Nintendo of America filed new lawsuit for pirated ROM site not paying $50/month (3500 years division)

In June of this year, Nintendo of America won a lawsuit against a site that distributes pirated ROM data, but a new lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against the site for failing to pay even the first $50 per month in damages. filed a lawsuit.

The original lawsuit was filed by Nintendo of America against RomUniverse, a site that distributed ROMs for Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch games. Its operator, Matthew Storman, lost the case and was ordered to pay compensation of $ 2,115,000 (about 250 million yen).

This has shut down RomUniverse for a while, but the judge in charge of the case has decided not to issue a permanent injunction that would shut it down forever. Nintendo, however, was not satisfied with RomUnivers as a threat and wanted to take further action.

 US Nintendo, pirate ROM site monthly fee New lawsuit for non-payment of $50 (3500 years division)

In the original lawsuit, Mr. Storman claimed he was unemployed, so the approximately $2.1 million in damages was to be paid in $50 monthly installments for the next 3,500 years. However, Nintendo has filed a new lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction for failing to make even this initial payment.

Nintendo said in the new lawsuit, ``The failure to make even the modest payment of $50 per month, the amount defendants have proposed and agreed to, is a legally permissible violation of the law against Nintendo for past or future infringements by defendants. It demonstrates that it has no recourse and insists on the need for a permanent injunction."

In short, you could say that Storman got angry with Nintendo for ignoring past lawsuits and continuing to run RomUnivers.

While the lawsuit is aimed at newer games such as the 3DS and Switch, Nintendo has recently expanded into collections of older games, HD remasters, and retro game distribution on Nintendo Switch Online. I'm going to The exposure and lawsuits against pirated ROM sites that infringe on such past assets may become even stronger.

Source: Google Docs (PDF)

via: MSPowerUser

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