In Europe, the replacement battery of EV bikes is standardized, and four companies, including Honda and Yama, are collaborated: Electrification

 ホンダ、ヤマハ発動機、オーストリアのKTM、イタリアのピアッジオ(Piaggio & C)の二輪車メーカー4社は2021年3月1日、電動二輪車(EVバイク)や、欧州連合(EU)のUNECE規格に基づく車両区分でLカテゴリーに属する小型電動モビリティの普及を目的とした交換式バッテリーコンソーシアムの創設に合意したと発表した。コンソーシアムの正式な設立は2021年5月の予定で、活動に関心のある他のステークホルダーの参加も募っていく方針である。

 The consortium defines the technical specifications of the replacement battery system for electric motorcycles and small electric mobility, and in a close cooperation with related organizations, countries, Europe and international standardization organizations, and in Europe and international.Aim to acquire common standards.


 Behind the consortium establishment agreement is acceleration of the electrification of mobility in the Paris agreement and the European region.The four companies who join the Consortium believe that the standardized replacement battery system can contribute to the spread of small electric mobility and the life cycle management of a more sustainable replacement battery.We believe that it can be expected to increase the range of cruising range, reduce charging time, reduce infrastructure costs, and reduce vehicle costs. "

 Regarding the standardization of replacement batteries for electric motorcycles, the “Electric College Replacement Battery Consortium”, which is participated in Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Suzuki, Honda, and Yamaha Motor in Japan, has started activities in April 2019.。

 In addition, the Japanese Automobile Industry Association Motorcycle Special Committee to which the four companies belong, announced that it will conduct a demonstration experiment of battery replacement electric motorcycles with the cooperation of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka University for one year from September 2020.There is.

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