News Your tired "brain fatigue" ??5 check items "Breathing and body map"

I'm tired because I'm sleeping properly and I'm tired, or I'm tired because I didn't exercise.This is a great possibility of the fatigue of the brain![Photo] List of "Beautiful life" from the 40s ☆ What I taught me ... Personal Trainer Takaya Suzuki Suzuki / Takayoshi ● Membership gym "Bee Stick" representative.Proposal of improving physical functions based on brain science, exercise science, anatomy, physiology, and nutrition.His book, "All humanity, just rolls back" (Kodansha) is talked about on Twitter.This time, I learned based on "Body hack that creates a tired body from the brain" (East Press).

■ "Breathing and body map" 5 checks List



Marisol Online

ニュース あなたの疲れ「脳疲労」かも?? 5つのチェック項目『呼吸とボディマップ』

Sit in a chair and prepare a stopwatch.Calm your breathing and inhale a little from your nose.If you exhale a little from your nose to sigh, pick your nose, stop your breath, start the stopwatch.Measure the time until you want to breathe.Go three times and give out the average time.Check point!○ 35 seconds or more: Good condition.Ideal is more than 40 seconds.△ 25-35 seconds: Breathing training every day.× 24 seconds or less: There is a great problem with breathing.Improvement required!

2.roll up

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It becomes a hollow and holds the towel with shoulder width.

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Close your knees and stick, pass the towel over your feet, and return the next towel so that your feet are not attached again.Check point!○ The knee is closed: The flexibility of the spine and ribs is sufficient.△ The knee opens a little, but there is room for improvement.× Cannot pass: The spine and ribs are stiff, and there may be errors in breathing.

3.Finger touch

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Relax, stand, spread your arms, and make one finger with both hands.

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Close your eyes and adjust the tip of the finger in both hands at the top of the body.Similarly at the bottom.Next, adjust the fingertips up and down as well as the left side of the body and the right side.Check point!○ Fingertips fit more than 5 times: No problem with the body map.△ The fingertips match 3-4 times: The body map is slightly blurred.× Two or less fingertips match: The body map is blurred and it is necessary to strengthen it.

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