News Uniqlo + ZARA can also use the graduation park & entry style collocation. The daily formal skills of mother editors in the first grade of primary school

Just for graduation and entrance ceremony, do not need to buy ceremonial clothes also OK! Uniqlo and ZARA office match + α had a sunny day!

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Hello, I'm Okamoto, editor of withonline. I am the mother of two children who have been editors of fashion magazines for nearly 20 years. Last year, my daughter graduated from nursery school and studied in a local primary school. This year's graduation park, mothers all over the country with enrolled children! What do you wear? You'll get lost. [spring commuting with different bone types] the single item ceremonial clothes that should be used this season are also great, but in the less strict format of the local nursery & primary school, it is possible to buy for only one or two ceremonies. Anyway, the protagonist is not me, but the child. I think, I want to spend as much as possible with ordinary clothes! I want to.

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ニュース ユニクロ+ZARAで普段も使える卒園&入学式コーデ。小学1年生のママ編集者の普段着フォーマル化テク

The coat is 1290 yen from Uniqlo's Rayon George Island shirt. At the bottom is Uniqlo's super-famous products, smart trousers 2990 yen. With the daily collocation of these two props in a mess, the combination of entry-style collocation!

First of all, I would like to introduce the daily dress matching of this uniform jacket.

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It's the usual match. I chose the top, Uniqlo's Leyon George Island shirt, this is really nice to buy! In short, the size of the sleeves is lovely, and it actually makes people feel better than when they are worn in the store and online. Wearing long-sleeved Uniqlo hot technology, do not care about the sense of penetration. Not easy to wrinkle, but also very suitable for ironing troublesome me every day! The cowboy is Stella from the upper highlands. The color is a wonderful gray called Etope. The bag and shoes are Jimmy Hill.

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Of course, it is also suitable for blue cowboys! The cowboy is the anniversary of the red card, Sally. Although it is much warmer, it will put on trenches when you go out. The coin necklace is made with your daughter and the parts you bought. With a sense of enjoyment at work, I recommend you the time to go home. The cost of materials is about 700 yen.

So, let's make a match from here. When it comes to ceremony, it's a jacket. Choose the white trash of ZARA that you like to use!

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When it comes to ceremony, it's a jacket! Well, my daughter graduated from an ordinary nursery in Tokyo and entered a public primary school, so the graduation ceremony and entrance ceremony are not very strict about the dress code, but put on a jacket first! Therefore, we combined with the original introduction of Uniqlo smart pedals, put on ZARA's white sweatpants.

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