A scary story word when you understand the meaning


A scary story when you understand the meaning is literally a story that you are not scared when you read it normally, but if you understand the hidden meaning, you will be very scared.

A scary outline when you understand the meaning

It is a scary story originated from 2ch (2channel), and is a general term for a series with many summary sites such as copy and paste.

The scary stories above are famous copy and paste, but this will not make sense.However, it turns into a very scary copy and paste for those who notice or know the hidden meaning.

There are many problems that can be understood if you think a little because the answers are hidden in the text.…… Some exceptions, and some things cannot be solved without prior knowledge.

Other sites cannot read the commentary unless the characters are reversed (drag) to prevent spoilers, so be careful with those who watch it on a mobile phone.

Example of "copy and paste" definition that is scary when you understand the meaning

(1) Even if you do not ask the author of the text directly, you can read the truth logically.Or you can understand the explanation from a human who understood the truth.

(2) It contains any elements of "crime", "occult", "psycho" or "mystery".(Because the definition of "fear" is difficult, the premise as a genre)

3 It is not a so -called "letter of unhappy" system.

④。 There are individual differences in which people are scared depending on the person, so there is no constant "this story is absolutely scary".

⑤ In principle, copy and paste.

Scary story questions & rules on this bulletin board

In the bulletin board of this article, the above rules are followed and questions are being conducted.However, since this article is a copy and paste "it is scary if you understand the meaning," it is basically a copy and paste even in the thread.However, there are exceptions, and some people put their own "scary stories" in the bulletin board.



The following is about interruption.


As much as possible to make the content of the les easier to understand, put on [Copipe], [Self -made copy and paste] [question] [commentary] [consultation] [chat].


Scary sea turtle soup when you understand the meaning

The scary story is often made in the text, and it is often made so that anyone can understand it, but in the story of the sea turtle soup, it is divided into the questioner and the questioner, all of which participate.Famous for performing a mixed mystery quiz on a bulletin board.However, not all stories are scary.

The original story is from Paul Slone's book "Sea turtle soup".

If you put too much hints, you will not have to ask questions, so it is basically to ask the questioner to ask questions.In other words, if you do not ask a few questions, you will not be able to reach the correct answer.The content of the question is only those that can be answered by YES/NO.

Some sea turtles have black occults, and if you understand the meaning, there are scary stories and a bit through.

* The sea turtle soup is not a copy and paste.

A scary story when you understand the meaning

Here is a corner where you copy and paste scary stories and write one after another.If you want to know the answer in question, drag the blank part of the commentary and it will come out?

From ① to ⑥0

① Stalker

My boss was also angry today.It is quite reputable bald among his OL friends."My stalker culprit was that bald ..." I came home while thinking about that.A ragged part with only two rooms.Only living room + kitchen and bedroom.The windows are only in the living room.It's good because it's cheap.

I was surprised when I opened the entrance key and entered the room.The closet in the living room was devastated.Well, when I went out for breakfast, I forgot to lock and went to work ... Damn!The windows were all locked, so they entered from the entrance.Oh, I feel uncomfortable.I'm sorry.I want you to die.I'm tired today.Let's go to the police tomorrow.

I confirmed that the entrance key was closed and headed to the bedroom.


She said she didn't put a key in the morning.But when she came back, she opened the key and entered the house.Of course, the key to this house is only one she has.That means the stalker is still in the house.

② hut

It is an event in midwinter.A man went to climb.While walking, snow falls, the wind blows ... bad weather that you can't walk forward.Then I was lucky to see the mountain hut in front of me, so I decided to evacuate.One man said that the inside of the hut was cold, and the tired men could not sleep anytime ... but if they fall asleep, they may die ..."Each person sits in the corner of the room and hits his shoulders while moving." A → B ↑ ↓ ↓ D ← c In this way, the four hit each other's shoulders and survived safely.


The method they did has an important drawback.At first A is B, and B is where A is, and then B is to C, and if you repeat this, there is no one if you go to the place where A was.This is the method.You can't do it without 5 people.

Who was the fifth person who wasn't there ...

③ Email

When I was doing a personal computer, I got one email.When I think about what it is

"I will die if I am alone"

I wrote only a word.I thought it was a bit scary, I thought it was a mislamer, but soon after she lived with her, she said, "I'm going to a convenience store."

I was impatient for a moment.If you leave it alone, you will be alone ... no, but it's just a mischief.It must be so.I can't say to her "don't go because I'm scared" ...

"Then I'm going--"


Thirty minutes later

What's okay!It's scary ... it was a mischief.

Even so, it's too late to come back.


"I will die if I am alone"というメールは誰のことを指していたのか?死んでいないので「俺」ではないことは確かだ。他にひとりになってしまった人物はいるだろうか?そう、つまり死んだのはひとりでコンビニに行ってしまった彼女ということになる。

④ meat

It's a story I heard somewhere.It ’s a story that I heard from a friend

He said he had dinner with a religious acquaintance's family.

That's yakiniku, but it doesn't tell me what meat is.

I thought it might be a person's meat and it was different if I ate it.

What kind of meat was after all?


The fact that the friend eats meat and knows whether it is a human meat, indicates that his friend has eaten human meat.

⑤ Sauna

I went to a public bath.It's my daily routine to sweat in the sauna before going up.A man came in in about a minute after I entered.It's a game.I don't come out until this guy comes out.This is also a daily routine.

10 minutes have passed.The opponent's man was light and 100 kilometers.

15 minutes have passed.You're going to do your best to sweat like a waterfall, fat.

18 minutes passed.Finally, the fat moved.Go out of the sauna with a fluttering that seems to fall down.My win!I took a guts pose in the middle of the sauna room.

When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room.An ossan like seen somewhere is peeking.It's an ossan on the stand.Ossan said.

"When I went to check, you were falling. I was fainting as if I had to leak the door."

Apparently it caused heat stroke.Did you do your best too much?Ossan is just doing it

"It's completely broken to carry you. Please be careful from now on."

I thanked Ossan and went home.Let's drink a beer and sleep.


Is the narrator "I" the same person?In fact, the narrator of the sentence below is not "me" but "fat man".Moreover, the fat was lining up on the door, so the "I" in the above sentence is still left in the sauna.

⑥ Earphone

The earphone I bought for 9800 yen was broken.

I heard it at a loud volume, so I suddenly broke down.Fuck.It cost 9800 yen.

I was angry and hit the 450,000 yen plasma TV, and I returned to me and checked if it was not broken.The screen is reflected.Was good.If you think, there is no sound

Fuck.The plasma TV of 450,000 yen has also been broken.

Nevertheless, let's go for a walk today for a quiet distribution.


As you can see, the eardrum in the ears was torn and I couldn't hear anything.When will he noticed that his hearing is gone ...

⑦ Heterancer

The other day, I was peeped in a local toilet ... ORZ

I don't usually want to go because it's not a beautiful toilet, but at that time I rushed in without being patient.

When I got up with the need, I suddenly felt my gaze from behind.

Suddenly, when I looked at the door behind, I was peeping from the toilet floor about 5 cm gaps!

The men's eyes were lined up two sideways and looked at me.

I'm sure it's definitely a part of the beginning ... worst

The head was panicked by fear and upset, and I couldn't go outside until someone else came in the bathroom.

Please be careful.


Can you get both eyes from a gap that is only 5 cm from the ground?If this story is true, you will notice that there is nothing below both eyes, or that you can only do it for ghosts.

⑧ Red room

A female college student in a certain region decided to go to a university in Tokyo and lived alone in Tokyo.

While living in a certain apartment, I noticed that there was a small hole in the room one day.

The hole was in the next room, and I looked into what it was.

Then, the other side of the hole was bright red.The black shadow is moving in the red background.

The next day and the next day, the female college student were looking into holes, thinking that the next room was a red wallpaper.

It was always red, so a female college student who was worried about the next room decided to ask the apartment landlord.

"What kind of people live in the room next to me?"

The landlord answers.

"There is a sick and red person in the room next to you."


The red room that the narrator was watching is not the room but the eyes of a neighbor.And the fact that it was red when I looked into it, means that my neighbor was always looking into it.

⑨ voice

A woman was suffering from a creepy silent phone.





I was always scared here and hanged up, but I couldn't stand it and she shouted."I'm sorry!" I heard a voice that seemed to be killed from her handset.This is the first time that the other person talked.

"I'll kill you"

She was really scared and felt dangerous, and she talked to the police originally.Recently, however, the police have heard in detail, probably because the crime of such stalkers has become serious, and then set up a reverse detector on her phone and investigate.

The next day, a silent phone call came.A woman who carefully picks up the handset and pushes her ears.


"I'll kill you"

That voice last night.That is the time.Her cell phone rang.From the police.

"Get out of the room immediately!"


