Utilizing IoT, the remote monitoring Kintetsu is introduced in two locations on the Osaka Line and the Nagoya Line, and Amnimo cooperates in technical cooperation.

Kinki Nippon Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Kintetsu) is a railroad crossing utilizing IoT using the technical cooperation of SoftBank Co., Ltd. and Amnimo Co., Ltd.It has been established a "railroad crossing remote status monitoring system" that remotely monitor the condition of the equipment, and announced that it has been introduced to Kintetsu railroad crossings in November 2021.The company has already started operations at the Osaka and Nagoya Line, and will continue to introduce other railroads.

IoTを活用して踏切設備の状態を遠隔監視 近鉄が大阪線、名古屋線の2カ所で導入 ソフトバンク、アムニモが技術協力


踏切遠隔状態監視システムは踏切設備から取得した動作記録や監視カメラの映像を、ソフトバンクのLTE回線を利用して伝送している。具体的には踏切設備の動作記録装置と監視カメラをアムニモが提供するLTE回線対応エッジゲートウェイ「AG10」に接続し、ソフトバンクが取り扱うリモート接続サービス「remote.It is a mechanism to transmit data and images to the administrator's personal computer using IT (remote it)."Remote."IT" is unnecessary to have global IPs and can communicate with each other between private IPs (P2P), so data can be transmitted to security while reducing the risk of unauthorized access and eavesdropping.


Kintetsu can find the operation record of railroad crossing control devices, alarms, and barriers, etc. and video of surveillance cameras remotely due to the introduction of a railroad crossing remote status monitoring system, so that the cause of the early cause in the event of an abnormality is identified and restored.Efficiency can be expected.In the future, we will consider applications to other facilities, such as monitoring electrical equipment in the garage, as well as railroads, to improve the efficiency of the use of IoT, and to transport more secure and stable railway transportation.We will work on providing services.


[Roles of each company]

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