40 seconds once, twice a day after taking a bath and before going out ... Exercise to eliminate "knee pain"

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Takamitsu Takabayashi's new book, "Knee pain disappears like a lie!" From "40 seconds a day x 2 knee plate exercises", all three excerpts that introduce the current state of treatment, the mechanism of pain, and self-care methods are introduced. This time is the third. [Image] Knee plate exercise See a picture of the posture and the place to move ■ Knee plate exercise Here, let's introduce "Knee plate float" which is the main menu of knee plate exercise. By simply moving the knee plate lightly, the knee plate that was pressed toward the thigh bone (thigh bone) floats, and the inflammation of the patellofemoral joint, which is the "other joint" of the knee, is improved. And you can get rid of knee pain. If you have a pain in your knees and cannot fully extend the back of your knees, the back of your knees will be lifted from the floor when you sit on the floor and extend your legs forward. At this time, if you try to stretch your knees forcibly, the force will be applied to your knees and it will be difficult to move the plate on your knees. Therefore, such a person may go with his knees bent (the back of his knees floating from the floor). The point is to relax your knees. Floating the plate on the knee is originally done as a set with stretching, so like stretching, it is done once or twice a day. Ideally, you should be able to do it just before going out, after taking a bath when your body is warm and your muscles and joints are soft. Be sure to use both knees, even if you have only one knee to hurt. Even if only one side hurts at that point, if the load during walking continues for many years, it is highly likely that the other knee will also hurt. For a total of 40 seconds, 10 seconds in the horizontal direction, 10 seconds in the vertical direction, and 10 seconds in the diagonal direction, simply floating and moving the knee plate will not only remove inflammation of the patellofemoral joint, but also the tissue around the knee. It becomes softer and the knee pain disappears. Please try it. ■ Q & A about knee pain Finally, we will answer questions that patients often ask about knee pain in a Q & A format. Use this as a reference when performing knee plate exercises. Q I had a pain in my knee and when I went to the hospital, I was told that there was water in my knee. I've heard that it's better not to drain water because it makes you addicted, but is it better not to drain it? A When the knee joint becomes inflamed, the joint capsule that surrounds the entire joint swells and the synovial fluid increases. This is the state where "water collects". When water accumulates, the joint capsule expands and the pressure causes pain in the knee. Once inflated, the joint capsule is wrinkled even after draining water, so it tends to swell again, making it easier for the knee pain to recur. In other words, draining the water does not make the knee pain addictive, but the joint capsule is more likely to relapse. Therefore, it is recommended to drain the water when a large amount of water accumulates and there is severe pain. However, if you do a plate exercise on your knees to reduce inflammation in the joint capsule and then move your knees habitually, such as by walking, the water will naturally go down and the amount will be appropriate.

Next page: Should I cool if it hurts? Should I warm it up?Last updated: Newsweek Japan version