How to install "Google Fit" on your smartphone and check your daily exercise amount

Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, some people may be spending more time at home, and may have fewer opportunities to walk or exercise. There are many people who have gained weight due to lack of exercise.

With the "Google Fit" app that can be used on iPhone and Android smartphones, you can record your sleep data, weight fluctuations, etc. in addition to your daily exercise amount without a smartwatch. Let's check the basic usage of such Google Fit this time.

[Reference] Google Fit

What is Google Fit in the first place?

It's hard to know how much exercise you can do each day to stay healthy. Google Fit is an app that helps you improve your health by measuring and recording your exercise.

Google Fit is a smartphone app jointly developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Heart Association (AHA), and Google. When you exercise such as walking, you can visualize how much activity you did per day with points.

For example, if you have a smartphone with Google Fit installed and do a little hard exercise such as running, 2 points will be added per minute. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking five days a week is enough to meet the AHA and WHO recommendations.

With Google Fit, you can not only keep track of how much you've been exercising each day, but also see if you're hitting the recommended amount. Of course, you can also check the amount of calories consumed.

In addition, although it is named "Google", you can use it by downloading the application on iPhone. Please install it from the App Store.

【参照】App Store
Google Play ストア

Super easy health management! How to use Google Fit

First, install Google Fit from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once you have installed the app, follow the steps below to enter your height and weight.

In addition, this operation was performed with a Galaxy S20 (Android 11) smartphone, but it should be possible to operate with almost the same procedure on an iPhone, so please refer to it.

手順1 利用するGoogleアカウントを確認して「◯◯で続行」をクリックします。
手順2 性別、生年月日、体重、身長を入力して「次へ」をタップします。
手順3 「運動量を自動で記録」を「オンにする」に設定します。
手順4 「アクティビティの目標設定」を行います。アクティビティの目標設定では、1週間あたりの目標歩数と目標ハートポイントを設定できます。ハートポイントとは、強めの運動を行った際に獲得できるポイントのことです。

The initial settings are now complete! When exercising such as walking, please carry around a smartphone with Google Fit installed.

By the way, you can change the activity goal you set later.

How to measure and check your steps with Google Fit

If the initial settings introduced above are cleared, there is no need to set or enter anything in particular. If you carry a smartphone with Google Fit installed, the number of steps should be recorded naturally.

スマホに「Google Fit」をインストールして日々の運動量をチェックする方法

Also, if you want to check the number of steps for "today", start Google Fit and check the first screen displayed. It should be displayed as "Steps (blue letters)".

If you want to check the number of steps you have taken in the past, follow the steps below.

Step 1 Start the app and tap the "Browse" icon at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2 Tap "Activity".

Step 3 Tap "Steps".

Step 4 You can check the number of steps in the past from "day", "week" and "month".

How to track and check sleep data with Google Fit

With Google Fit, you can record how much sleep you were getting every day. Basically, sleep data is recorded automatically, but it is also possible to change it manually later.

Follow the steps below to record and check your sleep.

手順1 Google Fitを起動します。
手順2 「ホーム」の「眠っていた時間」をタップします。

手順3 「週」または「月」で睡眠していた時間を確認できます。
手順4 睡眠データが間違っている場合は、画面上部にある「+」マークをタップし、正しい睡眠時間を入力しましょう。

How to record and check weight fluctuations with Google Fit

With Google Fit, you can also record your weight and check its fluctuations with data.

手順1 Google Fitを起動します。
手順2 「ホーム」にある「体重」をタップします。

手順3 体重の変動がグラフで確認できます。
手順4 新たなに体重を計測した場合は画面上部にある「+」マークをタップして、計測した日付と時刻、そして体重を入力し「保存」をタップしましょう。

If you measure your weight with a scale that supports Google Fit, you can automatically record it in Google Fit.

Can I check the data recorded in Google Fit on a PC (Web)?

Unfortunately, the web version of Google Fit has been discontinued, so it seems that the data recorded in Google Fit cannot be checked on a PC (web).

However, the data recorded in Google Fit can be exported to a PC using the following method.

手順1 Googleデータエクスポートにアクセスします。
手順2 「追加するデータの選択」の中からGoogle Fitにチェックを入れます。
手順3 「次のステップ」をクリックします。
手順4 「頻度」とファイルの形式とサイズを選択します。
手順5 「エクスポートを作成」をクリックします。

that's all.

Is there a smartwatch that works with Google Fit?

By linking with a smartwatch compatible with Google Fit, you can count the time of every exercise and measure the amount of exercise by activities other than walking and running.

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Sentence: Akira Takamizawa
