Let's reform work together. His DX-themed business matching event will be held online on Thursday, March 3rd. Let's reform work together. His DX-themed business matching event will be held online on Thursday, March 3rd.

"Kawasaki New Industry Creation Center (KBIC)" (Location: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture), where manufacturing venture companies are concentrated as research and development bases, is the third in the business matching event series, "Business Innovation Vol." .3 [DX Edition] ”will be held on March 3 (Thursday).

Click here for event details: https://business-innovation-dx.peatix.com/

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/lHy1NHgICLMP69Ydx1p4.png

Now, "DX" is attracting attention. Companies in various industries are considering digital transformation and collecting information in order to solve their own problems.

At this event, five companies promoting DX will be on stage to pitch about DX and cutting-edge analysis systems that are used in a wide range of scenes such as "outdoor work sites," "indoor work sites," and "service industry sites." I will do it.

This is an opportunity to find new clues to DX from various perspectives, such as the optimal “DX”, the necessary “DX”, and the recommended “DX”.

In addition, after the event is over, we will provide an interview service with the companies on the stage for those who wish. Please use all means.

We are looking forward to the participation of everyone who is considering digital transformation for work reform.

Outline of the event

Date and time: Thursday, March 3, 2022 15: 00-16: 00

Form: Online holding (Zoom)

Participation fee: Free

Capacity: about 50 people

How to apply:

Please apply from one of the following application forms.

Apply from Peatix: https://business-innovation-dx.peatix.com/

Apply from Google Forms: https://forms.gle/o1VibG24dxUYcCZL7

* You can apply for the event from either form.

[Especially recommended for people like this]

・ Infrastructure business personnel

・ Persons involved in the food and beverage industry

共に仕事改革を起こそう。DXをテーマにした ビジネスマッチングイベントを、3月3日(木) オンラインで開催。 共に仕事改革を起こそう。DXをテーマにした ビジネスマッチングイベントを、3月3日(木) オンラインで開催。

・ Person in charge of restaurants, company meals, and school lunches

・ Person in charge of central kitchen management company

・ Persons in charge of construction, construction, and other sites, and persons in charge of related companies

・ Logistics industry Persons in charge of other sites and persons in charge of related companies

・ Retail industry Persons in charge of other sites, persons in charge of related companies, etc.

Speaker introduction

Pitch No.1

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/swsZ30VBtcHVamDgxxkP.png

Ixs Co., Ltd.

Representative Director Fumitaka Yamazaki

Customers specializing in infrastructure, including technologies that support digital transformation of sites, such as developing a system that bidirectionally links BIM / CIM space and real space with robots and AI / AR / 3D point clouds at construction sites. We provide consistent support from the introduction to operation of products and services that can be used and can be used continuously in order to solve the problems of.

Pitch No.2

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/qbhsmz9y7zQkq7PQ0pHw.png

ROX Co., Ltd.

Marketing / Director Noriko Kojima

After working in marketing for a domestic equipment manufacturer, she joined ROX Co., Ltd. in 2018 and is currently in charge of sales and direction in the marketing team. She obtained the G-test in July 2021 for the purpose of acquiring systematic knowledge about deep learning. She works on acquiring new customers, following existing customers, and consulting.

Pitch No.3

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/EtYgbd8Ejkmz0SxWs3Ci.jpeg

Colorlink Japan Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takanari Umekawachi, Business Planning and Sales Department

We are an optical component manufacturer that manufactures optical components and optical lens units for VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality), including projectors, using optical polarization technology. Using the latest polarization technology, we are leading the way in high-definition and miniaturization of VR / AR head-mounted displays.

He proposes a glasses-type high-definition display monitor "57-inch Eyewear-type FHD monitor: CV-57B" and how to use it.

Pitch No.4

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/4j1GIp3KQkcPBaSp6yiL.png

CALCU Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takaya Kaneko, President and Representative Director

He has been engaged in "agriculture" for 4 years since college, and has experienced the start-up of businesses from production to processing and sales. At the same time, he was in charge of toB sales to restaurants, launching human resources ventures, and food loss business at an organic food manufacturer. In addition to these experiences, he founded Tsukumo Co., Ltd. in 2018, launched the organic healthy confectionery service "snaccuru" that utilizes food loss, and experienced the transfer of this business in 2019. Up to this point, we have started the launch of this project based on our experience of experiencing the site of food loss that occurs in the entire supply chain and performing from the launch of the business to the transfer of the business.

Pitch No.5

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/VrNWgXtCSkedTD0F78zY.jpeg

GBS Co., Ltd.

Representative Director Hideo Yamashita

We are working to create a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace by utilizing connected power suits and on-board sensor data. By using the Cray X power suit at the site where heavy objects are handled, the load on the waist can be reduced by up to 28 kg. By accumulating sensor data on the German Bionic IO cloud platform, visualizing human-related work that tends to be a black box, and supporting the efforts of smart factories and smart logistics by providing real-time data.

Main event

Kawasaki New Industry Creation Center (Event Secretariat: Tsukurie Co., Ltd.)

Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/shinkawasakisozonomori

Twitter account https://twitter.com/KBICsozonomori

KBIC overview

The Kawasaki New Industry Creation Center (commonly known as KBIC) is one of the largest incubation facilities in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which was established by Kawasaki City within the "Shinkawasaki Creation Forest" to support venture companies and companies entering new fields. Currently, more than 50 companies and university laboratories are occupying the facility, and they are supporting the growth of resident companies and promoting open innovation.

Shinkawasaki / Creation Forest A research and development base that creates new science and technology and industry: https://kawasaki-sozonomori.jp/

Contact for inquiries regarding this release

Tsukurie Co., Ltd.

Person in charge: Ninomiya, Ueno, Inao

E-Mail: event@kawasaki-net.ne.jp

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