Payment without iPhone!Explain the additional procedure by card type -Apple Watch Basic "ki" season 7

The Apple Watch has a "Wallet" app.If you register a transportation IC card or credit card, you can pay Apple Pay alone.I'm wearing a mask and doesn't get caught in Face ID authentication.Why don't you use it as a spare wallet?

How to pay with Apple Pay of Apple Watch

The Apple Watch allows you to use credit cards and electronic money added to "Wallet" for payments at stores.When paying, click the side button twice to display the card and hold it over the payment terminal.You do not need a passcode input or Face ID authentication on your iPhone.

At this time, the first display is the card set to the "Main Card".To use another card, turn the digital crown and switch the card.In addition, the card set for the "Express Card" can be settled simply by holding it on the side button.

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Let's take a look at the procedure to add a card to the Apple Watch.

Wallet "Additional Cards to be used by cards"

The place to add a card is the "wallet" in the "Watch" app.Credit cards, transportation IC cards (Suica / PASMO), and electronic money (WAON / nanaco) can be used.The procedure differs depending on the type of card, so please refer to the procedure corresponding to each number by referring to the following.

1) Procedure for registering and using a credit card

Add various credit cards that can be used in Japan.You can add the cards you are using in the iPhone's "Wallet" to the Apple Watch (work to add again).

2) Procedures for creating and using new transportation IC cards

You can create a new Suica / PASMO on the iPhone and use it for payment.This is a recommended method if you want to use it without the original physical card or official app.

When the charge is completed, a card will be added to the wallet.The first registered traffic IC card is set to the Express card.

3) Procedures to use transportation IC card / electronic money on iPhone

If you are already using a transportation IC card or electronic money with the iPhone's "Wallet", you can transfer it to Apple Watch.At this time, the card transferred to the Apple Watch will not be available from the iPhone.

4) Procedures for creating and using new electronic money

To add a new electronic money (WAON / nanaco), you need an official app for each.Here, we introduce nanaco as an example.

5) Inherit the IC card / electronic money physical card and use it

If you use transportation IC card / electronic money with a physical card, you can take over the balance to the iPhone and continue to use it on the "Wallet" app.Please note that the original card will not be available after taking over.Here is an example of Suica.
