Freee's "electronic filing / application app" supports corporate tax--supports e-Tax and eLTAX

On September 17, freee announced that the "electronic filing / application app", a service that allows electronic tax filing using a smartphone app, now supports corporate tax filing. The Android version will be available from the same day, and the iOS version will be available soon.

Satoru Takagi (certified accountant), product manager of the company, explained, "It takes about 3 days to 1 week (compared to the paper filing that took), and if the accounting process is completed, it will be completed in about 2 hours."

Obtaining my number card is a hurdle

According to a survey of users of freee for a week from July 1, the ratio of corporate tax filing electronically is 71 points (38.2%), and the ratio of paper mail is 115 points (61.8%). The ratio of selecting the method is overwhelmingly high (valid responses: 186). The reasons for this were "I'm used to it (41.7%)", "I don't know how to set up an electronic filing (37.4%)", and "I don't own my number card (20%)" (115 responses, multiple). Selectable).


It is divided into two types: "e-Tax", which declares corporate tax, which is a national tax, and "eLTAX", which declares corporate inhabitant tax and corporate business tax, which are local taxes. The acquisition rate is by no means high. For example, as for the e-Tax user identification number, "not started (57.4%)" greatly exceeds "acquired (34.8%)".

Furthermore, when using it, it is necessary to attach the My Number card of the corporate representative, but the unregistered ratio is overwhelming at 70.4% for e-Tax and 82.6% for eLTAX. According to Mr. Takagi, he "feels a hurdle" in advance preparations such as acquiring my number card and attaching strings.

Demonstration of electronic filing / application application. Create a document on your PC and select your smartphone as the output destination.Mr. Satoru Takagi, a freee product manager and a certified accountant, explains in the lower left.

The electronic filing / application app was released in January, enabling online final tax returns for sole proprietors, but this time it is now compatible with electronic filing for e-Tax and eLTAX of small and medium-sized businesses that own My Number Cards. I used to read my number card with an IC card reader connected to a PC, but a smartphone replaces the authentication mechanism with an IC card reader.

When you create a tax return with freee filing on your PC and read the two-dimensional code that appears on the display with your smartphone, the download of each document starts, and the electronic filing starts on e-Tax or eLTAX as it is.

In general, corporate tax returns are often outsourced to tax accountants and accountants, but "most (of tax accountants and accountants) own IC card readers, so we do not assume (use of the app)" (Takagi). Mr). The above-mentioned individual business owner's final tax return for 2020 explained that the electronic filing rate increased to 3.6 times in 2019. freee wants to improve the electronic filing rate even for corporate tax.
