Equipped with a new function "In Activation Notification" to prevent exercise lack of exercise!Smart band "GOBE3"


Now that the number of teleworks has increased, I want to keep in mind smart health management.


GOBE3, a smart band, which has a health support function, such as calories absorbed in the body and automatic water balance in the body, has updated a new function, "In Activity Notification" that prevents everyday exercise.

運動不足を防ぐ新機能「インアクティビティー通知」搭載!スマー...の画像はこちら >>身体に摂取されたカロリーを自動計測するGoBe3

GOBE3 has been attracting attention since landing in Japan in October 2020 as the world's first smart band that can automatically measure calories, water balance, and stress levels.

Until now, the calories of what you ate was manually input with apps, etc., but GOBE3 is just worn, and the calories actually ingested in the body of the calories eaten from the sensor on the back of the dial.Will be measured automatically.


Now that lifestyles have to change, such as teleworks, stays and nesting life, lifestyles such as diet and exercise are also changing.

In particular, for exercise, people who have no exercise habits have fallen into more serious exercise due to reduced commuting movements and narrowing the range of daily movements.

This situation has triggered the development of GOBE3's new feature "In Activity Notification".


"In Activation Notification" is a Gobe3 user's daily life that helps prevent lack of exercise and support health by giving a small awareness and trigger.


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