[Story that horse girls are 1.8 times more fun 7] The story that if you understand the reason for the design of the horse girl, it will be comfortable and the operation will be scary.

 It was time for summer horse racing if I noticed.

 The Takarazuka Memorial is over, and it is a season where you can suddenly lose your mind, but if you wake up to the fun of the new horse game, you will not be able to take your eyes off the horse racing at this time.This is Kakigase.For 30 years of horse racing, it has gained momentum due to the "horse girl", so this year has finally challenged a bite horse owner.

 1 "Uma Musume".This column, which is 8 times more fun, is the 7th edition, "The character design of this horse girl is amazing!"In the first place, this "horse girl", which has a real model, cuts out various places of racehorses to make it a character.

 It contains various essence, such as the winning clothes that you have picked up before and the actual size of the horse.As you can see even if you are playing with the app now, various elements are hidden in stories, lines, conversations with other horse girls, etc.

 However, four years ago, in the spring of 2017, in the spring of 2017, the name of the horse girl in the "horse girl character name forecast quiz", and the name of a horse girl with only a word of visuals, and only tweet texts!There was a pretty unreasonable project.Still, most horse girls were able to answer correctly.

 With few such hints, I would like to introduce some of the character designs of the horse girl who hit my knees, "Oh, this design!"This time, please note that it is mainly the story of four years ago, and that it is a delusional Mashimashi that has not changed.

From pedigree to episode.Character design horse girl who wants to applaud perfection

 First of all, the first horse girl is a selfish witch horse girl's sweep toosho.Many people will be indebted to SR support.

 The selfish daughter of the sweep toosho is exactly the real sweep theater.It was a horse that was not a shortage of selfish episodes, such as refusing training, avoiding racing, cases where it stopped working at all at the time of returning in the Emperor's Prize (Autumn), and cases that did not enter the gate at all at the Arima Memorial.

 Do you want to make a sweep toosho?I was asked a question, and what if I was a Kenichi Ikezoe, who laughed and laughed?Are you too young?

 The story has derailed, but there is another important factor in the sweep toosho.That's about the witch.First of all, as the name implies, the broom associated with the sweep (cleaning) inherited from her father's End Sweep.And from the name of her mother and her grandmother with the same crown name.My mother's name is Taba Sato Show.And her grandmother's name is Samantha Show.

 If you are not a person of a certain age, you may not come.What makes the name Tabasa and Samantha's name means that the names of the protagonists who appeared in the United States and appeared in Japan in the popular drama "Wife Hello Witch" are Samantha, Samantha and Husband Dalin.Tabasa who is also a daughter who is also a witch.You know.Sweept shoots have become a witch horse girl as much as possible -I can't be anything other than this character design!He is a horses girl who has no choice but to think so.

 At the support card event, the sweep toosho is still a girl who is still magical, but it cannot be said that there is no magic, a horse girl, which was discovered that there was a mysterious VR technology.I want to look forward to what happens in the training scenario.

A word of that jockey was reflected in the design!?

 Although he won the Satsuki Prize and the Kikuhana Prize, he missed the derby with only a 7cm difference, so the horse was said to be the most closest to the triple crown, the quasi -three crowned horse.As I mentioned before, Agnestakion's older brother, Agnes Flight, won the derby with a 7cm difference.

 By the way, there are a number of cases where the real model of the airshakar and the horse girl was a horse with a temper, but among them, it may be difficult to fight the top with the sweep toes introduced earlier.think.It is said that no one wants to get training because of the intensity of the temper, so it is said that the lottery was at a level to decide the trainer of Air Shakar every time.

 As you can see from the character design in "Uma Musume", it looks like an outlaw -based appearance that seems to be difficult to temper, but the actual head is a sharp type.

 There seems to be a reason why that happened, but let me talk a little before talking about the hypothesis.What I want to pay attention to here is the division of the bangs of Air Shakar.Can you understand?It's jagged.Like a crack ...

 And here is an episode of real horse.At the 4th corner of the Kobe Shimbun Cup at the age of three, he was going inside while he was going around Ogai, and Takashi Kurakami desperately to go to the third place.Taketoyo jockey, who was amazed at what he couldn't feel at all, made such a statement.

 "I want to see his head"

 Perhaps when the word of Taketoyo jockey became a horse girl, it was incorporated into this crack -like design.Now I will return to the question I mentioned earlier.Why did Air Shakar become a logical intellectual character with a temper?

【ウマ娘が1.8 times more fun story 7】ウマ娘のデザインの理由がわかると気持ちいいし運営が空恐ろしくなるってお話

 Actually, it is highly likely that it is no longer set because it is not written in the current profile, but in the previous official website, the special skill was hacked.

