Analysis with a smartwatch, how calories are the fat burning at double speed?

Polar Vantage V2 -Heart rate measurement

Therefore, this time, we will examine the results obtained in the most easy -to -work “30 minutes walking”.Walking is a simple exercise to walk, but you can increase the load in various ways.The goal is to determine the most effective walking, which is easy and unreasonable.Several effective methods have already been seen by measurements using smartwatches.Let's study walking in this condition.

How much fat will burn with "fast walking"?

The ideas I worked on so far were to carry a 5kg dumbbell when walking, put on a slope, and work out before walking.This time, I will try the simplest "fast walk".It seems that walking fast will increase calorie consumption, and it seems that the effect can be expected as such.

Here, a 30 -minute walking was measured.It is measured with a treadmill (running machine) set to 3 km / h and 6 km / h, respectively.The slope is 0 degrees.


The speed design is based on 6 km hour and speed.It's a good idea to try it on a treadmill (running machine), but 6 km / h is close to the speed of walking, or if you go beyond this, it's quite difficult to keep walking.It's easier to run lightly.So I selected this speed as an upper limit.This is why I made the slope at a degree.It is painful to keep walking at 6 km / h.For this reason, it was set to 0 degrees at 6 km / h.

And as a comparison, it is 3km/h with half the speed.I have the impression that I am walking quite slowly at 3km / h with 0 degrees inclination.It feels so slow that you feel doubtful how much calories will be consumed.

Assuming that the slope is set to 15 degrees and the speed is 4 km/h, a comparison will be set at a inclination of 15 degrees 2 km/h.This is too slow and it's impossible to take a walk.


Considering the walking speed of the real world while comparing as an experiment, the slope 0 degrees and the speed of 6 km / h and 3 km / h are 3 km / h (it is said that the slope of the treadmill is equivalent to the downhill in the real world.So it's too light, but it can be obtained with an easy -to -understand speed of 6 km / h and 3 km / h, so this time it is measured at this value).

It turned out that the results would change after walking or walking after muscle training, so we measured these two walking before doing muscle training on different days.Let's see how much the difference is.

Click here for measurement results

Immediately look at the measurement results (use Polar Vantage V2 for measurement).


When the heart rate graph is repeated, it looks like the following.The heart rate of 3 km / h and 6 km / h is quite low.Since the average value is 70 bpm and 86bpm, it is hardly increased.I think the inclination of the treadmill is 0 degrees.The heart rate is increasing by 6 km / h, but it is still 86bpm.I feel that my heart rate has not risen much.

Comparing calories consumption is as follows.As you can see from the heart rate, the load is low, so fat is used preferentially.By increasing from 3 km / h to 6 km / h, the burning of lipids and the consumption of carbohydrates are increasing.It seems that "fat burning progresses fast" is not wrong.

However, as a bodily sensation, 6 km / h is quite "not".I always feel like I'm walking hard.For that feeling, the calorie consumption is low.Compared to the previous initiatives, the difficulty is 4 km / h and higher than the slope 15 degrees.Nevertheless, the calorie consumption is low.The damage I received was great.As far as the initiatives so far, it is not a good idea to earn calories at walking speed.

Let's compare the ingenuity so far

The following is a summary of the efforts to increase the load on walking and increase fat burning.


Compared to the ratio, it looks like the above, but if you add the actual calorie value and the simplicity of continuation, will it be the following ranking?

  1. 傾斜15度
  2. 5kgダンベル背負い
  3. 事前に筋トレ30分間
  4. 速度2倍

If you don't use a gym and take a walk based on a walk, I think the following order will be in the following order.

  1. 5kgダンベル背負い
  2. 事前に筋トレ30分間
  3. 速度2倍
  4. 傾斜15度

For now, the effective way to raise the calorie consumption of walking is a slope.However, it is easy to use a machine like a treadmill, but if you do not use a machine like a walk, it is quite difficult to continue walking on the slope.Walking with something heavy to some extent can be more effective.

Muscle training before walking does not have much effect on calories consumption, but the heart rate rises relatively quickly, so it feels easy to walk and the effect of increasing your heart rate can be a little effective.。This is easy to apply because you can do muscle training before walking, whether in the gym or a walk.

Walking with heavy luggage is recommended because you can easily boost the effect.Especially if you want to burn fat based on a walk, it is worth considering.Prepare a backpack (rucksack) with heavy luggage in advance, and carry it when you go for a walk.If you can take a walk during commuting, you can expect the same effect by heavily carrying the backpack you carry.

Of course, if you keep carrying heavy luggage, it will put a burden on your hips, knees, heels, etc., so I hope you can consult with your body and adjust it.

If you walk with great effort, you want to choose the most efficient way.Even if the effect per time is small, it will be accumulated as a habit every day.I want to keep a healthy body and work well.
