"Epex Legends" beginner capture.Brad Hound is the key to ensuring the safety of the team that is good at search

 We will deliver a beginner capture of APEX LEGENDS "APEX LEGENDS" for the battle royal shouting for Switch/PS5/PS5/PS5/PS4/Xbox One/Origin/Steam (PC), which is being distributed from Electronic Arts.

 In this article, we will provide useful strategy information for players who have just started "APEX LEGENDS" according to the Nintendo Switch version.

 This time, we will introduce the recommended legends for those who can not easily get the champion.

Easy to handle and powerful Blood Hound

 It is a legend that allows you to inform your team's position to your allies of the opponent's position.

 Even those who have high contribution to friends and are not good at shooting can play well.It's easy to handle and it's a powerful legend, so if you're a beginner, if you're worried about choosing a character, let's first pick the Blood Hound.

How to use abilities


 The Blood Hound allows you to use your abilities to see your opponent's position and movement and share it with your friends.

 Basically, use abilities where there may be invisible enemies, such as when entering the building or turning the turn angle.

 At first you may not know the points to be alert, and you may be worried about the use.In that case, let's remember the past play and think, "I was an enemy here and suddenly became a battle."

 If you attack, you can avoid unexpected counterattacks by scanning and then attacking.In addition, you can see all the actions of the opponent during the scan, so it is also effective as a means of fighting during battle.

 If your opponent is forced to charge, wait with the gun turned and start with a good shot.

『エーペックス レジェンズ』初心者攻略。ブラッドハウンドは索敵に長けたチームの安全確保の要

 Bloodhound scanning strengths can demonstrate their strengths in various situations, such as safety confirmation, attacks, and protection.

How to use Ultimate


 During the "hunting beast" of Ultimate, the speed of movement is improved and the cool time of the scan is greatly shorter.

 It is very effective when aiming for a person who is isolated in the opponent's team, making sure that other teams are aiming for the fisherman's advantage (fisherman), or attacks.

 In addition, we can use it to improve the movement speed, use it to move on a flat ground without a shield, use it for an escape after losing a friend, or use it as a moving skill.prize.If you survive, you still have a chance.

 The strategy of aiming for the same enemy is a very important point in this game.The Blood Hound, which is easy to be aware of, is also recommended in terms of learning how to fight games.

How to use passive skills


 The Blood Hound allows you to check the next ring safe zone in advance using the survey beacon on the map.The same is true for pass viewfinders and crypto.

 By knowing the position of the ring in advance, you can take a strong building that can be used to castle until the end, move early if the distance to the next ring is far away, and increase the stability of the entire team.

 If you don't look closely at the map, you may miss a survey beacon.When descending from the ship, make sure that there is no survey beacon nearby.

 The Blood Hound can also see the opponent's footprints.When chasing after the enemy passes, let your friends know and watch out for your surroundings.

A simple technique that can be used from today


 Many people who are used to the game a little who forget to use a survey beacon on the Blood Hound.

 Even if you think, "Let's do it later," you may lose time or leave your friends to make a survey beacon.

 To prevent this, select the Blood Hound and if there is a survey beacon in the first descent area, get off near the beacon and catch supplies.

 With low time, you will be able to take the next action faster, and you will be able to move safely before the enemy begins to move.

 Also, just because you scan does not mean you don't have to participate in the shooting.If you are scanning all the time, the burden on allies will increase sharply.

 Scan and ask your allies for the first attack, then try to attack the enemies that your ally attacked.
