Microsoft released a preview of "Openjdk" in its own build

 Microsoft uses "Java" for various products and services in the company, such as "Azure", "SQL Server", "YAMMER", "Minecraft", and "Linkedin", and uses Java to create "Android" apps.There are more than 1,000 developers.With that in mind, it's no wonder that Microsoft creates a unique Java development kit and provides customers.

 Microsoft released a preview version of the Microsoft Build of Openjdk, a long -term support (LTS) distribution of OpenJDK, on April 6, US time.This distribution contains "Java 11" binary, which can be used in the X64 server and desktop environment of "Windows", "MacOS" and "Linux".The company also released the early access version of the ARM version of Windows (Java 16 "(Microsoft's Java Engineering Group has completed the first phase of the OpenJDK for the ARM version of Windows in June 2020.It is announced).


 Microsoft said that when JCLARITY was acquired in 2019, its purpose was to use the company's technology to optimize Azure's Java workload.JCLARITY has developed a commercial support for the "Adoptopenjdk" binary with a product that can replace Oracle's Java/SDK as it is.Microsoft has been a sponsor of the Adoptopenjdk project since 2018.The acquisition of JCLARITY has triggered Microsoft to launch Java Engineering Group.

 According to Microsoft, more than 500,000 Java virtual machines (JVMs) are currently deployed in the company (this number does not include Azure services or customer workloads), and backend microservices.It is said to be used in big data systems, message brokers, streaming services, and game servers.Of these JVMs, more than 140,000 Microsoft Build of Openjdk has already been used.

 The preview version of the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK packages and installers are available on the company's OpenJDK site.If you are a Microsoft Azure customer, you can try this preview version from the browser or the Windows terminal "Azure Cloud Shell".

 Microsoft Build of OpenJDK is expected to be a default distribution of Java 11 used in services managed by Azure this year.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.
