A crazy challenge that runs "Enen Tunnel" in "Yokai Watch 2 Shintai".Gambling explosion on Yandere conductor, dramatic darkness marathon

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It seems that the challenge of running endlessly in the "Enen Tunnel" is being carried out in "Yokai Watch 2 Masashibu".This work is a "Yokai Watch" series numbering work released by Level Five in December 2014.This is the expansion version of "Yokai Watch 2 Original/Honke" released in July of the same year.This work newly includes additional episodes linked to the movie.New dungeons and stories have also been added, and the battle with youkai and the story of drawing friendship is drawn up.

The "Enen Tunnel" is one of the new maps that first appeared in "Yokai Watch 2 Original/Honke".It is an abandoned tunnel that can reach the north from the grandmother's house in Kemamoto Village and go to the right side of the mountain to the mountain.At the entrance, there is a signboard with the words "Danger!"As described, it is impossible to make a diary (save) in the tunnel.In addition, it is one -way, and once you enter, you will not be able to return.The biggest feature is that the length changes each time you enter.

In addition, the enen tunnel is a special map that can be entered only once a day.Each time you reach the exit, an event occurs, and a battle with the boss youkai occurs when you do six events.If you defeat it, you will achieve the event, but you can continue to challenge the Enen Tunnel.Each time you try it once a day, the distance of the tunnel increases by 1000m.

When the tunnel distance exceeds 20,000 m, the distance growth rate is escalated.If you master the "distance fluctuation event" described later, you will be able to extend the tunnel significantly.The important thing here is that the higher the distance of the tunnel, the higher the appearance rate of rare youkai and rare items.If it exceeds 42,000m, many S rankless youkai will appear, and the items obtained will be rare.In other words, the Enen Tunnel is a "delicious" map that runs longer.At the beginning of the game seven years ago, some people may have spent their time after school and dive into the tunnel endlessly in search of rare monsters.

It's such a tunnel, but is there a limit to the length?A user who arrived at the answer exists on Nico Nico Douga in 2016.In the video, the meter display of the tunnel stops around 1 minute and 9 seconds.Its length is 9999999m.At the same time, the exit of the tunnel appeared and forced to escape.The reward item obtained at this time is one of the "gold bills", which is not enough.In any case, the predecessor proves that this endless tunnel has a limit.

And in this era of the peace, there are fierce people who are trying again.The challenger is Youtube contributor Babel.He is a person who posts a lot of videos of series such as "Yokai Watch", "Dragon Quest", "Pokemon", and "Monster Hunter".He works in a wide range of genres, from RTA to verification videos, and edits are skillful and viewers do not get tired.The main channel has more than 140,000 registrants.On May 7, Babel started distribution entitled "Enen Tunnel 999,9999m".It is basically distributed every day, aiming to finish a total of about 90 hours.It is a distribution that continues to run the tunnel every day for about 3 hours a day on average.

『妖怪ウォッチ2 真打』で、「えんえんトンネル」を“99万9999m”走る狂気のチャレンジ。ヤンデレ車掌にギャンブル爆死、ドラマチック暗闇マラソン

A daunting challenge to keep running on a straight road for 90 hours.However, the journey is not monotonous, and is full of dramatic developments.The factors are a variety of "distance fluctuation events" that appear on the way.In the Enen tunnel, sometimes strange humans appear.At first glance, the characters are unnatural to meet in the middle of the abandoned tunnel.They and they sometimes talk to the protagonist and ask some questions.Choosing the options that appear in the conversation can give you items or start a battle.

But importantly, a specific conversation "the length of the tunnel fluctuates."With the answer selected by the player, the exit of the tunnel may approach or move away.This is the most important technique in Enen Tunnel Long Run.Simply running in the tunnel will eventually reach the exit someday.However, if you talk to the NPC that appears on the way and keep choosing only the "Exit away" options, it is possible to increase the distance.

But that's not so simple.Some gimmicks are randomly determined whether tunnels grow or shrink.The "switch" that occasionally appears on the wall is a representative.At first glance, an ordinary electric switch without any change.By pressing this, the position of the exit of the tunnel fluctuates, and the results of the four are "a little closer", "a little far away", "extremely close", and "extremely far away".。Hopefully you can reach 999999m by extending the distance to the exit at once.However, if you fail, the exit will approach and the challenge may end.Therefore, every time a switch appears in the tunnel, Babel has to judge whether to press or press.

