Can I resume tracking with the new healthcare and fitness function of "iOS 13"?

 I have discovered something unfortunate in the past year.I was fat.Of course, "Apple Watch" was always worn.I admit that the bad is not Apple Watch, but I am myself.I was measuring my weight every day with a scale connected to the app, but I couldn't understand the correct life attitude and health management, and I was devastating.

iOS 13の「アクティビティ」アプリの新機能「Trend」は、より厳しいコーチングの遅れてきたスタートだ。提供:James Martin/CNET

 That's why Apple's "Watchos 6" and "iOS 13" fitness and health management functions were very persuasive for me.In particular, the tools that are improved by iOS 13, the "Activity" and "Healthcare" app, are likely to provide more comprehensive concepts about my physical activity and present interesting data.

The Trend Tab of the Activity App is a function that can see the situation of the past year

 Until now, the Apple Watch activity app has just displayed how many times the three rings were completed.However, the new feature "Trend" displays the progress of various categories in a graph, allowing more detailed state when it is smooth or not.

「iOS 13」の新たなヘルスケア&フィットネス機能で私はトラッキングを再開できる?

 Unfortunately, this function cannot be displayed on the Apple Watch.It is a function that can only be used in the "iPhone" where iOS 13 operates.In order to display trendy data on the Trend tab, it is necessary to use the Apple Watch 365 days a day (intermittent use is also possible).This is because the past 90 days are compared with the past 365 days.It is not clear how Apple functions this feature on the iPhone and Apple Watch, but Apple promises to see these trends, such as notifications and guidance notifications and guidance to motivate specific display method (whether it is a pop -up notification or a weekly summary) has not yet been revealed.

 In the Trend of the activity, the number of "stands" and the number of "moves" calories, the total number of "exercise", the maximum oxygen intake (the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during exercise)Aerobic duration is an important indicator, etc.) is displayed.

"Highlights" in the "Healthcare" app may warn you about your health.

 The iOS 13 "Healthcare" app displays a series of data called "Highlights".Design changes make it easier to see health information.Hopefully, it would be a convenient hub of guidance, not just the current data storage.Apple uses machine learning to display notable data.The category where the data has been updated most recently is emphasized.The more frequent updates of the data, the higher the rank (for example, frequent blood pressure measurements and regular weight measurements).These are the purpose of showing changes in health, but it is still unknown how Apple provides this information.

 It is also unknown whether the Highlights function will be useful even after the measurement for a while.Category information that users have not measured for a while will not be displayed.If so, for example, inadvertently forgetting blood pressure (I often do it), it is likely to be a problem.I am very interested in how healthy data is displayed.I'm not going to decide the evaluation until I actually try it on iOS 13.

When is the birth of a smart coach and health advisor?

 The focus on the data trends between healthcare and fitness suggests that coaching and healthcare guidance functions will be added in the future.But iOS 13 is still the first step.It would be very disappointing if this newly compiled information could not be displayed at all on Apple Watch.Because I want to see these data to encourage myself because of the Apple Watch screen.

 But what I'm really interested in is whether Apple's coaching and healthcare guidance will become even stronger in the future.For me, it is the biggest feature that lacks smart watches and tracking devices with fitness functions.So it's very interesting whether Apple will go in this direction.However, the fact that the points between health indicators such as weight, sleep, activity, blood pressure and electrocardiograms are not connected will not be a complete guidance tool for the health that I am looking for.

 I want to think that there is a possibility.

This article edited an article from overseas CBS Interactive by Asahi Interactive for Japan.
