Release of "Alterlock", which realizes a road bike theft device with SIGFOX and protects your favorite car with IoT

It is a lightweight sports car and I do not want to carry a sturdy U -shaped lock -the worries of cyclist employees are the trigger of development

 Next Scape Co., Ltd., a provider of Alterlock, was an IT company established in 1999, and was originally launched by three people in a lab on the theme of data mining at Keio University.Mr. Satoshi Kosugi, President and CEO, is one of the founding members.Kosugi was an engineer who was strong in the database field, and the remaining two were good at networks and web design.


 Currently, he has a wide range of fields, including cloud development, digital marketing, music and video distribution, and the cloud integration division has begun to develop Azure as of 2010.In music and video distribution, it has been driving system development in various fields, such as developing back -end services for many music stores and video distribution sites in Japan.

 It was about two and a half years ago that the company began searching for new business in the future, with an anticipated trends in the IT field."From now on, I gave a message that I needed to work on IT x agriculture, IT x medical care, not just SI, but some ideas from employees.It was suggested. Alterlock was the one who thought it could go from among them "(Mr. Kosugi).


 The project was launched by Seidake Teruyama, a product manager of the current Alterlock business development team.Teruyama has a hobby of road bikes, and has long been felt by the security of sports bicycles.In a thin wire lock, it is easy to cut using a tool, so I'm worried about protecting a expensive bicycle, but even though I'm riding a lightweight sports bicycle, it's over 1 kg.I don't want to carry a character lock.Alterlock was thinking to solve such a problem.

 "I have been thinking about the idea of a" security system for bicycle that can track location information ", but the only way to realize it in the era without LPWA is to insert a smartphone SIM card and send data.There was no. However, it will be a business for consumers because the basic fee will be higher, so it will not be a business for consumers. LPWA appeared in such a case. There are various things in LPWA, but among them, on a nationwide scale.I decided to realize the service using SIGFOX, which is being developed as a public service. "(Mr. Teruyama)