In this distribution, Babel's audio is streaming off.Therefore, what he is thinking exactly is more than if he is.However, there is a pleasure in the place where Mr. Babel's emotions in front of the options oozing into the operation character.In front of the switch, a cater around the place.If you have been hesitant on the options "press" and "do not press" for a while, the comments will fly from the comments such as "Push!"And when I arrested "It's ridiculously far away", a storm of cheers.Babel also shows a silent "doyer face" by facing the cater on the screen to this side.Conversely, if you inadvertently assign "getting closer", the distribution will be in a night mood.The back of the cater, who keeps walking toward the wall for a while, tells the viewer the feeling of a sense.

* Mr. Babel gambling around 2 hours 49 minutes 15 seconds.

In the distribution, various elements that appear in the tunnel have become a meme among viewers.A typical one is a "kind conductor".When running in the tunnel, a train full of screen may suddenly run from the back.The train stopped at the place where it was horny, and a good conductor appeared from inside.Ask the player whether to get on the train.Aside from why the train is running on the abandoned tunnel, this event fluctuates the player's tunnel position.If you get on the train, you will be taken to the back of the tunnel at random or will be pulled back to the front.

Naturally, when it is returned to the front, it runs again at the same distance, and there is a risk of trouble twice.But more than that, according to Babel's view, train events are alleged to reduce the total distance of the tunnel, whether they go or return.It is said that it is a guess from the past challenge, and he has begun this challenge with a policy of not getting on the train as much as possible.In the first day challenge, the train appeared early in 2 minutes.When Mr. Babel refused to ride, the conductor responded a few salt, saying, "I will leave you and leave the train soon."

However, Babel saw off the running train, and only 10 seconds after ran again.What a train that has just departed now returns from the back of the screen again.A conductor with a strange face and promoting the ride in exactly the same as before.Babel refuses to reject it again and resumes driving.However, 15 seconds later, the train appears.The comment section was given a nickname with the "Tsundere conductor" in the state of the conductor who returned many times while leaving with a cold response.However, since then the trains have a strange high rate.By the time you record 21 minutes 10 seconds from the start, the number of appearances will reach the 10th time.Viewers who felt madness in their obsession have led to the subsequent conductors and trains as "Yandere's Corps" and "Yande Train" (?).By the way, Babel finally got on the train in the 25th encounter, but has been firmly returned to the front.

* Around 1 minute and 50 seconds, I first encountered Yandere conductor.

In Babel's Eenen Tunnel distribution, it is not possible to talk about the existence of "saniki".The incident happened on the second day of distribution.The total distribution time was approaching 5 hours, and the running record had already exceeded 69,000m.The NPC that appeared there is a man who is a "tunnel worker".He is a human being connected to a safe helmet, such as civil engineering workers.The character is an important position in the Enen Tunnel Marathon.Because we talk to him and answer the question, "Should this tunnel be shorter? Or should we make it a little longer?"It is possible.Unlike the switch, you can operate the results, so you want to talk when you meet.

However, a tragedy occurs here.Mr. Babel, who had long distribution, has also been routinized.Perhaps the conversation has been advanced with button hits.He inadvertently answered the tunnel to "shorten the tunnel."In fact, workers are also characters that can definitely extend the distance, but also those who have a great risk if turned over.If you inadvertently tell the tunnel to be "short", the tunnel will shrink significantly.The exit appears right in front of you.Indeed, in front of Mr. Babel, an exit full of light appeared.The first challenge is now forced.The record was 69,127m, and the challenge was started from the beginning.In a shocking event, the comment section is a screaming storm.The viewer shouted, "Don't forgive # workers."

* Around 1 hour 51 minutes 31 seconds, a tragedy of a worker.

However, once it is a worker that caused the tragedy, it is also a bonus character that can surely increase the length of the tunnel if used correctly.Gradually, the comments can be seen in the comments section, such as " # worker and reconciliation" and " # worker is a best friend."Especially when the exit became "ridiculously close" due to the gambling failure by the switch mentioned above, everyone came to pray for "workers!"The workers gradually established a position as "the savior when they were in danger."Eventually, he began to long for a reliable "saniki", a "older brother."

There was a mountain, a valley, and a tunnel distribution on the 14th day on May 26.The mileage has already exceeded 580,000 m, and the challenge is also in the second half.The total distribution time has exceeded 50 hours.Although it is a monotonous distribution as a screen, it is a mysterious broadcast that you can not keep an eye on the dramatic events that occur occasionally.In the comments section, it is also the attraction of this challenge that a strange solidarity is born among viewers while the trend of Mr. Babel.It is also interesting that the game seven years ago has become a popular distribution of over 10,000 simultaneous connections.When will the cater's marathon end?It is necessary to pay attention in the future.

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