Does the Apple Watch battery extend to two days?ENOVIX's lithium -ion battery is amazing!

The battery capacity problem of wearable devices is solved

 The battery size of the smartphone has become larger year by year, and recently some models have been compatible with ultra -high -speed charging over 100W.Recently, the problem of using a smartphone has no battery recently.On the other hand, products with small body size, such as smartwatches and wearable devices, are difficult to increase the physical size of the battery, and more products are trying to improve the power saving performance of chips and reduce the body function.I am.

 ENOVIX, a California startup, has developed a technology that greatly increases the capacity of existing lithium -ion batteries and commercializes small batteries.The lithium -ion battery generates electricity when lithium electrons (ions) move between the positive electrode and the negative electrode separated by the separator.However, the capacity is proportional to the positive poles and negative electrode area.With small mobile devices, it is difficult to increase the size of the electrode surface any further.

 ENOVIX has succeeded in increasing the negative structure by 30 to 70 % of the same size lithium -ion battery by taking the three -layer cell structure called "Silicon Wafer + Metal Foil + Ceramic".The company's "3D Silicon Lithium-Ion Cell" has a lineup of products such as smartwatches, wearable devices, and smartphones.

ENOVIX's "3D Silicon Lithium-Ion Cell" exhibited at CES2022

 So how much battery capacity actually increases?When the original battery of Garmin's smartwatch "FORERUNNNER 235" was replaced with ENOVIX, the capacity was increased by 70 % and it could be used for up to 15 days.The maximum usable time on the Forerunner 235 catalog is 9 days, so 1.The battery has 5 times as much as it is.In this case, I want you to test other smartwatches, for example, Apple Watch.

Garmin's smartwatch has 1 available time.Extended 5 times

 Apple Watchのバッテリーが2日に伸びる? Enovixのリチウムイオンバッテリーがスゴイ!

 In addition, when the battery of the eyeglass -shaped headphones, BOSE "Frames Alto", was increased by 133 %.Music playback time 3.The 5 hours are 8 hours, which is also greatly growing.3.In 5 hours, it will end as soon as you use it for a day commuting or lunch break, but it will be a calculation that can be used almost all day after 8 hours.In this way, the smaller the original battery capacity, the greater the user experience effect with the ENOVIX battery.

BOSE's smart glass.8 hours music can be watched

 Even large devices have the advantage of installing 3D Silicon Lithium-ion Cell.This is an example installed in a model of Dell's laptop "Latitude", but an ENOVIX battery can be completed with a capacity of 20 % for the same capacity.In other words, it is possible to reduce the weight of the notebook PC, make it thinner, or increase the battery to the empty volume to increase the capacity.

Notebook PC can easily reduce weight

 The 3D Silicon Lithium-Ion Cell is still only sampled, but in the future it will be adopted from the wearable device that you want to increase the battery capacity immediately.In addition, products that have been difficult to use from battery capacity, such as the ring -type device "Smart Ring", may be realized.The advantage is that the 3D Silicon Lithium-Ion Cell power generation mechanism is the same as existing lithium-ion battery.If you notice, the battery of the smartwatch has increased significantly, and it seems that such a day will come soon.

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