The criminal was near the house or in the house.The police who met her phone in the reverse in a hurry, calling her in a hurry, but it was already late ...

⑩ girl

There was one girl.She was bright and she was surrounded by many friends in elementary school.

The girl was a big grandpa, and his grandpa really loved the girl.

However, his grandpa was now hospitalized and his life expectancy was not long.

The doctor told me that it was a little life remaining, and the girl was taken by her parents and went to the hospital.

In the hospital room, the girl's parents talked to their grandpa and left the hospital room to receive the doctor's explanation.

In the hospital room, there are two girls and grandpa.The girl told her grandpa about her school and her recently fun.

But the girl crying on the way

I asked, "Is it gone?"Then grandpa

"If my grandpa dies, will she be sad with her dad and mother?"Girls

"Yeah ... but I don't die," he muttered.

After that, the girl was home, and the next day, my grandpa became a person who did not return.The girl cried that day ...

A month later, an article appeared in the corner of the newspaper.If partially excerpted

"In the family, the motivation is completely unknown. The girl's name is Kana Saito."


The girl's name said "Kana".She misunderstood, "Is she sad?"

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⑪ Psychic power

One day, a 6 -year -old little girl living in a rural area has been missing.She hasn't been looking for it, and the police have placed the checks in various places, but cannot be found at all.Police also gave up.

A month later, a parent who could not give up invited a famous permede in the United States with a lot of money.

Immediately, my parents looked through where my daughter was.The permeability has begun to see through.For a few minutes, the permeaborn person is a word.

"This child is fine."

Parents are delighted with these words

"I saw a gorgeous furniture around this child, so it is probably presumed to be in a wealthy house."

My parents felt some questions in this word, but were pleased.And her mother approached the core

"Where is my daughter now?"

The permeaborn person said a word

Your daughter is all over the world. "


The girl has been falling apart, and still living organs have been sold to rich people around the world.

⑫ Santa laughs

Christmas, Tom was looking forward to the present from Santa Claus.When I woke up in the morning, there were about three present boxes under the Christmas tree.You can see Santa looking inside from the window.Santa is watching Tom laughing with Nita Nita.Tom saw Nita Nita's laughing Santa and went to a place where the gift was placed a little eerie.

Tom first picked up the first gift box.Santa is laughing even more.

When I opened the gift box, a long pants came out from inside.Tom opened the next box with a slightly disappointed face.

Santa is laughing while holding her belly.When she opened her second box, a soccer ball came out from inside.Tom became more and more sullen and very angry.

Tom continued to open the third box.Then a bicycle came out from inside.Santa is rolling around the snow and laughing.

Tom finally cried because he could not stand it.


Tom had no legs.

⑬ Witnesses

I opened the curtain of my home apartment to change the air

A murder was occurring in a room in the apartment just opposite

Moreover, I had an eye with the criminal

The culprit raised his index finger and moved his finger while looking at me.


The criminal counted how many floors he lived to kill the narrator.

* The problem is to go to a psychological test.It is common for ordinary people to answer that "next is your turn."Many abnormalities such as murderers and severe stalkers say the conclusion first.If you are interviewing for job hunting, you'll know, but it's the same reason that you conclude first and say the next process.

⑭ Video

I felt that the things in the room were moving slightly, so I decided to turn the video while I was away.

When I went home and looked at it, it was reflected that an unknown woman came in the house.

The woman is looking throughout the room."Uh, worst"

When I was thinking so, the woman went into the closet.

When I was watching when I would come out, someone came home again.

It was me.


The woman is still in the closet.

⑮ A corpse that does not disappear

One day, she killed her sister because she cried, and the corpse was thrown away in the well.The next day, when I went to see it, the corpse had disappeared.

Five years later, he killed his friends with a trivial ken, and the corpse was thrown away in the well.The next day, when I went to see it, the corpse had disappeared.

Ten years later, he killed a woman who was drunk, and abandoned the corpse in the well.The next day, when I went to see it, the corpse had disappeared.

Fifteen years later, he killed his unpleasant boss, abandoned the corpse in the well.The next day, when I went to see it, the corpse had disappeared.

Twenty years later, the mother who needed nursing care was in the way, so she killed her corpse in the well.The next day, when I went to see, the corpse did not disappear.The next day and the next day, the corpse remained.


My mother handled every time I killed the corpse abandoned in the well.

⑯ Psychic photo

I had a home party on my birthday.At that time, when I took a picture of everyone in the house, something strange was reflected.A woman with a red eye with a strange white face with a strange white face from the closet behind is staring here.

I asked a psychic to appraise it because of this.

Then, "I don't feel anything from this photo. It's not a spirit photo."

Oh, it was good.I was relieved with this.


The fact that it is not a psychic photo means that there was a real person.A red woman with a strange white face was in the room ...

⑰ iron plate

When I was taking a walk outside, I heard a woman's scream, "Ca!"When I was surprised, the woman was sitting on the road in front of an iron plate -like thing about 2m long, 2m wide, and 50cm thick.She tried to talk to the woman, but she couldn't tell if she was surprised.

Immediately, a person in the work clothes came and talked about the translation.Apparently it was dropped while working on the building.Fortunately, she didn't have any injured people, and the woman was surprised and just got out of her waist.

I got tired of the walk and went to the place again before the sunset.

The iron plate -like thing still remained.It is so heavy that it cannot be processed.

Perhaps because it was dangerous, there were people like a guard so as not to get close.

There was also a woman I mentioned earlier.She called out."You may have been surprised earlier."

women are

"I was surprised. I was surprised when I heard the scream."


The fact that the screaming is not the woman means that the screaming person was crushed by an iron plate.

⑱ My son

My son sometimes had a strange habit of pointing to the face of a person (in photos and images) with his finger.

It is only recently that the human being pointed at the finger will always die within 3 days.

When I tried to turn on a TV today, my son was pointing to the screen.

On the TV that came on, there is a big member of the Diet.

Hey, do you always die?


"When trying to put on" means that the screen is still dark.At that time, what was reflected on the TV was a narrator who was reflected in the reflection.In other words, it is the narrator who dies.

⑲ bus

A family was on a bus to the countryside to go to my wife's parents' house.

When I came around the foot of the mountain, my child started kneading "I'm hungry", so I decided to get off at the bus stop on the way and eat at a nearby set meal shop.

When the meal was over and the TV installed in the set meal shop, the news was that the bus that was riding a while ago was killed in a falling stone accident.

My wife who saw the news had to get off the bus. "

What is my husband saying that is stupid!She shouted, but immediately noticed her wife's intention, "Oh, it would have been nice if I didn't get off ..."


If this family had no time to get off the bus, it might not have been in the rocks.

⑳ The man chasing

On the way to a convenience store at midnight, a man was chased by a man.The man chased while saying "wound ... wound ...".I desperately escaped, and the man chased, "Pain ... pain ...".I was chasing me desperately, saying, "Rashi ... Rashi ...".He seemed to give up to chase when he came to a big intersection, and the man said, "Nu ... nu ...".What was that man ... I understand!

I was bounced by a car.


Wounds, pain, rasi, nu → kizu, rifles, nu → kizu, sibles, nu → dying if you notice.

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② ① Weapon

What are the police these days doing?It's a crushing grain because I don't work well, even though I'm eating with blood tax.

Last week, there was a murder case near the workplace.Stabs a young woman with an ice pick.And it's not a normal ice pick, it's a business for business use, right?I'm scared.

It's a small town, so wherever you go, it's all about that story.The media is also quite large.It's a rare news, so it's reasonable, but it's irresponsible just to inspire fear.My grandma is so scared that she is working in front of the Buddhist altar every day.

Nevertheless, if the police are, even the weapons are still unknown.I just think it's stupid at all.


The criminal knows that the man of this narrator knows, even though the police don't know the weapon yet.

②② Dating

I met her on a site.And one day, she dated her for the first time.She was nervous or silent, and she didn't speak much.He doesn't fit his eyes very much.After enjoying a movie and a meal, she went to her room.

She seemed tired of her life.She gave a present because she was.

She was pleased.Instead, she gave her a jigsaw puzzle she liked.I am a strange person who likes to break the assembled puzzle.

The next morning I left the room with one piece.

I often get a jigsaw puzzle as a gift, saying that she likes puzzles, but I have a strange habit of taking one piece and forgetting it.


A certain site → suicide site present → Death jigsaw puzzle → Her corpse 1 piece → Part of the corpse

②③ Living alone

Ten years ago

My sister, an art teacher, borrowed a 2DK ragged part for the atelier.She doesn't live in the room, but an apartment borrowed to draw.

It's a waste to rent it!I thought so and asked her sister to live alone in her room.

The first day of living alone.I was excited to return home to the atelier and told me to be careful about the closing of the door, so I put the key and chain immediately after returning.

