Four years since the appearance of Apple Watch-Has the smartwatch winner Apple?

 When Apple Watch was released in 2015, I wrote that the year would be the first year of the smartwatch.Four years since its release on April 24, 2015, the champion in the smartwatch market became Apple.The reason for success is clear.The product was high, the software was relatively good, and it was a bargain considering the quality.

初代モデルは、ステンレススチールケースに入った「Apple Watch」、アルミニウム製ケースの「Apple Watch Sport」、18Kゴールドケースの「Apple Watch Edition」の3種類

 It was the third -generation Apple Watch that was announced in 2017.The use of calls, messages, and music streaming without the iPhone was more surprising to consumers than consumers.Later, a watchmaker CEO leaked to the author."With this, the world standard for smartwatches will be Apple Watch."

「Apple Watch Series 3」

Apple Watchの登場から4年--スマートウォッチの勝者はアップルとなったのか?

 Apple was also skillful in marketing.Apple talked to other companies that list the functions of smartwatches, what would change when they got it.At the beginning of the announcement, Apple emphasized the goodness of the hardware, and its perfection was certainly deserving it.

 However, since the third generation, the company has begun to talk about what changes when he wears it in his arm, rather than the functions and construction of Apple Watch.Apple skillfully overturned the reputation of having no smartwatch, despite being a bit exaggerated, and in fact Apple Watch was a great success in conjunction with sports and health care.Apple Watch strongly resonated with those who are not as professional as Garmin (Garmin), but not indifferent to exercise and health.

The world standard of smartwatches at this time is Apple Watch

 Regardless of whether it is good or bad, or disliked, there is no doubt that the world standard for smartwatches at the moment has become Apple Watch.Of course, there are other excellent smartwatches, but unfortunately this remains if you choose by elimination.At least, the perfection as a hardware will be greatly overwhelmed by smartwatches such as Samsung, ASUS, and fossil, and will be in a sense of wearing.It's easy to make a clock, but it's different from creating something that can be used as a watch.Apple first made an effort to create a "watch that is not removed from the arm" and gained a great success.

 As the famous independent watchmaker Philip Dufo lamented, "It's difficult to let people who come to think that mobile phones are enough if they look at time."Many watchmakers should have been concerned about improving the feeling of wearing, but they have been concerned about raising their status, and have forgotten the concept of wearing for the last 20 years, or are aggressive.I didn't think about it.The lack of consideration for wearing was even more prominent for tech companies that make smartwatches.The smartwatch made by people who had never worn a watch was a wristwatch, but could not be used as a watch.

 By the way, recently, more and more people, such as Daniel Wellington and KNOT (knot), have bought a watch that is comfortable to wear, and many watchmakers have been seriously thinking about wearing them.。As a result of the deterioration of the economy and consumers, each manufacturer began to create a watch that could be used as long as possible.On the other hand, the perception of smart watch makers about wearing it has not yet been improved.Unless the smartwatch creator has not changed the perception of wearing, the position of the Apple Watch will be safe for the time being.It is more difficult for many people to put a watch on those who are no longer wearing a watch.
