[Sephi] All sites are converted to all sites with video data by camera

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1979.He was in 1999 while studying at Konan University Faculty of Economics.Founded COM.After graduating from the university in 2002, he joined Sony Network Communications.Founded Suffy in 2014.On September 29 this year, it was listed on the TSE Mothers market and recorded a market capitalization of 164.6 billion yen.

Unicorn company that also invests in Sony and Canon

"Even if there is a camera, it is not worth it unless they are used. I want to proceed with the" site DX "of all industries with video data."

 We have developed cloud recording services that can be used in various fields that require remote needs and productivity improvement in corona.By installing a camera in the necessary parts and checking the video data, there is an advantage that you can find all issues even if you are not on site.

 For example, the ICU (intensive care unit) of St. Marianna Medical University Hospital, which accepted the infected person of the Diamond Princess, connects the camera video for patients, conducts confirmation by a doctor remotely, and secondary infection to medical workers.Was down.


 In the "remote presence" that checks whether the construction under construction is progressing as planned even at civil engineering and construction sites, if the employee at the site goes to the site with a camera on the breast pocket, it will be confirmed at the head office.It was possible, and the number of places where two locations were limited a day increased to about 40 places.

"Even at a restaurant / retail store, one store manager can check multiple shops at the same time, and even dairy farmers can always check the birth of cows from home. By leaving the machine left to the machine, people are human -like.Can be realized "

 In the cloud monitoring and recording service share, about 150,000 units have gained about 50 % share.The camera manufacturer is "business partner, not an enemy."In fact, Sony, Canon, Mitsui Fudosan, etc. are listed on shareholders.

 The next thing we aim for is the public site.Conduct a demonstration experiment in Chiba City and proceed with verification."As the typhoon is damaged, the camera can grasp the situation if the camera watches the river rising water."

 On the other hand, video data also has a privacy problem.In addition to "increase security level by encryption of image data," a third -party data constitutional committee composed of constitutional scholars and lawyers has been set up.The idea to protect personal information.

 Originally, when I built my home, I learned about the analog of security camera services, and thought, "I wonder if I can create a camera service directly connected to the cloud that everyone can use," and became independent with the Sony Group.It will continue to play the role of people's eyes.

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