And after reading the book, the time passes happily.When I noticed, I was already at night, so I checked the door tightening again and fell asleep.

After a while, I think it was probably 2-3 o'clock in the middle of the night.The entrance was open.Apparently her sister came to draw a picture.

When I thought about doing my best at such a time, I entered the next room where I was sleeping.The next room is a room with art materials and campuses.

So my sister is talking about it and laughing.Hmm, she fell asleep, thinking that artists and suspicious people would be a single piece of paper.

When I woke up in the morning, my sister didn't seem to have returned.Her passion for her sister's painting is worthy of respect, and she prepares to go out and leave her house.

When I closed the entrance key, I was suddenly feared.

Since then, I have never stepped into the atelier.


If the key is still, it is impossible for ordinary people to open the chain.In other words, the person who came in was not an older sister.And ... he was not an ordinary person.

②④ Punishment game

It's a long time ago.

I decided to go to a spiritual spot like a punishment game in my friends.

It is a two -story vacant house, and it seems that a woman living in a murder case that happened in the past was killed.

Well, I was a little courageous, and I didn't climb the room on the second floor where the only stairs were broken in the house, but I was still scared.

Simply put, a psychic phenomenon occurred.And many times.

There is a sound that the door is closed, the sound of stepping on the foot from the upper floor, and somehow the sound of the bell is heard ...

I ran away immediately because I couldn't stand it.However, when I talked to my friend at this time, it seems that the psychic phenomenon was actually the work of a friend who was ahead.


The stairs are broken, so friends cannot step on the second floor.In other words, this had a real psychic phenomenon.

② ⑤ White hand

Five people, A, B, C, D, and E at the workplace, held a small year -end party at Ryokan in Atami.

On the way home, I had a ryokan Nakai pushed the shutter and took a group photo.

However, the group photo shows something strange.

The hands are slightly white from A's head, and the fingers are single.The hand growing in B's head has two fingers.Similarly, C is three, D is four, and E is five.

Then, A, B, and C died in order.

D remembered the photo."Next is myself ..."

But E died before D.

D was relieved that his order was blown away.

D, who had a little extra time in his heart, reviewed the photos taken during the year -end party.Then, at the right end of the photo of the question, the half body of Nakai at the inn (a different person from the person who took the picture) is cleared, and his hands are still white.But because of the cut off, I don't know how many fingers are.When D contacted the ryokan, he seemed to have died between C.'s death and E's death.

D finally committed suicide, realizing that his death has come.


The fact that Nakai died between C and E indicates that the hands that had grown from Nakai were four.In other words, the hand that grew from D did not indicate 4, but indicated 6.When one hand alone counts 1 to 10, 6 is in the form of 4.

②⑥ Too kind doctor

Two weeks after the brain death was confirmed, his skin cells were connected to countless tubes and survived by ventilators and infusion.

But that's the story until yesterday.He died."I'm sorry. I did my best ..." The doctor told me with a very sad face.I think he was very light and painful when he died.But don't you have to suffer anymore?It's easier."....... The treatment cost is fine."I cried immediately."... It's hard to see the body," a doctor puts on sheets."... Forget the memories with him and forget it." Thank you for recovering in this one word.Doctor.


He was in a brain death and sold organs.He doesn't take treatment costs, he doesn't show the body, and he recommends cremation.

②⑦ Letter from my mother

It seems to be a letter from a mother in a mental ward to his son.↓ How about your life in Daisuke and Italy?Mom is Futsu.She is fine thanks to the guardian deity gis.She deceives a doctor and eats anything.Neighbors are all good and good.Rest assured.Tomorrow is work, everyone will come and I'm happy.It's fun every day.The salary is not hard.Nene!!It's not bad because it's a ward life, it's a good old age for me.See 'ya.


If you read only a certain part vertically, you can see the answer.

Susuke is a caretaker who has a lot of food and has a daily affairs.

②⑧ Father's home cooking

When I return to my parents' house for the first time in a long time, I remember my deceased mother. Her mother was smart and she was good at chemistry, but her later she had dementia. Her appearance, who was just bothering her father, who had been taking care of her surroundings, came to her eyes. And now when I entered her late mother's study, I felt uncomfortable for the first time. I can't find the calendar given to her mother. When I caught the table without any precise, I noticed that some of the cut ends of some calendars were lined up in order. No matter how amazing my mother was, I was shocked, even though my present was valued. I organized the date lined up with sentiment. 4/4 4/4 4/10 6/11 6/12 5/6 7/2 6/7 6/17 4/14 4/14 5/16 I have only one piece in reverse My father on the first floor called me when I noticed 6/17 and changed to the same direction as other dates. You can eat your father's home cooking for the first time in five years from today. I pushed my sentiment into my chest and left my mother's study.


The date part of the calendar is an element symbol, and it is a code.

4/4 4/4 4/10 6/11 6/12 5/6 7/2 6/7 6/17 4/14 4/14 5/16 Titiniau Na HG MO REATNIGETE ( * 6/17TA) TA) Chineaauna HG Morat Nigete Don't meet your father (HG).

②⑨ "back"

There was a math professor.He picked up one coin on his way home.On one side was a triangular pattern, and the other side was engraved with a star pattern.As the professor was studying the probability, he tried to do the probability of the "back" of the coin.But the professor doesn't know which one is "back".

The next day, the professor asked various people about this coin.However, he has never seen it.

From that day, the professor always carried coins and asked about coins to meet others.He threw a coin if he had time and checked his face.

How long have passed, how much the professor throws coins, and the probability of "triangle" and the probability of "stars" are finally settled.Triangle ... 25 % star ... 75 % is a reliable probability.

However, the professor wanted to know the probability of "back".

After all, I don't know which one is "back"

The professor died.


The surface of the star pattern was radioactive."The back" is called uranium.The triangle is a mark that represents a warning.The star is considered a radiation mark.

③ 0 Confinement case

"The abduction and confinement case is becoming terrible. It was good that the victims this time survived and returned."

"That's right. It seems that it was quite abused and it would take some time to treat the wounds, but it was better than other victims who were confined in the same place as alive."

"There is a considerable distance from the perpetrator's house to the site where she discovered her.

"Oh, thanks to her, the culprit was caught and other victims would be floating."

"She is hard from now on."

"Because both feet were cut so that they could not escape, because they first get used to the wheelchair after treatment."

A scary story when you understand the meaning単語


"She" who inevitably ran is a victim with legs.*"She" who has been cut off her legs is the perpetrator.

Thanks to her (the victim who escaped), she (perpetrator) was caught not because she taught the culprit's house, but because she couldn't escape.She seems to have a foot because she says, "She ran desperately."Also, despite the distance to the site (there was enough time for the culprit to escape), the culprit was caught, so it seems that she has no legs.

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③ ① Hotel

The hotel where I stayed on a business trip was threatening that my colleagues would come out.I was afraid I went into bed that night with a gakber.

There is a sound of knocking the door on the night of the plan.Is it a hotel person?I thought, but there was no reply.I was afraid to see the door and the middle night, where the noise of the knock was over.

After the knock stopped, I immediately checked out.

When I returned from a business trip and talked to my colleagues about knocking, I talked about this, "I was still there."

It is said that the hotel had previously been a fire and was late.Unfortunately, he was trapped in the room and died.

Oh good, what happened if I opened the door?


The spirit should have been in the room because it was a spirit that died in the room in a fire.In other words, not the sound of the knock, but the sound that desperately hitting the door because he wanted to go outside.

③② Elevator

My friend's story

The friend lives in a high -rise apartment

He lives on the 14th floor and requires an elevator. This is a story when he returned home in the middle of the work.

As usual, he rode the elevator and pressed the button on the 14th floor, and the door began to move, and the button on the 8th floor turned on.

"Oh, who will you get on ..."

Immediately after I thought, a surprised friend hit the button on the second floor, 3rd floor, and 5th floor.

Although the elevator passed on the second floor, it stopped on the third floor, so he jumped out with the opening door.

He ran down the stairs, left the apartment, and browsed it at a convenience store until morning.

"Well, I think it's my thoughts, but sometimes it's just a thing."

My friend laughed and talked to other friends, but it seems that he still refrains from using elevators at night.


Even if you press the button from the 8th floor, the buttons in the elevator do not glow.Because it does not glow unless the button is pressed from the inside.That means someone in the elevator.

③) Police officer

It is a story of a resident of a apartment.

On my way home from work, I got on the elevator of the apartment.

When I arrived on the floor of my room and opened the elevator door, I hit a man who came into a mistake.

The man was a man I had never seen in an apartment.

The next morning, the residents learn that there was a murder in the next room last night.

That night, the chime in the room rang, so when I looked into the door hole, a police officer stood there.

