What is the advantageous sport when you want to raise your child as a top athlete?(Parents)

Questioner 3rd grade parents

 A parent with a 3 -year -old boy.In the future, children have hope that they will grow up in the top athlete on the front line, but is there any sport that will be advantageous to experience in childhood??Also, if you have the ability to train from a small age, I would like you to give advice.

Respondent Sakiko Okabe (former gymnastics Japan representative)

 The competitions I would recommend are gymnastics, swimming, and the rest.

 子供をトップアスリートに育てたい 幼少期にさせると有利なスポーツは?(保護者)

 Gymnastics will be able to move your body as you want, like the character of "manipulating".For example, even if you say to a small child, "Banzai", some children do not know how to stretch their elbows.

 In the sense of rotating, upside down, or wearing extraordinary senses, you will be able to move your body as you want.

 Swimming is the same.The extraordinary sense of entering water is nurtured.And the use of the use of things is also unique.I think soccer is a good experience in terms of whole -body exercise.

 By the way, gymnasts are often said to have a good motor nerves, but I think that the motor nerves are not good because they are gymnasts, but they do better because they do gymnastics.If you are small, you can change anything.

 Conversely, it is difficult to start gymnastics after growing.Regardless of whether you do it or not, I would like you to do gymnastics as a step to start sports.

 I think it's better not to think about muscle strength to train from a small age.It is often heard how to train the trunk, but as it gets bigger together, it is something that goes up.You can play in the park while you are small, so I want you to be aware of moving your body.

Sakiko Okabe

 Born in Tokyo on May 16, 1988.Born in Asahi Life Gymnastics Club.He starts gymnastics at the age of four.In 2002, the first national team member was selected.At Meidai, he was selected as a representative of Universiade for two consecutive tournaments.Her specialty is Yuka.

 After retirement, he will be instructed in the gymnastics class after working at Meidai Coach.He is also active in TBS "KUNOICHI".In his Instagram, he has gained popularity, such as acrobatic techniques, such as backlash and back rolling in various places, such as the city and the sea.
