News Suri Ito's surprising private private home toilet is full of candles and deodorizes in matches

Sato Ito (C) Oricon News Inc who confessed a surprising private.

 The stage greeting of the movie "I just remembered a little" was held in Human Trust Cinema Shibuya in Tokyo on the 4th, and actress Sari Ito, Ozekaro Ozeka and Daigo Matsui were on stage. [Photo] This work, which co -starred with Sari Ito for the first time, was the same day from 2021 after 2021 after 2021 after the lighting staff Teruo (Sosuke Ikematsu) and the taxi driver leaf (Ito) broke up. Go back. A story of "just remembered" the past that I can't return. Once in the short video sharing service "VINE", Ozeki, who made his actress debut in Matsui's past work "Our Haha" (2015), was in this work. Appeared in the role of Satsuki, a friend of the leaves. "During the shooting, I remembered a little about Haha." Director Matsui said, "I didn't know that I was a high school student (at the time of the shooting of" Haha "), and I didn't even know that I remembered the script." Satsuki, who was riding a bicycle and aiming for Tokyo, was thinking about setting up a play that graduated from high school and had met the leaves (of this work) for the first time. " Ito and Ozeki were the first co -starring this work, but Ito said, "I had met in a movie audition," said Ito, "At that time, (Ozeki) broke my legs. But it was really good at the singing audition. I saw her walking toward the station, and on that day, I came by a car borrowed from my aunt, so I said, "Let's send it?" Is it a strong episode saying, "I'm going to send it to Daikanyama, because there is a schedule for a barbecue. It's a barbecue." Seeing Ozeki sang in this scene celebrating Teruu's birthday, Ito remembered the former audition and said, "Happy birthday songs were good and laughed." 。 In addition, Director Matsui is inspired by the creep pipe, "Night on the Planet", which is also the theme song of this work, because the clock that comes out when he goes back for one year and one year in the play. He talked about the fact that Jim Jamush's film, "Night on the Planet", who gave the ration, and shared his commitments in the movie with the audience. Ozeki, who also quoted from "Night on the Planet", "I need money, but not important", Ozeki is a hot topic. "Makeup," said Matsui, "Smartphone. I need it, but I try not to be important. Recently, the number of screen time has increased and I'm very ego." The unique thing was Ito's "candle". He seems to have a match and a candle in the toilet at home, and says, "I have a candle in the toilet, but when I match it in the toilet, it is deodorized in an instant. In the meantime, it is necessary after it becomes a habit to light it, but it is not important, so it is not necessary. " I was. The movie was released on February 11, the fourth week. Ito said, "This movie is a movie that can enjoy the lingering sound. I think there are some people who remember and remember. I think. I am so ego to lose to Matsui. " Director Matsui said, "While reading a lot of impressions, it's a romantic movie, but it's also a depicting life, so I can remember it because I'm alive now. I realized that it was, and I realized that people who watched the movie have raised them again. In the past few years, various things have been deprived or lost. There are a lot of disgusting things, but I think that I can come to a movie theater or talk to my friends, so I think it has become more valuable and fun than before, so I intend to make a movie that can see the light because it is painful. " I was.


ニュース 伊藤沙莉の意外なプライベート 自宅のトイレはキャンドルだらけ、マッチで消臭