"Did you know that there was a murder in this apartment last night?

I would like to ask if you have any information such as seeing a suspicious person. "

At that time, the residents suddenly remembered a man who passed each other in the elevator,

I didn't want to be involved in the troublesome things, so I only answered "I don't know anything" over the door.

The police officer said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

A few days later, the television's face was reflected on the news that the murder culprit was caught.

Seeing it, the residents were bloody.

The criminal's face was a police officer who came to the room a few days ago.


The criminal passed by an elevator and came home in a police officer.If he knew anything about the criminal, I was killed by the mouth.

③④ There is no one

When I talked with my friends, my friend told me that I would like to take a psychic photo after a long time, so there is a private house that has not been demolished even after a murder case on a nearby mountain road, so I went in the middle of the night.saw.From the entrance to the living room, the bathroom, the toilet, the kitchen, the father's room, the second floor from the stairs, and go down the veranda, the mother's room, and the stairs to the first floor.Finally, one by one in the back of the house.I took a picture from one end and went home.

And today.We were surprised to see the finished photo.

Nothing is shown.Of course we are normally reflected.Nothing was a spiritual thing."... is it strange?" "Isn't it already a Buddha, isn't it?"No. There is a private house that is quite isolated from around on the way. Let's go there next time. "" Oh! Seriously? Is it ruined? "I'm looking forward to this night, "Okay, I understand.It's been a long time, so I'm excited.


The hero and his friends are murderers → "Father's room" or "mother's room", but third parties are unknown.→ What you know means that the hero and her friend killed.→ I became a Buddha and I couldn't see it.→ A conversation that goes to the next slaughter target in the “preparation” and “isolated private houses” and “isolated private houses”.

③⑤ Cheating was out

She cheated yesterday.When she returned from her work in her evening, she had a letter from her mailbox.

Ninmi ni Nijikin in the house like a house

What a letter is written at equal intervals like bingo.The intercom rang while thinking while eating dinner.Who is it at such a time?


Sort the contents of the letter to 5x5 like a bingo and read from the upper right.

④ ④ ③ ③ ② ① ↓ Make a maple in Karayate House in the house.

⇒ ① Konya Kimi ② is ③ Because it goes ③, 9 ④ is at home.

⇒ I'm going to kill you tonight, so I'll wait at home at 9 o'clock.

(3) I and she were also cooked with the ingredients I brought in when I came back from the work of Scorpio, the B -type B -type in Scorpio.In other words, the days when spring has come to start is likely to begin. I graduated from a life where I don't care. Even if I have a place where my smile is waiting for a smile, cooking comes out.kana?It's a good thing, it's good, I'm going to do my best, I'm always looking at it, and I always care about it.I'm shy


Read the first letter vertically from above.I'm a woman who has a kitchen knife and I can't get rid of it, she can't escape because she is a woman with a kitchen knife.

③) She, my wife and dog, have her.However, she seemed to have been noticed by her bride recently, and when she got home, she was always noisy.On the contrary, she encourages her by email every day.It's like an oasis for me.But today I won't get an email.When I was sinked and returned to my house, my pet John greeted me in a good mood.The bride was in a good mood and wasn't loud.She wanted to stop her affair and sent her "Goodbye" email.I feel like I heard her email ringtone somewhere ...


I was in a good mood because my wife killed her and the dog John ate her.

③⑧ Hobbies of snowy mountains are climbing a snowy mountain and taking pictures. I climb the mountains as usual today, but the weather worsens and the nearby mountain huts are in the mountain hut to wait for recovery.There is no sign that the woman will subside, so when I stay up the next day, the number of people who are sleeping increased. I waited for the next day I was thinking that there were still people who were in trouble in this snowy mountains.I thought it would be strange that there were so many the next day and the next day, so when I checked while sleeping in the movie mode in the photo I had, the woman is full of blood.I was on the futon


The woman kills.She killed her and put her corpse in her hut.Her clothes are red = blood

③⑨ Dad and mom are happy because dads come back early.Recently, when I return from school, I am at home every day.You can play a lot.So I'm very happy.Before this, I folded my laundry with my dad, mom and Lisa.I folded the dried guy and put it in a closet.It was very good.So I'll do it every day now.When I return from school, I have no dad or mom.I was bored and fiped my laundry again.But dad and mom's trousers are not yet folded.Unlike usual, it is dried in the room, but no matter how much you pull it.I got the socks that were attached to my pants.So still hanging in the room.


④ 0 Traffic accidents I'm ignored by the company now.I know the cause painfully.

The other day, I went on a date with my colleague girlfriend.She is a mood maker like a mood maker.But she died in an accident on the way home from the date.Her passenger seats, which were soaked in her telephone pole, were crushed, and she was the same.

Only I was saved and I returned to the workplace immediately, but there is no one who talks to me because of the grudge that robbed her or because of the pity.

I go to the accident site to handle her flowers and gently join hands.At that time, I heard a memorable voice.

"Are you with you all the time?"


Not only she was involved in the accident, but also himself.Her narrator is unaware that she is dead.

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④ ① The wish of a girl

The girl, who had a girl in a certain hospital room, was born in the hospital room, and the girl has been spending time in the hospital room.The star says, "Let's fulfill your wishes." The girl answered, "I want to fix my illness, make it easier, make a lot of new friends, and play a lot!"Ta ……… Let's fulfill that wish ... ”- 十 十 十 十 か か か か 十 十 十 十 十.And even now, there's something strange ... "My friends are all dead people ..."


"Fixed the disease quickly" ⇒ The meaning of it is.Cure the incurable disease."Fast and easier" ⇒ easier is "dying", "I want to make a lot of new friends and play a lot."④② jumping off

It is a condominium with a lot of sighting information about suicide, a lot of sight of the unmanned apartment, which is scheduled to be demolished when commuting to the company.There are few street lamps around, and at night it is quite creepy and scary.

During this time, when I returned home at around 23:00, I went through it while jerking, but for a moment I felt a figure on the rooftop of the apartment.


I thought it would stop my heart.I looked closely, but somebody stands on the roof.

The moment I thought it was a ghost, the person jumped off.There was an unpleasant noise that was hit by concrete, and I saw a woman falling.

In a hurry, I called an ambulance on a cell phone and rushed to that person.His legs were in a strange direction, not a ghost, but he was quite scared.

Some people heard some of the fallen sounds and saw some people from the apartment veranda.Immediately, an ambulance transported it, but when I got home, I remembered the site and couldn't sleep at all.

When I heard the next day, it was seriously injured, but there was no difference in life.It was really an attempted way ... If you died, it was about to be a trauma orz


At first he says that it is an unmanned apartment.After that, he said, "Some people are watching from the apartment veranda ...".Who was the person who saw it from the veranda even though it was an "unmanned apartment".

④③ Spirit spots

That was when I went to a famous psychic spot when I was 18 years old, at that time I was dating a boy of the same grade and I was dating other couples.

A total of six couples headed to the old tunnel in the mountains. Stopped in the space in front of the tunnel and quietly inside.

The inside was surprisingly quiet, so I was so scared that his arms were holding my eyes closed. In front of us, other couples (tentatively A and B) a "Yada B ~ B, I'm scared. "B" It's okay, so I'll protect it when I don't know ... "A" B ... I'm not scared if I have B! "So

A "If B kisses me, it may be scary ..." B "Eh, eh, ni ..."

"Oueee !!"

I heard a voice that somebody was vomiting.We were completely panicked and jumped in the car and went home

After that, when I talked to an inspired acquaintance, he told me, "It's dangerous, especially when you take a woman, you'll be called a" female killing tunnel "."。Fortunately, we were all male, so we got no matter, but if I was a woman ... I still get goose bumps.


"Oueee !!"と「チッ!」といった人物は幽霊。まさか男同士のカップルが来るとは思わなかった。つまり・・・┌(┌^o^)┐ホモォ・・・

④ Alumni Association I went to the alumni association I went to the alumni association. Everyone's mood maker A taught me a problem I couldn't understand. I was longing for everyone in the B class Madonna CI felt

As I was talking about my memories, I finally talked about the last school trip.

When I wonder what it is, D ... D?Why D was making a fool of this a while ago A, B, C, C, class, and I was also frightened D went in front of each person's seat, spinning with water in front of me.When I came, I shouted, "You weren't at that time, you shouldn't be in this world."


On the last day of the school excursion, all the classmates on which the airplane were crashing and riding died.However, only D, who was ill and could not participate in the school trip, survived.Densh year after the accident, D came in front of the grave where everyone sleeps.


"Kaze, wind, year, night", "clock, dying, permanent", "miss, line, run, reinforcement", "supervisor, prison, shrine, throwing"

The postmark in the letter is yesterday.

