「Visual Studio Code」に不審なリポジトリを安全に扱える「制限モード」

Updated May 2021 with new welcome page, terminal tab, etc.

「Visual Studio Code」v1.57

 Microsoft, the United States, updated on June 10 (local time) on the code editor "Visual Studio Code" in May 2021 (V1).57) was officially released.This month, many attractive new features have been introduced, such as the new security function "WORKSPACE TRUST", the new "start of work" screen, and the official version of the "Terminal Tab".

Workspace Trust

 There are many cases where repositories other developers other than themselves, such as public repositories in Visual Studio Code.But unfortunately not all of them can be trusted.It is not always the case that there is no developer who secretly sneaks into malicious code, but it is troublesome if such codes are freely executed locally.

「Visual Studio Code」に不審なリポジトリを安全に扱える「制限モード」

 Therefore, the latest version of "Visual Studio Code" introduced a "restriction mode" (see safe code), which partially disabled the functions of the workspace.If you try to open a folder or execute the code in "Visual Studio Code", the "Workspace Trust" screen will appear, and you can choose whether to trust the folder.A relatively small repository that other developers participates or is not checked should be "trusted" (restricted mode) just in case.In the "Restriction Mode", tasks, debugging, workspace settings, extensions, etc. are locked down, and the code is not automatically executed.

「Visual Studio Code」でフォルダーを開くと「Workspace Trust」画面が現れる「制限モード」ではタスクやデバッグ、ワークスペース設定、拡張機能などがロックダウンされ、コードが自動で実行されることはなくなる

 When the workspace becomes "Limit Mode", a label indicating it is displayed on the status bar.If you use this label or [Manage Workspace Trust] command in the [Settings] menu at the bottom left of the screen, you can always switch the mode of the workspace.


New "Start of Work" screen

 The "Visual Studio Code" development team was working on improving the welcome screen with the past two itelation (development cycle), but this month's update was enabled and enabled.A screen called [Start Work] should be displayed for all users (it can be accessed from the [Help] - [Overview] menu).

 In this page, you can set the design and extension functions from the [Start VS Code] button by step -by -step, and access the tutorial to learn the basics and increase productivity.When all tutorials are completed, the button is deleted, and a list of recently opened workspaces is displayed (the number of displayed items is extended).

New "Start of Work" screen[VS Code を開始する]ボタンからデザインや拡張機能などの設定をステップバイステップで行える

Terminal tab

 "Terminal Tab" updated in April 2021 (V1).The feature provided by 56) has been enabled by default this month.

 The "Terminal Tab" appears on the right side of the Terminal panel when there are two or more terminals.You can click to switch the terminal, as well as change the icons and colors to distinguish them, and sort them by dragging and dropping.When the screen is divided, the terminal is connected by a ruled line, and can be processed by dragging and dropping independence or addition.

「Terminal tab」は、ターミナルが2つ以上ある場合に[ターミナル]パネル右側に現れる

"Microsoft Edge" debugging

 The JavaScript debugger has been integrated with the Microsoft Edge developer tool, and DOM, style, and network -inspector are available from the [Inspect] icon newly established on the Visual Studio Code debug toolbar.The debug efficiency is greatly improved, such as being able to navigate elements from "Visual Studio Code".

JavaScriptデバッガーが「Microsoft Edge」開発者ツールと統合

 In addition, @Link of "JSDOC" is supported.The [Move to the definition] command of the code file has been expanded, and it can now be jumped to images and style sheets.In addition, the notebook API was almost completed, and the specifications were confirmed.I would like to look forward to future use.

 "Visual Studio Code" is a high -performance code editor that runs on Windows/MacOS/Linux.JavaScript, TypeScript, node.The feature is that JS is built -in and supports powerful coding support, debugging and integrated terminal functions, and by adding a language server -friendly extension, it can handle a wide range of programming languages.Currently, it can be downloaded free of charge from the official website of this software.If you have already used it, you can update using an automatic update function.
