Understand new manufacturing Making Chinese Language Course Vol.

Manufacturing Chinese lectures taught by Riki Name


by Araki Daichi

2021/02/02 07:30


The most exciting season in China is, of course, the New Year (Lunar New Year).It is the most important holiday in China, and a large move on return and travel throughout China.In Japan, news is often reported in the Chinese New Year's Day, but at the same time, it is time for Chinese people to change jobs."Well, the person in charge who always contacted me had quit ..."In China, which changes quickly, it is necessary to respond flexibly in various aspects.By the way, this time we will introduce the phrases that can be used during the New Year's Day!

Major words


Pinin reading: Chūnjié Katakana Reading: Chuison


Pinkin reading: xīnniánji q ī Katakana reading: Shinnienja Chee

Useful phrase


Tetsu -go, Koya Haru?

新しいものづくりがわかるメディア Manufacturing Chinese lectures taught by Riki Namevol.5 春節前に覚えておきたいMaker向けビジネス中国語フレーズ

Kinin reading: jǐhào dào jǐhào shì chūnjié? Katakana reading: Zhao Dao Jihao Sea Cheenshe?

In the New Year (Lunar New Year), the date changes every year based on the lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon.For example, the 2020 spring New Years are from January 24 to January 30, and the 2021 spring New Years are February 11th to February 17th.The schedule of the spring New Year is announced every year.



Pawnin reading: Qǐngwene gōngchǎngde xīnniánjiàq ī, ānpáirúhé katakana reading: Gonwen, Gonchan Dishinenenja Chee, Anpai Her?

请 请: Are you sure you want to ask?/excuse me

Just add this 请 问。。。。。。。。。。。。。The polite language of Chinese is very easy.



Pawn -in reading: gàosuwǒ gōngchǎngde xīnniánjiàq ī Katakana reading: Gaooswar, Gonchan Dishinenja Chee

Notice: Teach, tell, let me know

The phrase has become simpler.



Kinin reading: xīnniánjiàq ī jiāochūlái katakana reading: Shinnenenjer Chei Jo Churai!

Make it possible: Submit / submit

It became simpler than the phrase I mentioned earlier.If the meaning is the same, you may want to use the shorter phrase ... but use something appropriate while taking into account the relationship with the other party!

New Year's greeting

Congratulations to Spring Spring (Congratulations on the Spring New Year)

Pinin reading: Chūn Jié Kuài le Katakana Reading: Chunji Equala

Everything (I hope everything works)

Kinin reading: wàn shì rúyì katakana reading: One silly

Thinking things (I hope the wish will come true)

Kinin Reading: Xīn XIǎng Shì Chéng Katakana Reading: Shinshan Seechen

Kichijo's intention (I wish you a good thing)

Pinin reading: jí xiáng rú yì Katakana reading: Gishaen Rouie

That's the phrase I wanted to learn before the end of the year, which comes every year.Remember it and work more smoothly with the factory and business partners.

Next time !!

梨衣名中国出身。大学でロボット工学を専攻し、プログラミング言語を勉強する。 モデルオーディションでグランプリを受賞。 2009年雑誌CanCam専属モデルとしてデビュー モデル、CM、テレビ、ファッションショーを主に活動。 fabcrossで、伝統、最先端テクノロジーの企画に挑戦をし、ものづくりのおもしろさを伝えたい。 Twitter /Instragram