"I have to close the key!" I noticed and headed to the entrance, but my mother screamed screaming


There is no quiz.You can read by applying one kanji character.

Now, "Kaze, Kaze, Year, Night" Day "Clock, Teru, Death, Normal" Defeat "Let, Line, Run, Red" prison

Finally, if you read vertically, you will be jailbreak today.His brother came to kill a death row and a family who couldn't kill him.

④ I got a curse book curse book.It is written at the beginning."If you do the procedure written on this, the curse will be fulfilled, but if you make a mistake, the curse will return to you. Will you still do it?"I can't forgive me.That's why I got this curse book.I started a curse procedure.

"1. First, close your eyes and think of the face of the other person you want to curse."

I thought of his face as if he wanted to forget it.Alright, next, which one ...

"2. I think about what kind of curse you want to make."

I will keep giving all the pain to come up with.Alright, next.

"3. Open your eyes at the end"


It is important to say "Open your eyes at the end" in step 3.The narrator opens his eyes immediately after running 1 and reads the true book.At this point, the procedure is wrong, so the curse returns to the narrator.

④ ⑦。。。. The people around me are looking down at me with a annoying face. Some of them were swearing. But I continued to sleep without winning a fierce sleep. The most rude attitude was the station staff bastard. When I drove out the wild horse with a mess, I pulled my face like this. "Hey! Are you alive? Speak something. What is your name?" Then, how about this, I grabbed my hair and forced it. He tweeted, saying, "Don't pull a painful hair," but the station staff got into my head like a bucket. There was something hard inside, and I cut a little over my eyes. As expected, I was sharp. If you look closely at what you complained about, it was my familiar watch.


The narrator fell to the platform and was caught by a train and fell apart.If you dive from the morning and commit suicide, the people around you may be annoying."Pulling my face" seems to be a survival confirmation as you can see from the lines.

④ ⑧ Boiled egg

"What is your favorite food for grandpa?" "It's a boiled egg." "What is your favorite food other than the egg?"


Boiled eggs and boiled grandchildren.His grandpa eats people.

④ shower

When I was taking a shower in the bath, I heard one scream from the living room.I immediately get out of the bath and head naked to the living room.

Then there was a man with a mask and a father, mother and sister's corpse lying on the floor.As soon as the masked man saw me, he immediately escaped from the window and sits down on his face deep blue.


The screaming man was a masked man.The man was a robbery, but he encountered the murder site and raised his voice unintentionally.He was taking a shower because the murderer was me and was washed away when he killed his family.I thought I was arrested because I was naked and did not have a weapon, so I was arrested because I was notified because I missed the man who knew the truth.

⑤ 0 A couple who is 5 years old has a 5 -year -old daughter.One day during the summer vacation, when the morning girl got up, he said something weird [Dad, mom, Ukaya Hategin.Dad, mom, Ukaya Hategin.For a few days, she recorded her daughter's voice to get the couple's creepy and the psychic looks at them.The next morning of the recording, her daughter woke up, and she said, "Enisonuretiki Ezan.My wife also recorded the voice.The next day, her daughter died suddenly.The funeral was over, and the calm couple finally played the tape, saying, "This tape has also been the last look of that daughter."There was a nostalgic daughter's voice there.Once again, the couple tried to listen quickly ran away from the house.


To Ukaya, change the Tegin part and the Enisonuretiki Ezan part into Roman letters.Ukayahetegin and Enisonuretikiezan.If you read this upside down, you will be "run away early" and "Why are you alive? Die!"If I rewind the tape again to ask again, I would have heard my daughter's warning.Her parents ran away.

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⑤ ① Haunted house

During the summer vacation, he entered a haunted house in an amusement park with him.Anyway, I'm afraid, just the inside is completely dark and I'm already gakuburu.He held his arms with his elbows and walked down with his eyes closed.He told me that his chest hits his elbow and feels good, but he was scared and angry.He says, "This is a monster w", but I'm already screaming.He closed his eyes and couldn't see anything, so he sometimes said "Wow w".The last person walked to the exit, while crying, saying, "I'll do my best because it's a little more."When I went out and released his arms, I had a clear bill and laughed too much with my www.


She was walking with his arms and looking down.But she says she was touched by her back.If her arms are held, she will not have her hand marks, and she can't touch her back with her opposite arms.You can't do it unless you face each other.So who was her back and who was given to her hand?

⑤② Box

A strange gentleman brought a box to a man.The box had a button, and there was no other way.The gentleman told the man in a calm tone.

"If you press this button, someone you don't know will die somewhere in a distant place. If you can press this button, give you $ 1 million in cash."

When he said, the gentleman opened the Boston back and showed a stuffed wad inside.When the man hesitated, the gentleman came three days later, and he left, saying he wanted him to decide.He was worried, but he pressed the button on the last day, as he was a stranger.The next day, a gentleman appeared, thanked the man and collected the box in exchange for $ 1 million.When a gentleman bowed and tried to leave, the man asked a gentleman.

The gentleman replied, "Is it really dead?"

The man hurt his conscience, but looked at the wad in front of him to convince himself.

The gentleman smiled, "Tell me one more," "Yes, what are you?" "What do you do with that box?""It will be delivered to someone you don't know in a distant place."


Pressing the box button will give a stranger to die, and the person who pressed the button will be given $ 1 million.So where does the gentleman bring that $ 1 million?The killed person has not been chosen randomly, but has already been decided.It is killed by the person who pressed the button before, and is given to the person who collected the given money and then pressed the button.Even if the next person does not press the button, another person is delivered three days later, and if he is pushed, he will be killed.An infinite loop that repeats it forever.

⑤) A resting convenience store

When I woke up, I seemed to have forgotten to put it on at night, and it was broken or the date and time had shifted, so I was hungry because I was hungry, so I opened the refrigerator but there was nothing to eat yesterday. Even though I should have bought a lot of a lot, my family was so excited that I couldn't help but I decided to go outside and the cat died on the way to a convenience store. Is there a convenience store where I arrived at the convenience store, but I couldn't put it in because it was locked up? I returned home while twisting my neck. After all, I didn't understand why I returned home after all of the store, but I tried to attach a TV, but I couldn't get it, so it was a store or a holiday. I thought so that I couldn't help but I decided to sleep, so I couldn't sleep because I was hungry.


This is a real story in Japan in March 2011.An event in a town in Fukushima where the nuclear accident had occurred.There are many nuclear power plants in the town, and electricity is made there.However, a large -scale earthquake occurred and a nuclear accident occurred.All residents there were evacuated and the town was empty.There was no food I bought in large quantities yesterday because my family took it to the shelter.In other words, the narrator was left without noticing the family.It is dangerous if you do not escape from the town early.

⑤④ Amusement park

A daughter who went to the amusement park with my daughter before entering elementary school was stuck on the entrance, and the daughter who had just been able to read the characters that had been written to have fun is looking at the sign and smiling.I got on a variety of vehicles, such as a roller coaster, a ferris wheel, a coffee cup, but I didn't seem to have enjoyed it.That's why I have a dark face. The amusement park may have been fast, so I decided to go home, and my daughter committed suicide that day and I still can't forgive myself.


My daughter has just learned the letters before entering elementary school.Her narrator tells her daughter that I have to do it like the sign at the entrance.In kindergartens and nursery schools, hiragana and katakana are rarely taught kanji.So she couldn't read kanji yet, and she was reading only hiragana.Enjoy ⇒ Shinto ⇒ Die, you will be dead.

⑤ Rugby

One boy was disappointed.He had a congenital disease without both hands and feet, and he told his doctor that he would not be able to go to school.Nevertheless, his parents decided to enter a normal elementary school by saying that they wanted to respect their will.One day, the child came back with a mud.When he asked what he was doing, he answered with a smile that he was rugby."It was so fun ..." his parents were relieved.


Rugby cannot be done without both hands and feet.He was being bullied by himself as a ball."Let's rugby! You're a ball!"

⑤⑥ robbery

It seems that a husband's wife was robbery at home.She seemed to repel the kitchen knife in her hand, and her wife had nothing to do.She went to the police station to pick up her wife and asked her about her circumstances

"Because the intercom rang, I thought you were back, and when I opened the entrance in a hurry, it was a robbery."

My husband hugged his wife and thought he would have been scared, so he returned home with two couples.


It's strange when you happen to have a kitchen knife.Originally his wife intended to kill her husband, but happened to be robbery.Her husband's life is dangerous.

⑤ Cleaning up

There was a famous sister in the neighborhood.She had her sister and lived with her sister.She had a reputation for being beautiful in the neighborhood and was a very good woman to clean up.One day, her sister told her sister.

"Please clear up the room a little."

My sister was a little sick, but decided to clear up the room reluctantly.She took a few hours to clear up the room, and the room became so beautiful.There, the older sister came back with a big garbage bag.Her sister praised her sister.


