Bluetooth earphone "Liberate Air" made of environmentally friendly materials

Recently, wireless is the mainstream of earphones, but Marley's new earphones are likely to attract attention just by wearing the wireless convenience.

・ Awareness of the marine plastic problem

商品名は「LIBERATE AIR」。見ての通り、竹や木材を使用している。そのほかリサイクル可能なアルミニウムや、ペットボトルからつくられたファブリックも使われ、こうした“アースフレンドリー”な素材を活用したワイヤレスイヤホンは業界初という。

Behind this product development is to deal with the marine plastic garbage problem.

環境に優しい素材でつくられたBluetoothイヤホン「LIBERATE AIR」

・ Play up to 32 hours


It can also be controlled by tapping music playback and calling, and supports voice operation such as Siri and Google Assistant.

Some people may think that durability is OK with bamboo or wood, but it is a sweat -resistant IPX4 waterproof specification.

Liberate Air is perfect for those who want to wear something different from people, such as AirPods.The price is 14,750 yen (tax included).


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