Body temperature power generation smart watch "MATRIX POWERWATCH", new model of heart rate monitor and color LCD

 One measure to avoid the problem of short battery driving time in a smartwatch, a smartwatch "MATRIX POWERWATCH", which generates electricity using the temperature difference between body temperature and surroundings, was previously featured.In the PowerWatch campaign conducted by the crowdfunding service "Indiegogo", funds that are about $ 1.65 million (about 178.66 million yen), nearly 10 times the target amount, are gathered and mass -produced and are sold in Japan.Successful.

 Matrix PowerWatch, which has a great charm that does not require charging, is not enough power obtained by body temperature power generation.Therefore, the function was limited and the screen was monochrome.

 On the other hand, I will introduce the second -generation model "Matrix PowerWatch 2" that has expanded its functions.


体温発電スマートウォッチ「MATRIX PowerWatch」、心拍計やカラー液晶の新モデル

 PowerWatch 2 is a smart watch that operates by converting heat energy of body temperature into electric energy with thermoelectric elements.The first model was generated only with thermoelectric elements, but PowerWatch 2 also uses solar power generation to get more power.As a result, a color LCD screen (LCD), a heart rate sensor, and a GPS module are possible.Functions such as gesture recognition and notification are also newly adopted.

武骨になったデザイン(出典:Indiegogo) 初代PowerWatch(出典:Indiegogo)

 There is no need for charging, and the trouble of connecting a cable can be saved.Since you can always wear it, there is no problem that the measurement of heart rate, steps, sleep, etc. will be interrupted during charging.Therefore, it is ideal for health management and fitness.Management by "Apple HealthKit" and "Google Fit" is also possible.


 The size of the body is 47mm in diameter, 16mm thick, and weighs 60g to 70g.It has waterproofness equivalent to 200m in depth.By the way, the first generation was 46 mm in diameter, 15mm thick, weighed 50g to 60g, and was waterproof with a depth of 50m.

 The target amount in Indiegogo is $ 100,000 (about 10.83 million yen).At the time of writing (Japan time January 7, 14:30), the campaign period remains 30 days, but it has already collected about $ 292,000 (about 31.62 million yen), nearly three times the target.

Introduction video of MATRIX PowerWatch 2 (Source: YouTube)
