Shanghai Motor Show 2021 -Notable Points- ... Japan Research Institute for Founding Strategy Center Senior Manager Masafumi Tsuka

With no convergence of Corona, the Shanghai Motor Show will be held on April 21 in 2021.In 2020, the number of automobile sales in the major country markets drastically reduced (23 in the EU).7 % down, 14 in the United States.7 % down, 11 in Japan.While decreasing 5 %), the Chinese market is 1.It stopped by 9 %.The movement at the motor show in China, where the spread of new energy vehicles is accelerating, is getting more and more noticeable.This time, I would like to deliver the show through a video for many people who cannot visit the venue due to the corona.At that time, I would like to focus on the following four points, especially as a movement in the Chinese market.

Mr. Tsuka will give a lecture on the Shanghai Motor Show details at the Shanghai Motor Show 2021 -the online seminar at the front line of the Chinese market in the Chinese market.

The first is a low -priced EV trend."Hiromitsu mini", which was launched in August last year, is an overwhelming low price of 500,000 yen in Japanese yen, ranked second in the world EV sales in 2020 in less than six months.(1st place is TESLA's "Model 3").It seems to be for local cities, but it is also supported by young people in large cities such as Shanghai and Beijing."Hiromitsu mini" is a successful example of pioneering the market, but it is not a single -shot movement.Behind this is a Chinese -style market, a four -wheeled and tricycles of less than the A00, which is said to be more than one millions a year.Therefore, it is expected that low -priced EVs will appear one after another.Following the success of Hiromitsu MINI in 2020, I would like to pay attention to what kind of products the other companies show.

上海モーターショー2021~注目すべきポイント~…日本総合研究所 創発戦略センター シニアマネジャー 程塚正史氏

The second is Infotainment (IVI).In the 2020 Chinese automotive market, emerging EV brands were prominent.The most sold is TESLA from the United States, but China is also NIO (Ulsuri Train), and the ideal wisdom, the Touma train, and the Saizu train.What these brands are common to is the sophistication of HMI devices, such as in -vehicle displays, and various IVIs provided through their devices.For example, NIO is equipped with an AI speaker with about 100 kinds of expressions, but this expression has its own know -how and facilitates the communication between cars and people.Not only emerging, but BYD, for example, it is equipped with a display that utilizes XR technology.With the evolution of IVI in the future, I would like to pay attention to the unique movements of China in this show.

The third is the trends of vehicles and BAAS.BaaS is an abbreviation of Battery as a Service, which separates automobiles and batteries and provides batteries as services.At present, various manufacturers are increasing the advancement of battery replacement equipment in China.The battery replacement equipment is about the size of a garage, and is a equipment that jacks the car and replaces the battery on the bottom unmanned.The spread has begun mainly in large cities since last year.The indicator of the sophistication is the time required for battery replacement, and that Shanghai Train has developed equipment to replace it in 20 seconds.At the Shanghai Motor Show in 2019, NIO exhibited equipment to replace the battery in 3 minutes, but it was assumed that such equipment would be a BaaS primer, and what kind of exhibitions this time.I want to pay attention.

The fourth is the stance of each manufacturer for HV.Last October, the Chinese Automotive Society of Motor Training was "Noto Yoshinobu Shinno Genki Train Technical Route Figure 2..0 (Energy saving / new energy vehicle technology roadmap 2.0)EVs and FCVs are attracting attention, such as 20 % in 2025 and 50 % or more in 2035, but in 2025, in 2025, instead of banning HV like European countries.50 % in the gasoline car market (new energy cars are 20 %, so 80 % of gasoline cars are used, HV accounts for 40 %) and 100 % (50 %) in 2035.Set.Four to five years later, it will be 40 %, so rapid changes are expected.In the future, the government's regulations will be designed to achieve this goal, and we will focus on the response of each company.

In this seminar, I would like to analyze the show from the above perspective.Of course, there may be some surprises because it is a show, and the atmosphere of the whole venue and the state of the people are also important factors that make up the show.I would like to try to extract suggestions flexibly according to the situation, while on the other hand, from the above perspectives.I hope that many people can not go to the site and provide awareness through videos.

The online seminar that Mr. Kozuka reports on the Shanghai motor show will be held on April 27, the Shanghai Motor Show 2021 -the forefront of the Chinese market.
