Do not compete head-on with Apple and Samsung. What is the strategy of domestic watchmakers challenging the smartwatch market? | | New switch by Daily Industry News Agency |

Domestic watch manufacturers take advantage of the original charm and advantages of watches to strengthen their smartwatch related services. The smartwatch market is dominated by Apple's Apple Watch of the United States, followed by Samsung Electronics of South Korea. Instead of competing head-on with aggressive overseas-made smartwatches, they make use of the original design of watches to differentiate by providing new value to watch lovers and expanding new services in partnership with collaborative enterprises. (Yasukuno Yasukawa)

Collaborate to create new service IoT function to remotely operate household appliances

West Rail City Watch's smartwatch looks like an analog watch, but it can be customized (separately supported) using the IoT (Internet of things) basic "Riiiver (Riiiver)" function. For example, Nature Remo, a hand-made intelligent remote control made by Nature (Shibuya District, Tokyo), can operate household appliances with a smartwatch made by West Rail City clock through River.

If you set the action, just press the button on your watch on the way home to turn on the air conditioner from Nature Remo when you are away from home.

Minister Masagi Oishi, who co-ordinates the watch business in West Railway City, said: "West Railway City pays attention to the charm of watches and clocks. As smartwatches, we will add partners with Reeve to increase the value of the IoT base and expand what we can do.

Sony's intelligent dubbing device "wena3" will also work with Rafe. Wena3 is a smart device, equipped with a variety of electronic money use and activity log (history) function. Wear it on the buckle and use it. In addition to the wena3 and all-in-one models, the 110th model under the Artaisha brand supports the installation of wena3.

アップル・サムスンと真っ向勝負せず。スマートウォッチ市場 に挑む国内時計メーカーの戦略とは?|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

Casio, health care axle foot application supports running

Casio computers differentiate services specifically for health care. The center of the service is the runner-oriented personal coaching application (application software) "Runmetrix" (Runmetrix), which is jointly developed with ASIX. Use a dedicated small sensor "motion sensor" to detect body motion and support running with recommendations that meet your purpose. In addition to smartwatches made by Casio computers, it also works with Apple Watch to confirm data while running.

LongMobil's advantage is the high-precision sensing technology cultivated by the Casio computer. There, Assis's ideas fused together in pursuit of active use in the movement. "We have been clearly envisioning the goal of developing an easy-to-use interface," said Toshio Iguchi, director of the Casio computer Sports Health Incubator. "

This is a strategy dedicated to health care functions, improving accuracy and attracting people who are interested in health care. It is expected to start offering "Uookimetrics" specifically for UOKO in October.

Casio computer launched the smartwatch "G-SQUAD PRO" of the impact-resistant watch brand "G-SHOCK" in May.

The director of the wellhead center said, "the smartwatch has been adjusted online as a G-SHOCK." Give full play to the value and charm of G-SHOCK, and appeal to fans. It aims to put forward new choices for fans who love to use G-SHOCK.

Watches are the most attractive and open up customers.

Domestic watch manufacturers tend to carry out smartwatch business rather than focus on gaining market share of smartwatches as a strategy to enhance the function and attractiveness of watches.

Oki Smurf has implemented the habit of 'wear the watch on the arm' and created a new market, said Oishi, the minister of West Railway City Watch. It is also an opportunity for watch enterprises.

Using smartwatches as the entrance, it is recommended to use watches that match the scene, etc., which is also designed to facilitate the discovery of new customers. How to make full use of the new market created by smartwatches seems to need to pay close attention to the strategies of domestic companies.

Daily Industry News August 16, 2021
