Be careful if you can't answer how much you have in your news wallet!Three ways to manage money management

There are surprisingly many people who can't answer how much money they have in their wallets.If you can't answer, you may think that money has not been managed.takasuu-istock

ニュース お財布にいくら入っているか即答できない人は注意! お金の管理の考え方3選

For those who do not save money, there is a similar tendency. One of them is a case where you don't know how much you have in your wallet. You don't have to know the coins, but you should know how many bills are included. Also, be careful if you know the amount in your wallet but do not accurately grasp the assets in your house. Is it due to the brain that you can't save money? Three ways to make money psychologically saving money "Eh? Why do you have to know the money in your wallet?" You may think so. But if you don't know how much money you have in your wallet, you can't do a monthly spear. In other words, you are shopping at a random battari. If you decide that this month's living expenses are XX yen, and you are doing spears in it, you will be able to naturally be aware of how much you are in your wallet.

The concept of money management Part 1 → Is the Kimo of household management in "special expenses"?

One of the difficulties in managing households is the existence of "special expenses".Even if you can spend your monthly living expenses, if you can't manage special expenses, you will fall into a deficit household.Stella_e-Istock

The more rich, the more people remember how much they used. In other words, the more rich you can manage your income and expenditures. Of course, if the amount of money you spend is more than your income, you won't save money. If you do not know the amount in your wallet, you have not decided where to go. If you have a household account book from a person who cannot manage the money, you can manage your daily living expenses, but you will stumble where you manage the "special expenses". Special expenses include family birthday meals, homecoming homes, family trips, etc., property taxes, vehicle inspections, automobile taxes, and additional clothing expenses and bedding due to changing seasons. "I bought a blanket because it's cold" is also a special expense. Even if you put a household account book and spend your living expenses, if you have such a special expenses, you will eventually return to the deficit household. Of course, it doesn't mean you put up with the cold. It predicts special expenses and secures money. I often did it when I was in a deficit household. The cold writer has a blanket that I bought for cheap, but he hasn't used it for years. He is a waste. So it's no exaggeration to say that household management is in special expenses. If you do not manage the special expenses, you will be able to use a sudden expenditure this month, so you can't help but be in the red. In fact, it is the most difficult expenditure to manage. However, it is also true that life can be moisturized because of special expenses such as leisure. So I want you to manage the special cost.

次ページは:家族旅行の費用は毎月積立して準備しよう最終更新:Pen Online