 Looking inside the head = hacking = genius character

 安直? しかしこれが一番理屈が通るんですよね。もちろん真実はCygamesさんだけが知っていることなので、すべては筆者の妄想でございます。ちなみに"I want to see his head"という武豊騎手のコメントについてなのですが、似たような趣旨のコメントで「頭を割って、中を見てみたい」という、プロ野球ヤクルトスワローズの元監督(現在横浜DeNAベイスターズのフェローという役職)であった高田繁氏が代走で牽制死をしてしまった選手に関して出したコメントと混同されがちです。ご注意ください。

* At the time of publication, Mr. Shigeru Takada's active job was wrong.To be correct, it will be "fellow" as described.I'm sorry.

A horse girl who trembled with the pleasure of connecting everything when he noticed the meaning of the design

 At the time of the 2017 "Hama Musume Character Name Prediction Quiz", as I said earlier, there were only visuals, dialogue and tweet sentences, and the name was expected from these limited information.If some horse girls can see at a glance, who is this ...?There was a horse girl who bothered her head.

 The bamboo memory here, which I introduced here, was worried about twisting my neck for the first 5 minutes, but suddenly realized that this was a bamboo memory.

 Do you know where and how I noticed that this horse girl was a bamboo memory?It is a Hachimaki that is clearly different dreams.I thought there was a hint here immediately, but I didn't answer right away.

 What is a dream?Dream, that is, dream.The famous horses with dreams include Dream Passports and Dream Journey, but they don't come close when comparing the designs of other parts.While thinking about it, a flash ran in my head.What is your dream in horse racing in the first place?Yes, it is Takarazuka Memorial.Former Kansai TV Sugimoto Kiyo Ana's specialty phrase in Takarazuka Memorial "My dream is XX."It is a classic live commentary because it is a Grand Prix race, where the live commentary Ana, which should be fair, is in between.

 In the 1999 Memorial, the name of Silence Suzuka, who had died in the Emperor's Prize (autumn), was the winning horse of the previous year.In the 1994 Memorial, I called the name of my beloved Machikanetan Hoiser and delighted me.Takarazuka in 1991 was the first phrase "My dream is XX".

 "My dream is bamboo."

 If you think so, the bamboo sword in your hand will jump into the writer who has only seen Hachimaki.This is, in short, bamboo (bamboo) ...And the game clothing, white and black stripes.Yes, this is a design from the game clothing of the bamboo crown name ...!

 All elements were connected in an instant.Yes, the dream Hachimaki was the character design of this horse girl.This horse girl was the first horse that Kiyoshi Sugimoto said in the Takarazuka Memorial, a horse that Kiyoshi Sugimoto said to be my dream, and Bamboo Memory.

 There is no doubt that the comfort of solving the mystery of the dream Hachimaki is the best in the "horse girl character name forecast quiz".

 And the operation of a horse girl who puts such hints, Yabeze.It was the first moment I thought I could trust it.

 Finally, I will tell you that the Bamboo Memory that Kiyoshi Sugimoto dreamed of in 1991 was the lowest in Takarazuka Memorial.

In other words, I want to do that quiz again

 By the way, did you know that horse girls have such a title mission?It is a mission of "Let's get 100 horse girls".This increases as you get a breeding horse girl, but I'm still 27.

 And how many horses, including waiting for implementation, are currently 72 according to the official website (excluding Happy Mik).

 What is showing this is that at least 28 will be a horse girl in a real racehorse.So, if you want to announce a new horse girl in the future, I would like you to do a “horse girl character name forecast quiz” again!I have a desire!

 Some of the people who know the world of horse racing from the horse girl who are interested in this horse are interesting and cool by examining the racehorse, which is a model of the horse girl who liked it.I think there are surprisingly many.I want everyone to enjoy the feeling of that model.

 At the time of the "horse girl character name forecast quiz", it was only about 150RT, no matter how much, about 500RT.However, the tweet of the official Twitter account has now exceeded several thousand RTs, and depending on the tweet, the tweet of the "Uma Musume" official Twitter account has been over 10,000 RT.

 In this state, if you do a “horse girl character name forecast quiz”, how much will it get excited!Are you excited?Knowing the answer, the horse racing lovers who liked the horse happily talked about memories, and it was also RT for horse girls and horse racing lovers.Do you want to see such Twitter timeline?

 So, this time, I decided to check the fun of the horse girl's design again, but the arrival point was a desire to do the "horse girl character name forecast quiz" again.

 Of course, the app is also fun, but if there is a "project that can be enjoyed before it is added to the app" only for the content with the original story, it is in the title of this column..I guess you can enjoy "horse girls" so that 8 times is not the most popular primary odds.

 In addition, I would like to present such "how to enjoy" next time, so if you have time, I would be grateful if you could read it!

 Then again!

[Column] Horses are 1.8 times more fun story