Note that you like beautifully.She wasn't beautiful unless she was beautiful, so her sister was dirty and disturbed from her sister.He had a big garbage bag to kill her sister and throw it away.

⑤ ⑧ A cheerful child

When an old man, who had been bent on his waist, was walking on his cane, a small child suddenly hit his body.He has been hitting his body many times.

"... I'm sorry. I'm nostalgic, and everyone gets jayed." "No, it's best for children to be fine,

The man lightly scolded his child, apologized again and left.After that, the police asked for the old man's house, and from that day the old man was crazy.


The child fled with his hands tied behind and his mouth was blocked.Body hit = I was asking for help from the elderly.While running = the mouth is blocked by something.The grandmother with her waist did not seem to be perfect what the child was like.

⑤⑨ Mountains and sea

I went to the mountain yesterday.I went to the sea today.Where should I go tomorrow?I held my head.


The story of the site of the evidence of the body.I brought one leg to the mountain and filled it.I brought one leg to the sea and filled it.Now he has his head on his arm.

⑥ 0 Unfortunate boy

One day, an unfortunate boy asked the orphanage teacher.

Boy "Teacher. Why don't I have dad and mom?" Dr. "Your parents. You were killed by black robbers when you were young." Boy "Why I can't walk? Can't you see your eyes? "Dr." Because the robbery did something terrible. "

The boy resented black.He hated all blacks.He knew it was impossible, but he wanted to find the culprit someday and kill him.One day, the teacher went.

Teacher "Please rejoice! Your feet and eyes will be cured by surgery!"

The boy first had a feet surgery.The day after his eyes surgery, the boy flew in front of the train with a newly healed foot.


I'll kill all the blacks.⇒ Eyes are cured and look at them.⇒ The boy was appalled.⇒ There was my own appearance with black skin. ⇒ The boy was black.⇒ The flow of dive suicide.

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⑥ ① The last year of the 20th century

March 26 (Sun) The last year of the 20th century. The long -awaited employment is decided and I will keep a diary from today. Diary is the conclusion that twists a poor head and what he is doing, although he has finally become a true human. The price of parasitizing the parent's shin for many years is bigger than expected. April 1st (Sat) I have been working from today. Electric manufacturers that everyone have heard once will be my workplace. I need a person like me who looked up at the bottom of the earth until the other day. What time has the chest increased so much? Because it is Saturday on the first day, I will leave with a simple explanation. The first job given on Monday, April 3 is the durable test of the refrigerator door. It seems to evaluate how many times the refrigerator door can be used until opening and closing. The work is extremely simple, and the door is opened and closed with a certain level of power, and the number of openings is counted. I am very proud that I can contribute to the state -of -the -art technology even if I have no learning. I left the work today with 25,000 opening and closing. One week has passed since the endurance test started on April 10 (Monday). The door is normal, rather than broken. It is a really wonderful company to have such a skill to create a sturdy door. I feel again how blessed my situation is. On Tuesday, April 25, I was born in this world for the first time, for the first time I made money on my own. With the favor of the company, you will be able to hand over the refrigerator of the product cheaply. Immediately returning to the house, he gave a refrigerator to his mother with gratitude. She told me that she was involved in the development of this new model, and she was pleased with tears. The first salary and the first filial piety, what a wonderful day? May 12 (Fri) It is a truly sturdy door. Even if you open and close 1 million times, you do not show one distortion. Recently, the sound of opening and closing the door remains in my ears and I can't sleep easily. June 19 (Monday) I wake up in the middle of the night. His arm was repeating the opening and closing of the door. July 15 (Saturday) is sometimes not decreasing where the arm is and where the door is from. Suddenly, a butterfly fell into the refrigerator on Wednesday, August 30. The opening and closing work was interrupted and the butterfly was searched, but I couldn't find it. Sunday, September 3rd, when you open the refrigerator, your eyes will meet the fairy. Indeed, butterflies were also hallucinations. Thursday, September 28, the fairy in the refrigerator becomes ugly day by day. The form is like a demon. October 16 (Fri) The door is open and closed even in a dream. There is no distinction between dreams and reality. On Wednesday, November 22, a week has passed when I noticed. December 31st (Wednesday) This year is over. Still, it's a sturdy door.


October to December is not the last year of the 20th century, a pretty future story.Since 2000, the first Friday, October 16 (Friday) is in 2009.Since 2009, the first Wednesday, November 22 (Wednesday) is 2017.Since 2017, the first Wednesday, December 31 (Wednesday) is 2025.The narrator is gradually becoming more crazy about the spirit and time due to simple repetitive work.

⑥② Memories with my sister

・ 12/15 What do you write? I don't show it to someone, but somehow I introduced myself at first. I died of her parents in a crashing accident and lived with her sister since last year ... but her sister has been studying abroad since this spring. It is March to come back. So I live alone this winter. I'm free, so I'll write it in my diary. By the way, this is a notebook that her sister gave her last Christmas. There is a picture of the tree. Hmm ... I don't write surprisingly. I'm going to sleep today. Sister, good night.・ 12/16 I have a pen, but I have no writing. Even if I try to write my memories with my sister, my hands are hard to move. I can't really do anything without my sister. I want to meet my sister.・ 12/17 Today I was invited by a friend to a joint party. He seems to be doing a joint party for Christmas. Will you get angry if you tell your sister?・ 12/18 My sister's face, who scolds me suddenly, came to her head. I want you to say, "If you're an older brother! I will never say it.・ 12/19 I received a phone call from my sister. When she talked about a joint party, she was told, "Isn't it ... okay? Do you care? It's a cute guy. Of course I won't go. I want to meet my sister.・ 12/20 A gift given to my sister last Christmas. Now I use it carefully. Speaking of which, I don't buy a gift for my sister this year, so I have a lot of money. Huh ... I want to meet my sister.・ 12/21 I want to meet my sister. It seems that you will not come back during the New Year, so will you meet more than three months ahead? I have accumulated money and go to the United States.・ 12/22 I want to meet my sister. I want to meet my sister. I want to meet my sister. I want to meet my sister. I want to meet my sister.・ 12/23 I received a phone call from my sister! ! ! I was surprised that a Christmas present arrived from a person with an unknown sender (laughs).・ 12/24 decided! I'm going to my brother's sister! I can't do it without my sister. So this is the last diary. Then!・ 12/25 Merry Christmas! My sister got a phone call. He said he had a Christmas party. And her sister seems to return home in Japan. I was about to go to the United States. Does your sister want so many New Year's balls? (Laughs) Or did you want to see me? It's a cute guy. I'm waiting for a lot of New Year's balls.・ 12/27… I couldn't believe it. It seems that an airplane heading to Japan crashed. It seems that the contents of the wallet of the gift from me, which the corpse was holding, was identified. The diary I wrote every day is the last today. If you can recover from sadness because the page is still left, I will continue to remember with my sister in December next year.


An odd day in the diary is the diary of the year when my sister died.The even day is a diary one year later.

⑥③ Uninhabited island

"A year ago, there was a case where all seven students of our university died on an uninhabited island?" "Oh, what happened?" It's here ♪ "" Seriously?! " 。 。 When the video was played, "Well, let's watch it for the time being," it seemed like a normal trip at first, but when I found a corpse that night, it seemed like a panic movie. Everyone is trembling and scared. From there, it was discovered in the corpse one after another, and in the end, a photographer and a girl remained. The girl says. "Are you the culprit?! I'm not the culprit! And it's strange to take a video in this situation!" "Not a different one! To give it to the police ..." The girl jumped out without listening to the story until the end. A camera man chasing it immediately. So the screen suddenly turned black, and then a man in a camera, who seemed to have committed suicide by a remnant girl and suicide, were reflected. The video was over.


Who operated the camera at the end of the game?And how did the first person get a video of seven uninhabited islands?In other words, there were someone other than seven on the uninhabited island.

⑥④ Ruins

The story when I was in elementary school. There was a ruin in the town where I lived. It was a two -story apartment -like building, and the wall was made of concrete. The glass was almost broken and the walls were dirty and ragged, so even local people did not approach this place. One day, I decided to go to this ruin after trying my liver with my friend. It was still around noon, so I went up to the second floor of the building and searched for the building. Then one of the lined doors was that the letters were written. When I approached my friend and checked it, he wrote in front of the door, "I have him in her earlier." I and my friend opened the door, entered inside, and decided to move on. Favorites See Details When I walked, I hit the distributed road and wrote on the wall, "I have him in Hidari." I was a little scared, but I and my friends decided to go left. Then, he hit the room on both sides, and the wall was written as "Hadari Karako Hadashi". The moment he saw this, he became frantic and escaped. But I stayed there and decided to go to the right room with courage. As I got in the room, I wrote on the wall at the end of the room, "I am the body, he is in this." Looking down, he said, "Hidari no hello, I don't feel like he's coming." Since then, we are no longer approaching that place.


