Providing excitement from men's idols on the day of Christmas Eve! Japan's largest outdoor festival where you can be enthusiastic about both "music and food"! ~ "Super! Eating Max Entertainment 2021 Supported By Lottery Live ”~

Super! The Eating Max Executive Committee will release an expanded version of the food and music outdoor festival "Super! Eating Max" on December 24, 2021 "Super! Eating Max Entertainment", which has mobilized an amazing 100,000 to 400,000 people. We are pleased to inform you that the event will be held as "2021 Supported By Kuji Live".

"* ChocoLate Bomb !!", "Panda Dragon", "cosmic !!", including "Iripon-sensei", who boasts about 80,000 Twitter followers, and "Boymen Area Research Student", the younger brother group of BOYS AND MEN. More than 7 groups, mainly men's, such as "ReLIT" and "▷ Savepoint" will appear! !! The concept of the day is to have all of men's and entertainment eaten up! !!

In addition, "Super! Eat Max" will collaborate with "Furusato Cheer Meshi", which has more than 20 restaurants where you can enjoy gourmet food from all over Japan at once. In addition, we have decided to collaborate with other famous events in the schedule. There is no doubt that it will be an event that will further color the Christmas season, which is exciting in the world! !!

◇ Organizer: Super!Eating Max Executive Committee

(Good Choice Entertainment Co., Ltd.)

◇ Generic name for the entire period: Furusato Cheering Festival "Super! Eat Max-Eat!

Furusato Support Meshi-Supported By Lottery Live "

◇ Venue for the whole period: Yoyogi Park

All period: 4 days from December 23 (Thursday) to December 26 (Sunday), 2021

All hours: 10: 00-16: 00 (Venue 10:00)

[DAY1] Thursday, December 23, 2021

BUZZDOL FESTIVAL !! from Super! Eat Max 2021 ~ Eat! Furusato Support Meshi-Supported By Lottery Live-Buzz Festival !!

[DAY2] December 24, 2021 (Friday)

Super!Eat Max Entertainment 2021 Supported By Lottery Live

[DAY3] Saturday, December 25, 2021

Super!Eat Max x Diamond Festival 2021 Supported By Lottery Live

[DAY4] December 26, 2021 (Sun)

Super!Eat Max × @JAM Special Collabo Stage 2021 Supported By Lottery Live

◇ Tickets will be on sale: Sunday, November 21, 2021

クリスマスイブ当日にメンズアイドルからドキドキを提供! 「音楽×食」双方で熱狂できる日本最大級の野外フェス開催! ~『超!喰らいマックス エンタメ2021 Supported By くじライブ』~

Super!Eat Max Entertainment 2021 Supported By Lottery Live

■ Super!What is Eating Max 2021?

Japan's largest food and music event that started in 2018. In the past, we have collaborated with "Furusato Cheer Meshi", which has a sales record of 400,000 meals, which is a specialty menu from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. "Furusato Support Meshi Supported By Kuji Live" was held.

This time, various artists will be invited to the stage in Yoyogi Park and will be held for 4 days, and live performances such as idol band dance will be shown. This event advocates an event that can eat all of music and food.

In addition, Mi-glamu has been decided as a model press and cooperation partner for the official media, and we are planning to hold and operate it so that both artists and visitors can experience unprecedented enthusiasm.

* The executive committee will continue to consider holding the event at Korona-ka, and on the day of the event, temperature measurement at the entrance gate, installation of rubbing alcohol for fingers, mandatory masks for staff and visitors, restrictions on the number of people in the venue, etc. We will take all possible measures against infectious diseases and hold safety and security first.

* This performance will be based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Coronavirus Infection Prevention Guidelines. The management policy may change due to the arrangements of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the park secretariat.

◇ Eating Max Official HP:

Super!Eat Max Supported By Lottery Live Logo

■ What is lottery live?

It is a media specializing in online lottery that you can play from 330 yen (tax included) once. After registering as a free member, you can draw a lottery from the lottery screen like a live venue by purchasing a ticket. Since its appearance, it has been highly supported by artists' fans because of its characteristic of no loss, and lottery live has been supported to this day as a mechanism to support new artists. As for the contents of the prize, we will prepare various prizes for each event such as digital contents that can be downloaded on the spot after winning, goods such as limited autographed colored paper, and event participation rights. Of course, the lottery of the artists who will appear this time will also be held.

◇ Lottery Live Official HP:

Lottery live logo

■ Super!Eating Max Secretariat Overview

Organizer: Super!Eating Max Executive Committee

(Good Choice Entertainment Co., Ltd.)

Public Relations Office: INFINITY Co., Ltd.

■ Inquiries from the press

Super!Eating Max Executive Committee

Person in charge: Suzuki

