghosn's defendant was "milestone," and the main main in Nissan in Nissan for over three years since the arrest of Ghosn in November 2018.He looks back on the movement with the headline, "After ghosn, and a challenge."

Sankei also said "In response to an incident, Nissan converts from the expanded route led by Ghosn to revive the damaged brand in response to the incident. Electric vehicles (EV) for carbonization (EV).He wants to accelerate electrification such as development, "he said," I expect a surplus for the first time in three years.Is not flat. "

According to the ruling of the Tokyo District Court, "It is based on Ghosn's private interests who try to protect and preserve while securing high -cost payments."He said that he was in the corporate constitution.

March 4, 2022

● Invasion 1 week, dew and southern base cities (Yomiuri / 1 side)


● World logistics network confusion, Western -style departure, transportation, cancellation, impact on car giants (Yomiuri, 12)

● Former Nissan Kelly Official Officer, the Tokyo District Court (Asahi, 1 side), who recognizes the reward of former Chairman Ghosn

● Automotive giant, Russian business brakes, logistics stagnation, Louvre, Nissan also stopped export (Asahi, 8 sides)

● Significance, Nissan case judgment, and atrophy caused by atrophy (Asahi, 14)

● Petroleum subsidy raises, Prime Minister's decree from 5 yen to 25 yen (daily, 2 sides)

● To Nissan Resurrection, converted from an acceleration of electricity, converted from a route expansion route (Sankei / 10)

● The Tokyo Marathon held on the 6th, to prevent terrorism, patrols around, vehicle traffic prohibited on major roads (Sankei 27)

● 15 % of the Police Agency in the elderly death accident, to strengthen measures (Sankei, 28)

● Honda / Nissan Plus, New car sales in China for the first time in 10 months (Nikkei / 15)

● In the EV business independent profitability, investing in the Ford growth field (Nikkei, 15)

● Executive reward system, Subaru review, fixed rate of fixed (Nikkei, 20 sides)
