"Beauty before health", bike cameras and sports watches from Garmin. Ambassador Karen Michibata

Three new sports watch models

 The "ForeAthlete 935" will be released in mid-May as a new model in the "ForeAthlete" series of multi-sport watches with GPS functionality. The price is 57,800 yen. It is said to be "optimal for use in running/triathlons" and is characterized by its light weight of 49g.

Fore Athlete 935. The sensor in the center is the Running Dynamics Pod

Compatible with the easily replaceable QuickFit band, you can change it according to your mood, from a sporty silicone band to a classic leather band or a high-end metal band.

A sensor called Running Dynamics Pod is included, and when worn at the center of the waist, it measures pitch, stride width, contact time balance, vertical movement, vertical dynamic ratio, etc., to understand the correct running form. It is said that it will be a hint.

Equipped with a barometric altimeter, it can also be used for mountain climbing and trail running. It also supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity. It can also be linked to a smartphone, and functions can be customized with free watch faces and apps that can be downloaded from "Connect IQ".

Beauty beyond health

 Display resolution is 240 x 240 dots, 64 colors multicolor. Up to 2 weeks in watch mode, up to 21 hours in GPS mode and 44 hours in UltraTrac mode. It also has 50m water resistance.

The right end in front is "vivosmart 3". The front left is "vivofit jr." "Smart activity tracker" equipped with an optical heart rate monitor that can easily measure your heart rate just by wearing it on your wrist. It has an organic EL display and can be used for up to 5 days.

It is possible to analyze the heart rate variability (HRV) and check the increase or decrease of stress. Furthermore, by recognizing whether the stress is physical or emotional, "we can find ways to alleviate it."

 In addition to heart rate, the number of steps, calories burned, number of floors climbed, and sleep status can also be measured. When you go to bed, you can automatically measure your sleep time and movement during sleep, and you can also understand the quality of your sleep. The measured data can be checked and analyzed online on Garmin Connect. VO2max, fitness age, and rep counting (reps, sets, and rest time measurement during muscle training) are also possible.

 In addition, the activity tracker "vivofit jr." for children will be released in late April. The price is 9,241 yen.

 You can easily measure your daily steps, sleep time, exercise time, etc., and the target age is 3 to 10 years old. The activity status of the day is uploaded to the dedicated app, and it is said that "parents and children can solve the lack of exercise in a fun way." Operating time is about 1 year.

 Equipped with a game-like function for children to enjoy. You can set help within the dedicated app and earn coins from your parents when you complete the help. Earned coins can be exchanged for rewards within the app.

 In addition, if you achieve your exercise goal of 60 minutes a day, you can explore the adventure trail and find interesting creatures on the trail. The animals you find are recorded in the "Family Journal". It is said that you can use it, such as exercising because you want to meet animals.
