Let's use the smartwatch heart rate zone -Businessman is also required

Heart rate zone -for polar

The function that displays the heart rate zone is a function that is mounted on a sports -type smartwatch from the beginning, but it may not be prepared as standard for smartphone -type smartwatches.However, in that case, you can understand the heart rate zone by installing a third -party application.There are many such apps in Apple Watch, so look for the app and check the heart rate zone.

The heart rate zone is a very important value for sportsmen.This is because the ability to be enhanced depends on which zone training.You may think that your heart rate zone has nothing to do with a businessman.But that's not the case.To get a healthy body, you need to use the "heart rate zone" function.If you do not use this function, you will not know the load that can be expected to be effective.Next, I will take that example.

Health is "150 to 300 minutes per week"

There are many scientific evidence that exercise is good for health.The worrisome thing is how much exercise is the highest probability of being healthy.

From this guidelines, the amount of exercise for businessmen (18 to 64 years old) to be healthy is as follows.


In the version before the WHO released in 2010, only the minimum exercise time per week was described, so it was a new point of the 2020 edition that the range of exercise time, such as 150 to 300 minutes, was shown.It is.It is also a new point that the amount of medium and strength combinations is equivalent, and the minimum length is not specified.

The high -strength exercise is hard and does not last, so the target is medium -strength exercise.From 150 to 300 minutes a week, for example, 30 minutes a day on weekdays, 1 hour a day per week, 270 minutes a week.This seems to be not impossible.The problem is the expression "exercise of medium strength".How strong is medium strength?

What kind of strength is medium strength exercise?

WHO explains the medium-strength exercise in "NCDS | What is moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity Physical Activity?"In WHO, the medium -strength exercise is about 3 to 6 METS, and the following exercises are taken as a sample.


Honestly, it's an explanation that doesn't come out.In addition, 1MET is defined as an energy cost when sitting quietly (1kcal/kg/time), and 3-6 METS consumes an exercise that consumes about 3 to 6 times the energy.There is.

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Regarding METS, the National Health and Nutrition Research Institute has a slightly easier -to -understand sample in the revised edition of "Mets of physical activity" on April 11, 2012.If you pull out a simple exercise that you can try immediately, it will be as follows.


It is easier to imagine than before.However, I want a more quantified value so that I can judge it with a smartwatch.

I want a numerical value, but moderate-intensity exercise (Moderate-Intensity Activities) is often explained in words.The American Disease Prevention Management Center (CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) describes the medium -strength exercise as follows in "Measuring Physical Activity Intensity | Physical Activity | CDC".

He can talk, but he is a painful exercise to sing a song.In a similar feeling, there are many explanations such as exercise that can be talked about but can talk.

Mid -strength exercise varies depending on the context and paper used.For example, it is sometimes called "medium -strength movement" with the following guidelines.

It is difficult to refer to which one to refer to, but it is convenient to use HRMAX % (percentage of maximum heart rate) due to the characteristics of a numerical value and the characteristics of the smart watch of measuring heart rate.And it seems that 55-70 % and the values before and after this are often treated as "medium -strength exercise", so I would like to make this value a guide here as well.Let's say "medium strength exercise = 55-70 % of the maximum heart rate".

Middle strength exercise: Zone 1 to Zone 2

In the case of "medium strength exercise = 55-70 % of the maximum heart rate", Zone 1 to Zone 2 is applicable in the heart rate zone.


In order to strictly measure the maximum heart rate of the person, it is necessary to exercise quite hard and strictly measure.This should not be realistic for many businessmen because of the heavy load.The maximum heart rate is often used if you enter physical data (age, weight, height, gender, body fat percentage, etc.) in your smart watch or your app.If you enter the data properly, a reasonable value should already be set.This value is gradually updated if the exercise is measured with a smart watch.

For example, my maximum heart rate is 180 bpm.When this is assigned to the heart rate zone, the heart rate for each zone is as follows.


According to the WHO guidelines, if you add a habit of zone 1 or zone 2 exercises 15 to 300 minutes a week, you will be more likely to be healthy.This is what I want to be part of my life.

Let's find out the movement of Zone 2 from Zone 1

From here, it's a smart watch.Let's find out how much Zone 2 exercises from Zone 1.If you look for exercises that can be continued as part of your life from there, you can do it for a long time.Here, I tried to measure a park, which is 1 km around, by walking and jogging.It is measured in the following three stages.

The measurement results are as follows (using Polar Vantage V2).

The result is as follows.


If this is used to support the heart rate zone, it will be as follows.


If you walk slowly, it has not reached the lowest zone 1.In other words, just walking slowly is hard to say that it is a medium -strength exercise.The fast walking walking has reached Zone 1, and the Zone 1 is barely the bottom.In the case of the writer at the time of this article, the exercise that slowly jogs shows an easy -to -understand heart rate as a "medium -strength exercise".

Feedback to life

By using the "heart rate zone" function of the smartwatch, the intensity of the required exercise can be visualized as numerical values.If you can visualize, it will be easier to continue, and you can aim for exercise that can be expected to be the most effective.It is very important for businessmen who are difficult to secure exercise time to exercise the most effective.

If you use this example, for example, from Monday to Friday, jogging in a nearby park in front of the bath can perform just 30 minutes of medium strength exercise.On weekends, jogging a comfortable course for about an hour by changing the course will allow you to do a total of 270 minutes a week.Many people think that they are exercising in medium -strength in their lives (National Health and Nutrition Research Institute "Revised Edition" Mets Mets "Table April 11, 2012"See), and the conditions may match the WHO guidelines "when aiming for higher health".

If "slowly walking" was regarded as a "medium -strength movement" without measurement, it may not have been able to meet the WHO guidelines.If you spend the same time, you want to take as much effect as possible.Measure the load using a smartwatch and use it.Let's use a limited exercise time effectively.

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