"I am in this way", "I'm in the sun", "Hadori is a hidari migi", and "My body is in this way" was all written.However, "Hidari -no -Hakara, he doesn't feel like he's coming."If so ...

⑥⑤ Girls' association

女子高時代からの私の親友が、明日、日本を発つ。仕事で海外(初めて聞いた国名で忘れた)に転勤することになったためだ。今日は彼女のために友人が数人集まって送別のために女子会を開いた。(アラサーでも女子で良いよね?) 「10年は日本に帰れない」「現地スタッフは片言の日本語しか話せない」「行くのが心細い。誰かに変わってほしい」 明るくて、弱音を吐くタイプじゃなかったので、相当まいっているんだと思った。お酒が入っていたせいもあっただろうけど、親友は最後まで暗いままで弱音を吐きまくっていた。 女子会の最後に「独りじゃ心細いから付いてきてほしい」と言われた私は、明日は空港まで見送りに行く予定。(元々、そのつもりだったけどね)ラインで親友に「お休み」とメッセージを入れて、返信を待っている…zzz 「何でこんな日に寝坊するのよ、私…」S駅へ向かう電車の中で何度も独り言を繰り返す。空港へ向かう特急に一緒に乗るため、親友とはS駅の1番線で合流することになっていた。 ラインで親友からは「先にいくね」とだけ連絡が入っていた。飛行機の出発は間に合うのでとにかく空港にはいくつもりだけどさっきから親友にいくら連絡しても繋がらないので気持ちばかりが焦る。 そんな時に車内アナウンス。「S駅で人身事故が起き、電車のダイヤが大幅に遅れています」とのこと。「最悪だ…」 結局、電車の中で飛行機の出発時間を迎えることになった私。S駅の2駅前で止まったままの電車の中で、やることもないので人身事故関連のツイートを眺めていると私と親友の共通の友人のツイートに目が止まる。 事故の瞬間を偶然に目撃したらしい。ツイートに目を通して、全身から血の気が引いていくのを感じる。『事故で亡くなったのは○○(親友の名前)と30歳くらいの女性。women are○○の手を引っ張ってホームに引き戻そうとして事故に巻き込まれたように見えた』


My best friend said, "I want you to follow me because I'm alone (going to the world)" and "I'm going (to the world)".If I didn't oversleep, I would have been taken.

⑥⑥ Dating site

When I was watching dating to kill time, I found a profile of S, a friend of junior high school. HN, her hobby was a tequito, but she knew she was S. There is no doubt that I live in the city (my local). I thought I had to contact me, so I emailed the abandoned ad immediately. I "S, right? I remember, I was together in junior high school. " S "XX -chan? Wow nostalgic! I "I was surprised to find it on that bulletin board! It's not the same ~ After all it's cute. What are you doing now? S "I'm going to school." I "Oh, then, maybe □□ college? It was close to the house! S "That's right! I "Wow! ! I was good from junior high school. " And recently, the back road is under construction and I can't concentrate on my study. " S "Yes! It looks like a new store. " It was a vacant lot next to the convenience store. " ○○ -chan, I remember well. " It was close to junior high school, and it was great to eat ice cream in the next park (laughs). " S "I specified. Thank you"


"I" was not S, but another person who used S photographs to know the personal information of S.

⑥⑦ Broadcast accident

At midnight, when the TV broadcast is over, it will be called a sandstorm.This is a true story, but at one point, a person in a local television station inadvertently fled an adult video that he wanted to enjoy and enjoy it during the time of the sandstorm during the night shift.rice field.Of course, dozens of protests were flooded immediately.


When it becomes a sandstorm, usually switch to another station or delete it.However, the complaint came because there were audiences who were watching the sandstorm, and it was a few dozens of immediately ... but now that they have become terrestrial digital, you can't see the sandstorm.

⑥⑧ newspaper delivery

A story about having an unpleasant experience with a part -time job.She had been delivering newspapers every day until five years ago.In my apartment, there was a room for the old man who had been delivering the newspaper all the time, but at the end of the rainy season, I had a strange smell and contacted the landlord.It was annoying around, but the old man died lonely.It seems that two weeks have passed since his death.While posting the Mainichi Newspaper to the post, I wondered if the old man was rotten alone ...I was asked by the police many times about the situation at that time.


There was a person who took in the newspaper from the death of the old man to the discovery of the corpse.

⑥⑨ Division of the accident site

男は帰る途中、事故に遭遇してしまった。 軽自動車がワゴン車に衝突していたようで、彼が見つけた時にはすでに人だかりができていた。場所としてはごく普通の山道のカーブ。 急カーブというわけではないが何故かここでは良く死亡事故が起こる。人通りがほとんどないからスピードを出しすぎてしまうのだろうか?彼がここで事故を見たのは3回目だった。 一回目は乗用車が道路脇の木にぶつかり二回目はトラック同士の衝突だった。そんなことを考えてると軽自動車の中から女性の声が聞こえた。 「そこに誰かいるんですか?救急車を呼んでください!」 その声を聞いて慌てて救急車と警察を呼ぶ。10分もしないうちに救急車が来てワゴン車に乗っていた男性と軽自動車の女性が搬送されて行った。彼はそこにいた若い警察官に事情を話して帰宅した。 帰宅してテレビをつけると先ほどのニュースが流れていた。 「ワゴン車の男性は即死、軽自動車のwomen are病院に搬送されたが3時間後に出血死」 これを聞いて、ああ、あの人死んでしまったんだなと感傷的になった。 後日、再度警察に事情を聞かれることがありその時に担当の若い警察官に「まぁもう少しあなたの発見が早ければ助かったかもしれません、なぁにあなたが気に病むことではありません」と言われた。そんなことを言われても落ち込むものは落ち込む。 その帰り道、またあの山道で人だかりができているのが見えた。


When he found it, it was already crowded.A young police officer "Well, maybe it might have been saved if your discovery was a little earlier", is that crowd?

⑦ 0 years old

あと10分ほどで真夜中になるという時間帯に、私は特急電車に乗っていた。やがて、途中の駅で一人の男が乗り込んできた。その男は、電車のドアが閉まると、突然我に返ったように乗客の顔を見回し始めた。 「すみません。あなたの年齢は28歳ですか?」男が私に話しかけてきた。「そうですが、どうしてわかったんですか」私が聞き返しても、男は無視して、また別の人に話しかけた。 「あなたの年齢は45歳ですか?」「そうですけど……」「あなたは62歳ですね?」「どうしてわかったんだ?」そんなやり取りを繰り返していく。どうやら、その男には、顔を見ただけで年齢を当てる特殊能力があるらしい。 次の停車駅までは、まだ15分以上ある。私を含め、乗客たちは全員その男に注目し始めた。「あなたは50歳ですね?」「そうですが、あと5分で日付が変わったら、51歳になるんですよ」最後に質問されたwomen are、笑顔でそう答えた。年齢を当てていた男の顔が、その途端に青くなった。


The man was not old, but he was dying.That means this express train is within 5 minutes ...

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A scary story with multiple interpretations

There is a correct answer to normal copy and paste, but there are several stories that have an answer called "Napolitan".Here is a corner where you write a scary story if you understand multiple answers.If you want to know the answer to the problem, drag the blank part of the interpretation and the text will be browned.

① Napolitan

One day, I got lost in the forest.At night, my stomach was decreasing.Meanwhile, I found a shop."This is a certain restaurant" is a strange name.I order the popular menu "Napolitan".A few minutes later, Napolitan comes.I eat....... It's strange.salty.It's weird.head hurts.I complained.Manager: "I'm sorry I will recreate it. You're fine." A few minutes later, Napolitan comes.I eat.This time it looks fine.I leave the store.After a while, I noticed ... this is a certain restaurant ... the popular menu ... Napolitan ...

Interpretation ①

In front of the store, it was written as this is a Restaurantfamous for NeaPolitan.I thought it was this is a Restaurant (this is a restaurant) Famous for NeaPolitan.But it was really is a Restaurant Famous for NeaPolitan.American joke that I noticed after leaving the store.Napolitan has a slang that is dirty.

Interpretation ②

Napolitan is used in the United States as a common name for Napolitan ice cream, Naplesitan pizza and Naples -style tomato sauce.Napolitan ice is a three -color ice cream of Strawberry Vanilla Chocolate.He resembled the color of "blood, stool, and semen", and he was slanged as a napolitan ice cream = filth.This is a Restaurant Famous for NeaPolitan. This is a restaurant that produces terrible rice like filth.

