The Steam & smartphone version of the popular deck building board game "Dominion" is now available!

Age where analog board games can be played on Steam games, smartphone apps, and websites. I really want to sit around the table with everyone and play face-to-face, but in this day and age it's hard to meet people. When I was a student, I used to invite friends to my room and play board games, but now I'm completely playing online.

This time, we will introduce the app version of the classic board game "Dominion". A game centered on buying cards and building decks, the innovative system gained popularity and swept various awards. A work that had a great impact, such as creating a follower game placed in. It's a game I've played quite a bit myself, and I've been playing all night with my friends. The early access version of this work has been released on Steam, iOS, and Android. Basic is free, and expansion sets that add cards are charged.

It has been possible to play Dominion on the browser so far, but the difference is that expansions are purchased on a subscription basis. And above all, the biggest feature of what we introduce this time is that there is a smartphone application version. You will be able to play "Dominion" anytime, anywhere.

Dominion (Steam)

Dominion (iOS)

Dominion (Android)

The images used in this article are from the Steam version. It's all in English, but according to the official, it will also support Japanese in the future. Until it's translated into Japanese, it's a little hard for people who aren't experienced with "Dominion" to play, but once it's done, I'd like people with no experience to play it.

Dominion coming in Japanese soon!

Steam: https://t .co/927YQHsQ4B

— Temple Gates (@Temple_Gates) October 10, 2021

The popular deck construction board game

■ A deck-building game that had a great influence on later generations

Dominion is a type of board game that uses only cards. Build a ''game. At the beginning, you only have a small amount of money (copper coins) and a mansion that will become your territory (points). From there, purchase "kingdom cards" with various effects on the field, "treasure cards" such as silver and gold coins, and "victory point cards" such as dukedoms and provinces, and at the end of the game, you will have the most The player who gets the points wins.

Kingdom cards include "action cards" with various effects and victory point cards with special effects, and there are 26 types in the basic set that can be used for free. Since the game uses 10 cards selected from these, you can play with a different combination of cards each time, and the game will develop differently.

By the way, the appeal of this game is definitely the combos that are created by combining action cards. There are various types of action cards, such as cards that draw cards from the deck, cards that can only be purchased once per turn, cards that increase the number of actions, and cards that interfere with the opponent. is a very powerful combo.

For example, the combination of "Village" with the effect of "1 draw, +2 actions" and "Blacksmith" that can draw 3 is a simple yet powerful move that allows you to draw a large number of cards while leaving an action. . You can also use the remaining actions to perform ``Village + Blacksmith'', or you can connect it to the interference card ``Militia'' that says ``I get 2 coins and other players reduce their hand to 3''. Is possible.

The hard part is that combos that should work in your head don't work at all when you actually try them. For example, even if you can draw a lot of cards, if you don't have a treasure card or a coin-producing card, you can't buy a score card because you don't have enough money. Also, if you don't buy each card with a balance in mind, it's possible that you'll end your turn without being able to do anything due to a hand accident. Also, sometimes you can win by just buying one type of card and hitting it repeatedly without aiming for a combo...

In this way, it is essential for victory to read the future developments and card strengths from the 10 types of cards in play and the movements of other players, and to purchase cards appropriately. This is very deep, and new strategies can be found no matter how many times you play, making it a highly replayable and addictive game.

■ The advantage of digital is, of course, "convenience"

Dominion is like that, but if you play in real life, the longer the combo, the more processing you have to do, and the more likely you are to make mistakes. . For example, the combo in the image below uses a large number of action cards to obtain coins and purchase rights. You may have to call and check. On the other hand, in a digital version like this one, you can play at a good tempo without making mistakes, as this process is done on your own.

Because you can easily play online, you can't help but keep playing "one more game...". Combined with the high replayability, it keeps getting stuck in the swamp.

Online board games also have the advantage of not taking up space. In addition to this, there are some other attractions unique to digital, such as sound and effects when using cards. Although it is not currently implemented, if a rating system is introduced in the future, online battles will become more exciting.

In addition, this work is currently in early access, so currently only two people can play online interpersonal battles. In the future, it is planned to be able to play multiplayer with up to 6 people. Also, in this work, if a person who has the expansion set builds a room, other participants can play even if they do not have the expansion set. If you are experienced, please buy the expansion set and invite your friends to play. Even beginners and people who have no experience with board games can enjoy this masterpiece game, so please play it when the Japanese version comes. Please try it.

Dominion (Steam)

Dominion (iOS)

Dominion (Android)
