Russian prisoners of war "Putin this video ..." Ukraine released one after another "Aim to demoralize in information warfare"

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ロシア兵捕虜「プーチンにこの動画を…」ウクライナが次々公開 “情報戦で士気下げる狙い”

The Ukrainian government has released a video of Russian POWs on SNS. Fierce battles are taking place not only on Ukrainian territory but also on the Internet. [Image] "Russian POW" video released by the Ukrainian side

Ukraine and Russia Information Warfare Net Strategy

Video posted on SNS by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense ... It is said that the Russian soldiers in prison are shown on the screen. The words the POWs said ... "Russian POWs" in the video: Mom, take me out of here. -What did you come here to do? Here ... killing the general public ... killing people who aren't doing anything wrong "killing people who aren't doing anything wrong" .. In addition, there are harsh words to the Russian government and the military that ordered the invasion. "Russian POWs" in the video: Originally not killing the general public, avoiding it-it was all a lie! You're attacking kindergartens and residential areas! There are children! See this If so, speak out, loudly. Show this (this video) to Putin! According to American CNN News, some POWs complained that they were not well equipped, were completely untrained, and were 19-year-old soldiers. Says. What is the aim of the Ukrainian side to send information about Russian POWs? Military journalist Kazuhiko Inoue: This is a psychological warfare against Russia, isn't it? After all it is my husband or son here. I don't mind if these people are in the picture. Of course, if the war is prolonged, they will be returned for a long time, and there are various voices in Russia saying "Stop the war early" from their relatives. This is the purpose of getting such a voice out, isn't it? He pointed out that the video release is a "psychological warfare" against Russia. In addition, such a video.

Russian soldier "occupant robbery at store" Ukrainian side released

This is a video of a security camera published on Facebook of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. It is said to be a store in the city of Ukraine. One of the soldiers seems to be standing in front of the cash register and looking for something. In addition, a soldier who quickly left the store with a white bag in his hand was also seen. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense explained that it was a picture of a mass looting by Russian soldiers. "The occupier is robbing in the store," he criticized violently. Kazuhiko Inoue, a military journalist: This has destroyed the prestige of the Russian army, and the Russian army is doing this for the international community. Opposing Ukraine's accession to NATO, the troops who came in said that the soldiers at the end entered a private shop and did something like this. The criticism of Russia that it's a strange guy is getting louder. In that sense, it is effective. Even in Russia, there are voices against military invasion. Professor Itsuro Nakamura, University of Tsukuba: The anti-Putin movement is getting bigger. Did it inspire you? There is even information that nearly 7,000 civilians have been detained. I also think that the Russian soldiers on the front line are also doing it on the Internet, probably on their mobile phones. While I think the aim is to lower the morale of Russian soldiers, the Russian side is also embarking on information control. According to Reuters, Russian communications regulators ordered Google on February 28 to immediately block false information about the damage to Russian troops and Ukrainian civilians. Information warfare between Russia and Ukraine that continues behind the fierce battle. What kind of impact will it have on the future war situation?

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