Interpretation ③

Speaking of NEAPOLITAN, a three -color ice cream of Strawberry Vanilla Chocolate.From there, it may be a slang, "hitting your partner's nose, causing blood to blood, bukka on your face, and put stool on your face."This is the first thing that came out at the restaurant.A few minutes later came the ice cream.Speaking of NaPolitan Disease, syphilis.Finally, I noticed that I got this.

Interpretation ④

Think of "Toro" in "Tono Restaurant" as "slaughter".According to Kojien, "slaughter" means "killing livestock and removing meat."And it is "Napolitan", but it has tomato sauce.I notice here.The color of the tomato sauce is red, and the blood that comes out when the livestock is killed is red."A certain restaurant" and "Napolitan" have been linked to the common terms of red ones.

Interpretation ⑤

Napolitan → Naples citizens, Naples.Salty Napolitan was human flesh.A restaurant in the forest that feeds human meat.I was at a loss, but I was dangerous.

② Santa doesn't come

One afternoon.A girl was running in the forest of the birds."Mom! Where are you?" A girl shouting.But she has no answer.Eventually, the girl arrived in front of a house."Here! I'm here!" Then the girl opened the door.But there was only one diary.It is placed in the center of an empty house.The girl gently picked up and started reading.

May 16th tomorrow is a fun and fun Christmas.A lot of presents.Very fun.

May 17 Santa doesn't come.Santa doesn't come.Santa doesn't come.

May 18 It was a lot of fun yesterday.I got a lot of gifts from Santa.But it's strange.Where did you put that present?

September 33 The needle of the clock is slowly approaching me.

December 65 Today, I went outside.Then there were many people.It was a lot.But everyone was a weird color.Why?

The girl suddenly closed her diary.She noticed the girl.yes.She was a girl, she noticed ...

Interpretation ①

Girl → egg.The child who wrote the diary before → The fertilized egg abortion before.Room → uterus.Santa → sexual act.Present → sperm.Clock needle → abortion equipment.Weird color → abortion is strange because it has been abortion.Eggs read the diary of an abortion earlier and realized that she was an egg, and she would be aborted by her mother even if she became pregnant.

Interpretation ②

The child who wrote the diary → A girl before being born.Room → uterus.Santa → sexual act.Present → sperm.I went outside → birth.Weird colors → Everyone is wearing mourning because the mother died in childbirth.The girl realized, "Her mother had gave birth and died," she realized.

Interpretation ③

What a girl has noticed is "It's not the case that you're going to go up to your house and read your diary! You have to find your mother!" * Infinite loop END.

③ Santa does not come (problem with hint)

ちょっと長いお話。 One afternoon.A girl was running in the forest of the birds."Mom! Where are you?" A girl shouting.But she has no answer.Eventually, the girl arrived in front of a house."Here! I'm here!" Then the girl opened the door.But there was only one diary.It is placed in the center of an empty house.The girl gently picked up and started reading.

"To my daughter.When you are reading this diary, I'm probably not in this world anymore.I will give this diary to you who do not remember my face at all.

 Immediately after birth, you left me by your father.I'm a Jew, but my dad was not.So he was in me, and even if he was just born, he could be arrested by Gestapo.(Why Santa's identity / present is not available)

 I will eventually be in the Nazi camp.After spending several days there, you should be killed with many Jewish friends.I always believe in God and never throw away hope.But I don't know why they behave like this.(Clock needle / strange color person) (Letter for Romans 9:13)

 When you read this diary, you will probably be wrapped in strong sadness.But I want you to keep that sadness forever.Someday, joy will surely come.(Psalm 126: 5 5)

 Don't forget to joy.Please pray constantly.Thank you for everything.Never succumb to the Nazis and keep a strong will.I want you to be such a person.(Tesaronike 5: 16-18, Job 9 Chapter 9: 33-35)

 I always watch you with God ...]

The girl suddenly closed her diary.She noticed the girl.yes.She was a girl, she noticed.

There is no mother in this world anymore ...

Interpretation ①

Date that does not exist → Bible number.Santa → Red Army (or father).People of weird colors → Jews who have been killed and discolored.Time is after the Nazi era.I am a Jew and German child.At that time, there was a Jewish massacre, and when I was with his mother, I was killed.I was safely deposited by the Red Army (father).

④ The girl is walking on the road

The girl is walking on the road.She is walking on an unknown road.She asked an aunt she met on the way.Girl "Where is this place?" Aunt "I'm a little lonely. That child is always kind."

The girl is walking on the road.She is walking along the dusk road.She asked a young man on the way.Girl "I want to go home, but I don't know the way." Youth "I can only be the moon of that child. I can't get closer just by turning around around."

The girl is walking on the road.She is walking on a straight road.She asked her grandfather on the way.Girl "What is there in the future?" Grandmon "The shape of sadness is different for each person. I hope that child will notice it."

The girl is walking on the road.She knows this path.She tweeted her tears and tweeted.Girl "That's right ..."

Common interpretation

The planet is anthropomorphic.

Girl → "Comet" Aunt → "Planetary" Youth → "Satellite" Grandfather → "Star" That Child → "Earth"

Interpretation ①

Girl disappearance theory

Aunt (planet) ... lonely (a lifeless planet), that child is a gentle (suggesting the planet of life, the earth) ... the moon, the Earth's satellite.Grandfather (star) ... the sun.The form of sadness is individual.I hope that child notices it.Do you think it's sad that it will eventually disappear?Do you feel sad to live lonely?*The sun = a limited life (someday burns out)*Earth = Eternal life (unburned) girl (comet) Knowing this path → I have been passing once (a periodic comet like Comet Halley) Tear and tweetI realize that I'm going to disappear.* The comet is mainly made of ice and dust, so if you pass through the sun, some comets will disappear, but the cause is due to radiant heat from the sun.Every time I pass through the sun, I lose my life.

Interpretation ②

Earth collision theory

Girl ... Comet that collides with the earth (long comet = long hair of a girl) that child ... Earth aunt ... Venus, the only female god in the planet) "I'm a little lonely. That child is always kind. "Noyo" is sad because when the earth is gone, it will no longer be lined up in a linear shape. (Venus = venus is a symbol of beauty) Youth ... The moon, which is the satellite of the earth (it is relatively new than the planet), "I can only be the moon of that child. I can't get closer just by turning around, so I'm jealous of a girl who collides with the earth because it doesn't approach the earth just around the earth. Grandfather ... Stellar → Sun "The shape of sadness is each person. I hope that child will notice it." There are various ways to disappear. The grandfather is thinking about whether the earth will notice at his end (comet collision). Finally, the girl (comet) sheds tears, knowing that she will collide with the earth.

⑤ New apartment

When I go home from work and drink beer after bathing, the children on the upper floor are still making noise today.Every day since I moved ...The voices and footsteps that can be heard on the lower floor are extraordinary.What are your parents doing?I tried to be careful many times, but his wife stops me each time

"If we have a child someday, we'll be full of energy. It's like each other."She started dating since college, and in her eighth year.She is always a very kind and proud wife who always notices people.I have recently been promoted.This apartment I bought from them.My wife says this is good.The size is 4LDK on the top floor.The view is good, and it is enough to have a child.

In fact, I have been watching this apartment since the beginning of construction three years ago.Anyway, if you live, there are 3 minutes on foot from the station where you will stop, and there are parks and shopping malls around.I have seen the architectural company that emphasizes my wishes, calling the priest many times and doing something like an exorcism ritual.It is safe for a solid construction company.

That happy face when she showed her information on this apartment as if she was a coincidence.I didn't think she would be so happy.I am very grateful to this apartment now that I can live peacefully except for the residents on the upper floor.

Interpretation ①

Even though it is the top floor, the children are making noise on the upper floor → There is no room on the top floor = the ghost is making noise.Calling a priest and ritual of exorcism ... there was some accident during the construction.

Interpretation ②

A disease where the narrator and his wife can hear hallucinations.

Interpretation ③

He is abducted on the top floor and hides the child who has been abandoned.

Interpretation ④

Accidents under construction ... There is something in the land itself.Her wife says this is really good ... she has an attachment to this land before the apartment is built.Eight years after dating ... I became pregnant, gave birth and disposed of before my marriage.Mizuko (abortion) gave birth because there was no reason to stick to this land.

I'm a stuff. Today I asked my friends if I knew the person called XX


I asked the teacher who was still difficult

"Hmm? Who is it?"

The school was over and I asked her

"No, who are you?"

Was it too difficult? But if I respected my parents, I went home and asked

"Ah ... who are you?"

What, nobody knows

Interpretation ①

The other person knows the other person, but he doesn't know himself.

Interpretation ②

I think as if I had a memory impairment and knew strangers.

* We plan to add scary stories if you are interested.

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Scary related videos that understand the meaning

Related items that are not so scary even if you understand the meaning
