Is Apple Watch Series7 buying?Reasons why the editor -in -chief of watch magazines praised

In fact, Masamasa Hirota, editor -in -chief of the Japanese version of Kronos, who has been wearing Apple Watch since the first generation.How is Apple Watch reflected for the editor -in -chief of a luxury watch magazine?The latest Series 7, which was released in October, became more friendly to presbyopia than before, and it was definitely the best buyer compared to successive models, so it was definitely the best buyer compared to successive models.Is introduced.

Apple Watchのもっともベーシックなモデル。GPS+セルラー仕様のみ。ストラップの素材は劣化しにくく、汚れのつきにくいフルオロエラストマー。成型時のパーティングラインはほとんど見当たらない。また、ストラップに固定されたピンの基部には、レコード状の刻みが施されている。これだけ細かい刻み加工は、高級時計でもほとんど見られない。駆動時間約18時間。45mmモデル:SS(縦45×横38mm、厚さ10.7mm)。重さ51.5g(時計部分のみ)。50m防水。GPS+セルラーモデルは8万8800円(税込み)~。41mmモデル:SS(縦41×横35mm、厚さ10.7mm)。重さ42.3g(時計部分のみ)。GPS+セルラーモデルは8万2800円(税込み)~。広田雅将(クロノス日本版):文
Text by Masayuki Hirota(Chronos-Japan)

Apple Watch with citizenship, its latest work

 Since 2015, I have been wrapping Apple Watch on my right arm.Not because I'm an Apple fan, but I want to see how smartwatches evolve.When I first showed this "clock" to the clock, I remember being joked, "Did you go to the digital world?"However, recently, the words I hear are changing to "How is it convenient?"As the reaction of the experts suggests, a smartwatch that has gained citizenship, rather than a high recognition in just a few years.The new Apple Watch, which has pioneered the market, is "Series 7" released on October 15.

Apple Watch Series7は買いなのか? 時計専門誌編集長が絶賛する理由

 The reason that Apple Watch has become different from other smartwatches is from Series 3, which can be used with celluler and can be used with standalone.The basic composition of this work, which is the 7th generation, has not changed significantly from Series 3.However, as a hardware, it has evolved as much as the finished smartwatch at this time.Although there is no easy -to -understand change, the maturity of the details has greatly changed the impression.

New Apple Watch focuses on the dial


 Series 7 The largest cucumber is a relatively large dial.The case size is 41mm / 45mm long, and the size of the bezel (frame to fasten the glass) and the windshield is narrowed down to the Series 6, and the area of the dial is Series 6.It increased about 20 % compared to Series 3.

 By the way, it is a trend seen in the current luxury watches that squeeze the bezel narrowly and spread the windshield and dial.In the past, it was said that it was difficult to support a large windshield with a thin bezel, but the evolution of adhesive and packing made it possible.Details are unknown, but the improvement of Apple Watch Series 7 is probably the same reason.

 With the expansion of the dial, Series 7 has increased the display element of the dial, and the screen has become easier to see even if the characters are enlarged.Until now, Apple Watch has been selected from 6 levels of character size.Series 7, on the other hand, increased to nine levels.In addition, the area of the button has increased at least 10%larger, so it is unlikely to be erroneous.The reason is the increase in users.As of 15 years, I chose Apple Watch just because I liked Apple fans and some tech.But now, Apple Watch has become one option for ordinary people.It is convinced that Apple said that it was the world's largest watch maker.In my opinion, the latest version of Series 7 can see Apple consideration for users of all ages.

Is it friendly to presbyopia?Smart watch

 One of the reasons for smartphones in the last decade is the aging of users.Of course, not all, the change in the user segment cannot be ignored.Statista, a German online service, conducts age surveys for smartphone users every year.The changes from 12 to 2018 in the UK are interesting.In 2012, only 48 % of smartphones were used in age groups from 45 to 54 years old.However, it increased to 87 % in 2018.In age groups between the age of 55 and 64, the ratio increased from 9 % to 71 %.Apart from the huge tablet market, it seems that other countries tend to have the same trend.I think the smartwatch, which is becoming more late, will follow the same path.As the British example shows, digital devices get citizenship means that the age groups used will expand.In other words, the future smartwatch will be used for granted even those who have presbyopia.It is unlikely that Apple, who focuses on health care, ignores the spread of the age group.

・時計の比較。左はチェコ製の機械式時計プリム「スパルタク 34」。直径は34mmしかない。右はApple Watch Series 7の45mmサイズ。スペック上は右のほうが明らかに大きいが、ラグを含めた全長はあまり違わない。

 If the case is increased, the dial will inevitably become larger, resulting in presbyopia -friendly watches.However, unlike smartphones, devices on the arms have a size restriction.I thought that the physical expansion of Apple Watch was a limit in Series 6, but this time Apple has greatly improved its visibility without changing the case size.While maintaining the size that can be used as a wristwatch, the skill that spreads the dial is extraordinary.When the bezel is squeezed, the windshield will be difficult to fix, and it will be difficult to support a heavy sapphire glass, but Apple seems to have finally solved this problem.The "heavy" sapphire glass, which is more than twice the thickest of Apple Watch Series 6, symbolizes the sober but hardware evolution.

 By the way, Apple Watch, which does not have a rug to fasten the belt, has a much shorter length than the case size.Therefore, the impression on the arm is close to a watch of about 38 mm, even in 45mm size.In general, the higher the case, the worse the wearing.However, the impression of putting a 45mm model on the arm is almost the same as Series 6 or before, and the position of the center of gravity is still the same.
