Applying the technology and materials of the news Sabae glasses, the smart finish of the Apple Watch bangle

Airbangle with a thick bangle that draws a beautiful curve.Prepare two colors, "Mosaic Color" (left) and "Chicraden" (right).

ニュース 鯖江眼鏡の技術と素材を応用、Apple Watch用バングルの粋な仕上がり

A manufacturer in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, known as a global production area of ​​glasses, has announced the Bangle "Air Bangle" for Apple Watch using glasses frame manufacturing technology, and has become a hot topic on SNS. increase. There are plenty of benefits that existing bands do not have in the vivid and beautiful appearance, light wearing comfort, less concerns of allergies and itching, and not being shabby due to dirt and deterioration even when used. I checked a new product from the area that is likely to attract attention from Apple Watch fans around the world. [Photo] Shooting the bangle up. There are no fasteners, and simple modeling is beautiful. _ Luxury glasses frame material is a bangle of Apple Watch, and many small and medium -sized businesses that handle high -quality glasses and glasses frames gathered, and Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, which is known as the “Megane Town”. 。 Sanyu, a manufacturing company in Sabae, announced Air Bangle. When we started pre -sale on the crowdfunding site Makuake, it has become a hot topic, with more than 100 times more than 100 times more than the target amount as soon as possible. The characteristic of Air Bangle is made using the technology and materials used in Sabae glasses, and combines the beauty of the appearance and the ease of handling. The bangle is made of high -quality material (acetate) made in Italy, which has a beautiful mosaic pattern like a woodwork, and is impressive with a bright color and beautiful finish. Even if you see a little from the cuff, you will be surprised. The smooth touch without unevenness is comfortable, and it feels attractive in metal, leather, and textiles. The bangle is bonded to the titanium base plate, and this part is very smart, so it is very smart. If you get used to it, you can attach and detach with one hand. There is no feeling of tightening when installed, and it does not easily come off, and can be used comfortably with a light feeling. If you are not good at tightening the band, I would like you to try it. The optical sensor on the back of the Apple Watch was firmly touched by the skin, and the heart rate and blood oxygen concentration were automatically measured during the installation. There is no problem with the electrocardiogram measurement. It is also worth noting that there are less concerns about allergies and rashes, and there are less metal allergies and rash concerns that have less aging. Titanium is a material with little metal allergy, and the acetate used in the bangle is made from natural materials derived from plant, reducing allergies. The bangle does not adhere to the skin, and even if it is worn for a long time, it can be said that there is little worry about sweating and rash. Bands that use elastomers, chemical fibers, and genuine leather may cause deterioration, discoloration, odor due to sweat and sunlight, and fraying and damage, which may become shabby. 。 Acetate is less likely to deteriorate or discoloration, and even if the surface is whitish, if it is polished, the original gloss will be restored, so it seems that it can be used for a long time with a beautiful figure. Air Bangle accepts early purchases on the crowdfunding site Makuake. The planned sales price is 14,000 yen, but if you have a limited quantity of super -early discount, you can purchase it for 22 % discount for 10,920 yen. Since the bangle cannot be adjusted in size when installed, it is necessary to select a product that matches the size around the wrist. If you wear it and the size does not match, it will support the size exchange. Makuake buyers will receive a special stand that can be charged with the air bangle attached. Airbangle, Sabae's traditional technology, and the bright and beautiful materials of Italy were very attractive. The unprecedented style and appearance should have a stronger impact on those who have been trying various bands for a long time with Apple Watch for a long time. The price exceeding 10,000 yen is higher even in the super early decision, but I feel that cospa is not bad considering that it can be used for a long time with good finish. "Sabae's Glasses", which became known worldwide due to the high quality, may soon be a hot topic among the world's Apple Watch fans.

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