Good news for those who fail by double clicking the side button.Actually, it can be adjusted: iPhone Tips

Double -click and triple clicks on the side button to install the app or call the accessibility shortcut function.It is convenient because it can be operated efficiently, but it is surprisingly difficult to press the side buttons multiple times and quickly.

In such a case, adjust the speed to click from the "Settings" app.In addition, it is also possible to edit the accessibility shortcut function.This time, we will introduce how to adjust the speed of the side button and how to edit the shortcut function that can be called by triple clicking.

Adjust the interval between the side button clicks

 サイドボタンのダブルクリックで失敗する人に朗報。実は調節できるんです:iPhone Tips

First, adjust the interval between clicking the side button.If it's hard to click quickly, it's a good idea to set the interval late.Open the configuration app and tap "Accessibility".Then, select "Side button".

Next, on the "side button" screen, choose one of "default", "late", or "slowest".Tap any of them to inform you of the interval of the click by vibration.

Edit shortcut functions

Triple clicks on the side button can call the accessibility shortcut function.The setting app allows you to edit the shortcut function.Tap "Accessibility" from the setting app and select "Shortcut".You can select the function you want to call from the displayed items.

If you are struggling to double -click or triple clicks on the side button, change the speed.You can adjust it according to your taste.
