How was the side reaction? ... Approximately 200 women surveyed [New Coronavirus vaccine side reaction]

文・小田原みみ — 2021.8.24接種は進む一方、副反応が気になる「新型コロナウイルスワクチン」。20~30代女性の集まるアンアン総研メンバー約200人に「Side reaction of the new colon virus vaccine」について調査しました。

Side reaction of the new colon virus vaccine

新型コロナウイルスの重症化予防のためのワクチン接種が進んでいます。このワクチンの接種において、多くの人の関心事になっているのが「副反応」。発熱から倦怠感、あるいはほとんどない、またなかには重篤な症状等、人によってさまざまです。20~30代女性の集まるアンアン総研メンバー約200人に「Side reaction of the new colon virus vaccine」について生の声を聞きました。※少なくとも1回接種したのは48%のメンバーでした。


How was the side reaction of the Pfizer vaccine?

The same Pfizer vaccine seems to have different side reactions depending on the person and the number of vaccinations.

How was the side reaction of the modela vaccine?

Here, the side reaction of "Modelna Arm" with swelling of the arm is characteristic.A few days after the vaccination, the reaction comes out.

What are the recommended clothes during vaccination?

Medical workers are devising so that they can be smoothly vaccinated.I want to cooperate so that the inoculated person can be hit immediately.

What was the side reaction countermeasure?

The only day after the vaccination was not scheduled, and after preparing for antipyretic analgesics, he said that he did nothing.However, many people are complaining of fever and arm pain, so it seems unlikely that both have been prepared.In addition, there are many side reactions that your arms will not rise, so it is safe to have a shower immediately after returning home.

In a situation where people who want to hit can hit immediately

I think that I have various thoughts about the new colonavirus vaccination, such as I want to make a reservation but not to make a reservation, I can not hit the vaccine constitutionally, and the side reaction is scary.I would be glad if the raw voice of the Anan General members would be helpful for those who will be in vaccinated.

Click here for vaccination side reaction surveys for Anan Beauty +members (Anan Beauty +reader organization, 100 in their 20s and 40s)!The side reaction of the vaccine is ... Approximately 100 women survey [New Coronavirus side reaction]

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