News Kagoshima continuous midsummer days on the weekends, and Tokyo is on the weekend or next week, the same day as late November

Kagoshima drows down after updating the highest number of midsummer days

The expected maximum temperature in Tokyo and Kagoshima

ニュース 鹿児島の連続真夏日は週末にストップか 東京は来週、11月下旬並みの日も

This month is a record high temperature, mainly in western Japan, and Kagoshima City has been a midsummer day for 24 consecutive days since September 20.Continuous records are expected to stop on the weekend.On the 16th (Saturday), warm air is dominant, and Kagoshima City is expected to last 30 ° C or higher.The three days from tomorrow are midsummer days, the total number of days this year will be 98 days, the largest year recorded in 2013.On Sunday, 17th, the temperature dropped from warm air to cold air at once.The maximum temperature is expected to be 23 ° C and 7 ° C.Next week, the temperature will not rise as it is, and the day will not reach 25 ° C will continue.It's a little lower than normal.

Next week Tokyo is so cold that I want a sweater

Relationship between clothes and temperature

明日になると肌寒さが解消される東京都心も17日(日)以降は気温が下がります。来週19日(火)の最高気温は15℃の予想で、11月下旬並みの寒さです。Relationship between clothes and temperatureで見ていくと、16℃未満ですので、昼間でもセーターが必要なくらいとなります。秋物や冬物の準備が遅れている方は、できるだけこの週末に済ませるようにしましょう。◆16℃未満…セーター日向では暖かさを感じるくらい。ふんわりセーターで身軽な服装を。<<天気別の組み合わせ例>>晴れの場合・長袖Tシャツ、長袖シャツ、薄手のニット、ジャケットなど羽織るものくもりの場合・長袖Tシャツ、長袖シャツ、セーター(薄手)

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